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Postdoc @ University of Duisburg-Essen // interpersonal communication researcher // #incivility #reactance #GDR #conversationanalysis // Dad.
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📢 *Open Access* Thrilled to announce that my book "Linguistic Knowledge and Language Use" has just been flipped open access! Thanks to from The book & individual chapters can be downloaded here:

Just read - again 🫥 - a paper on our favorite "stochastic parrot" ChatGPT. Yes, ChatGPT can *show* elements of conversation analysis, but it cannot *do* CA. AI can replicate patterns, but it lacks the human insight that conversation analysis demands.

Schönes Review zu einem wirklich empfehlenswerten Band! ☺️

Wir beobachten diese Entwicklung im #Diskursmonitor schon länger. Ja, manche mögen auf die KI-generierten Inhalte hereinfallen. Ein anderer Effekt könnte aber viel problematischer sein: ob etwas 'echt' ist oder nicht, wird irgendwann einfach 'egal'. #KI #Fake

Well just received this email regarding a paper under review:

Thrilled to share that my latest research on dance in interaction is published 🤩 It shows how transitions from one activity to multiple follow three steps: 1) Project the shift, 2) Mobilize resources (gestures, positioning, cues), 3) Start both at once. Open access in Frontiers in Communication 😁

What methods and data define the next generation of conversation analysis? In my new study, I surveyed #CA PhD researchers. 👉 Most use audiovisual data for studying social interaction and use a combination of interactional linguistics, conversation analysis, and multimodal approaches.

Das ist ein interessantes Forschungs-Projekt. Es gibt bislang nicht genügend Studien und Daten dazu:

🚨Out now: Zollner, Sebastian (2023): Counterspeech Practices in Digital Discourse – An Interactional Approach. In: Ullmann, Stefanie/Tomalin, Marcus (Hg.): Counterspeech. Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Countering Dangerous Speech. London: Routledge, 17–49.

Hi, new followers! Here for conversation analysis? You got it! Think resistance to climate action, MCA on far-right content, the GDR, and yes…statistics😱 Still here? I just teamed up with Valentina Nachtigal on a science comms project, where I point at things excitedly, and she explains them to me.

Gabriele Diewald zeigt hier eindrucksvoll, wie man mit einem vermeintlich wissenschaftlichen Beitrag in Sachen #Gender und #Linguistik umgeht. Selten eine Rezension gelesen, die so den Kern eines Werkes getroffen, ja nahezu gespalten hat. Frei verfügbar unter:

🎉 Just published! Our study on science communication videos shows both professional and casual science videos can boost knowledge. What matters most is how engaging and credible the presenter is! You don’t need fancy tools to make an impact: jump into #SciComm today! 🎥💡

Big on Associations, Not Assumptions.

Today, I had another favorite session in my #xenocommunication seminar 🤩 We read "A Desolation Called Peace" by and discussed the first contact depicted in it with much enthusiasm and seriousness, against the backdrop of current #xenolinguistic literature 👽

praatpicture 1.2.0 is now on CRAN, time for a HYPE THREAD 👀💅💯💥🍾🎉🎆

Emanuel Schegloff, one of the founding figures of Conversation Analysis has passed away. Aside from the brilliant, concise yet often very long papers, he taught so many of us the patience and imagination required for ‘unmotivated listening’ .

Freude an Kommunikationswissenschaft, Onlineforschung und Methoden? In meinem Team in Münster ist eine Stelle zu besetzen. Wir untersuchen die Raumzeit von Likes 👍, #hashtags und 💬 Kommentaren🙂

Just had an incredible moment in my #AcademicTeaching! 📚 I turned the #DarkForestTheory into a board game for my #xenocommunication seminar. Students played as civilizations discovering, communicating, or destroying each other 🛸 True to theory, most chose violence. Lesson learned: hiding wins.

As a movie director, I've come to realize that sometimes you need to be a little 'cinematically intoxicated' to truly appreciate other films 🎬🍷(sorry for the non academic post 😅)

A little dream has come true for me today ✨ Giving a talk on my own project at the very place where my love for communication studies began 15 years ago felt surreal; full circle 😁 thank you #dgpuk

Spread the word: #OpenQDA is available as early access. It’s a new software for #coding of #qualitative #data such as #interviews, #protocols and others. OpenQDA is clear and easy to use, you can work together as a team, extend everything via plugins - and it's #opensource.

Are you a serious social scientist considering using "generation" labels in your actual research? Here is all you need to know: #demography #generations

"Für uns ist es deshalb umso wichtiger, jetzt noch einmal laut zu werden und unsere Position hörbar zu machen, wenn das Gesetz in den Ausschüssen und im Plenum des Bundestages verhandelt wird." #IchBinHanna Community, lasst uns richtig laut werden mit wichtiger Botschaft: 📣 4+2 ist 1 Katastrophe! 📣

Thrilled to be nominated for the teaching award by Communication Studies students at Uni Duisburg-Essen for the second time in 5 years! 🎉 It's an honor to be recognized for my dedication to academic education 😁

#statstab #37 Collinearity isn’t a disease that needs curing Thoughts: This shifted my thinking from "assumptions are nuisances to check" to understanding what they actually do and mean. #MachineLearning #regression #stats #colinearity

I'm taking part in the #SingScienceChallenge by and have made a nice song* about the not-so-nice phenomenon of #incivility. Definitely an exciting way of #sciencecommunication 😁 *with AI tools (see credits)

#Jobs An meiner Professur sind zum 01.07.2024 zwei Stellen zu besetzen: 1/2 LfbA (8SWS) unbefristet & 1/2 Qualifikationsstelle. Diese kann mit einer anderen zusammengeführt werden, sodass eine volle Postdoc-Stelle entsteht. Bitte unbedingt weitergeben! #Linguistik

My students surprised me today. After battling a deep-seated aversion to statistics for most of the semester, I announced today that I will be teaching the course without statistical inputs from next week. 🤨

Übrigens ist das #WissZeitVG am Mittwoch ab voraussichtlich 17:15 Uhr wieder auf der Tagesordnung im Alle, die Zeit haben: einschalten!

I was given 60 minutes to give a short introduction to statistics for interaction researchers. Of course, I couldn't refuse 🤩 and travelled to Neuchâtel for a wonderful workshop on quantification in international linguistics. I could get used to 60 minutes 😉

WG mit und Lee Müller in Neuchatel. Prost! 🥳

It was so much fun today to revisit my 2016 data on prompting in theatre rehearsals as part of the exciting winter school in Innsbruck on performaces and staging in different contexts 🎭 In a few minutes we'll continue with discussions in the fireside lounge. Also: Snow! 🤩

I don't often read academic books in their entirety 😇 nor am I often hooked 😅 But this was a completely different reading experience. I was captivated from the first to the 227th page 🤩 Dear communication researchers and linguists, I implore you to read at least the chapter by Arik Kershenbaum 👽🐬💬

Today I surprised my students (communication studies!) with some printed material. Their task was to find out whether they were newspapers or magazines. Quite a few had never held a daily newspaper in their hands before 😁