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What could the primary motivation for such a disgraceful show be ... (a) the narcissistic MAGA president trying to make up a reason for the public why he is GREAT enough to keep his promise to end the war, or (b) Russia having a "kompromat" and the Guardian Russian spy story being real?
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Please take over and send the senile MAGA president who destroyed billions in days finally into retirement
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... I heard one of them is russian spy - can anyone explain to me who it is?
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Wer auch immer da Geld gegen #Habeck "investiert", #Nius, Putin .. erschreckend, wie unkritisch andere Medien auf den Zug aufspringen: Die zwei #WELT Reporter die heute diesen dubiosen S. Weber "interviewt" haben, hatten absolut keine Ahnung von dem Fall. Denen konnte Weber alles erzählen. Peinlich!