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I never said it wasn’t? Just that they aren’t the SAME action. The verb read and the verb listen don’t mean the same thing. It requires a different sense to do each one. That’s all I’ve been saying.
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Of course, but that’s just the effort applied, not the act itself. Reading as an action is not listening as an action.
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Again, I’m not doubting the book is being consumed and that people aren’t understanding what happens. I’m talking about the ACT of doing it. Listening doesn’t equal reading.
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I never said it was laziness, just that it’s not the same thing. If you chose a book with difficult spellings, the ones who used the audiobook wouldn’t know how to spell those words. They can answer comprehension because they heard the plot, but they’d have to have read it to know how to spell it.
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Braille is reading off of a page, because a blind person’s fingers acts as their eyes….have half of a class read a book and the other half listen to it w/o prior knowledge of the book. Test them on the spelling of character names & cities. Half would fail cause they never saw how they were written.
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That’s the point I’m making. Reading is an action. If they aren’t using their eyes to do it, then it isn’t reading.
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Reading and listening mean two different things though. Again, I’m not doubting people aren’t consuming the material, but they aren’t reading, they’re being read to.
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There’s no doubt the book is being consumed, but if we raised kids on audiobooks alone then they wouldn’t know how to read. They’re just hearing the words and not reading them off the page. They wouldn’t know how to distinguish which words are what unless they followed along WHILE listening.