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Absolutely!!! It’s the only hope.
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This gives chills. I live with a pervasive feeling of dread. I’m hoping the one part of this statement isn’t true…Americans continuing to align with authoritarian rule. My hope is the pain will set off alarm bells. Will they really follow him into the gates of hell dragging the rest of us with them?
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Oh I saw this coming. It was a setup. Vance can’t act worth a damn so his performance seemed anything but spontaneous and in the moment. And the other guy lies as easily as he breathes. Now the talking point for those down the chain. “You must resign”. Oh the outrage! (How did we do Vladimir?)
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My problem is I can’t relate to not making uncomfortable decisions and facing the truth. And I think foolishly most people think or act the same. But they don’t as I constantly need to learn the hard way over and over. I’m flawed.
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Good article. Unsurprising to me. He’s the model recruit. Meets so many requirements. And his allegiance is to -one- thing which is painfully clear to anyone with a brain. Money which equals power. Why is is this so difficult for anyone to wrap their minds around? Constantly miffed.
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Bingo. Surrender or else.
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Exactly. It’s all in plain sight now. Where’s Bill Barr when you need him to fudge what everyone witnessed as collusion in real time?
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Perfectly perfectly said. Consequences.
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I am waiting for something deadly horrific to happen. This can’t continue without consequence.
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They are just getting started.
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She was phenomenal. I knew the man who wrote many of her huge hits. Michael Masser. Greatest Love Of All. Saving All My Love. Didn’t We Almost Have It All. Many more. When he played Greatest Love on my piano one Christmas I was speechless. I heard her first album while being produced. Incredible.
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Seriously Frightening. Unsurprising. Allegiances were clear in first term.
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Easily 300,000.
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Oh my. That’s hysterical. And I seldom comment on anything.
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Good for her. And the others. As I have said. He destroys everything he touches.
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You would say that.
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Why do I keep hearing the quivering voice of Susan Collins saying “I think he’s learned his lesson”???
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I get it. This is when compartmentalizing is necessary. I would not attack her for that. But I did and have after her attack on Al Franken. That was wrongheaded idiotic hysterics.
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I’ve wondered at times if I’m being paranoid. But I should listen to my initial thoughts to be cautious. And I do…mostly.
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Unreal isn’t it?
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I m constantly aware but I may not be measured enough though. I fear what is to come.
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It’s masterful. Complete control of every facet. Everything which constitutes the American experience. Chipping away bit by bit. Freedom of expression diminished little by little. All threats abolished one step at a time. He destroys everything he touches. That’s the plan.
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I still have the survival notebook you assembled when we worked together just following 9/11.
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My 103 year old friend in 2008 loved being able to vote for Obama. She lived to be 105 and witnessed him as president. But she said before his election…if he wins your life won’t be worth anything and if he loses it won’t be worth anything either. She adored Obama but knew in this country..
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Just brilliant. Voting for someone because you think there are enough guardrails in place to protect the public from that person.
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That’s perfect. All schtick.
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Perfectly perfectly said David.
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God you’re good.
I’m e mailing you something. It will take a little time to watch but so worth it. Mirrors you’re not giving up stance. You’ll appreciate.
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I first saw this in The Guardian. Now Vogue. I’ve advised people outside of the entertainment business how to send messages in the courtroom, boardroom etc. with clothing. Of course she is sending a message. I had trouble defining it. You hit the nail on the head. Intimidation! Thank you and Yech.
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I love him too. Will follow him wherever he lands. A true journalist with principles. Anything that gets under the hide of that monster is doing the right thing.
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Ok. Got it.
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I’ll follow your lead. But I’m disturbed by the silence.
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Jim Acosta. CNN got the message without any help it seems. Frightening times. Democrats are rolling over. Pathetic.
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Her sister was engaged to Elie Wiesel in the old country before being rounded up. Incredible story about my neighbor approaching Elie a few years back at a function. There was security around him. My neighbor shouted his birth name. Stunned he stopped everything. She told him about her aunt.
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Or my longtime neighbor’s mother who escaped a Nazi death camp as a young teen. Book and a doc about that. Her tale of survival wasn’t about managing emotions. She passed last year. Incredible woman.
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And I wish my dad was here to ask how did you manage your emotions at 18 defending your country in WW2 when that kamikaze struck your boat and killed the gunner you had just a minute before exchanged positions with or my friend David’s father who survived the Bataan Death March. PATHETIC
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He is my absolute favorite and has been for a long time. He has gravitas and grit. My hero. I have a man crush. I really admire him.
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So so sad.
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Exactly. A barrier. The entire outfit a shield. Cold cold cold.
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There is too much to be said in this small space about how I feel concerning the Democratic Party and the debacle that was 2024. And no I don’t blame Biden or Harris. But the orchestrators….pathetic. And now Bipartisanship? I can’t waste anymore time with these spineless enablers.
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An enlightened person.
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Says a lot when the populace would forego the best interest of their nation for such a dangerous threat. But wait they did that on Election Day 2024.
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Just saw this. Very sweet. I’ll share it with her.
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Today is her 93rd.
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I’m so glad to hear your property survived. I’ve been in deep with my mother and her valve replacement and dodging the effects of the fires simultaneously. And then there is the apocalypse coming in DC. I don’t intend to watch. I’ve walked away. For now. Maybe for good.
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I’ve been so hoping you were spared.