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Mom, writer, needleworker, deconstructed believer, cat lady.
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Ozzy did that as a bébé, it was very cute. Now he just dances around his water dish until it spills everywhere when he wants a drink. Less cute.
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Men. Often. Don't. Not all men! Sure! But even helpful well-meaning men (my husband included) are not socialized or taught how to do any of those things and so they...just don't. Don't pretend to me that this isn't true just because it may not be true of you or a specific man you know!
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Conversely, what men think they can't do but they actually can. For example: do any household chore completely and well. Manage or at least be aware of the family schedule. Know the pediatrician's name and phone number. So many hard tasks, but you don't actually need a vagina to do them! Promise!
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GODDAMN THANK YOU. If you must, go ahead and call your characters Beth and Bertha and Beryl while you're writing. But when you're ready for people to read it, change them. I promise it doesn't matter to the story, and your readers will not have to set your book on fire in frustration.
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The real question is, can you safely rub her fuzzy belly, or will she clamp down on your arm in the Bear Trap of Death? She looks very, very soft. It might be worth it.
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And it stands to damn reason that letting your kid play Roblox all day is NOT THAT.
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I can imagine that the right kind of parent with the right kind of kid could maybe make that work. But it would be one in a million. Most parents have not the time, the creativity, the energy, or the research skills to pull it off. It sounds WAY harder than just putting your kid in school, lol.
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Yes! Like, say your kid expresses an interest in spiders. So you read library books about spiders. You go outside, look for webs, talk about habitats and ecosystems. You read folktales about spiders. You study venom, camouflage, silk. Follow the thread of interest. But it's a lot of work!
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Hi Dandy! How are you so big when you're just a tiny kitten!
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A few weeks ago, my 5 yr old complained that it wasn't fair that everyone else in the family would die before him, because he is the youngest. How respond to that??
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"Useful" 🤣🤣🤣
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"Usefulness"?? 🤣 Every day I tell my cats what useless freeloaders they are, beg them to get jobs or do a chore, all while re-ordering Churus in their preferred flavors and arranging their favorite comfy blankets and saving the perfect size boxes for them.
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The RIGHT one. When you're trying to say something and you hit on the exact word with the exact nuance that you want to express. Best feeling in the world at that moment.
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Haha, classic Jorts
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"She went to Sea World? Why didn't I get to go to Sea World?" 😭
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That's great and all, but can it be traded for churu -Sandal
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This is my city!! What the hell!! My god, the hate that is boiling up in this country. Minnesota is supposed to be the safe haven in the surrounding red zones. I'm so sorry for these women and ashamed of my state.
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This is Ryoko. She's the mastermind. As evil as she is fluffy. And she's SUPER fluffy.
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This is Ozzy. He's a criminal, but the kind of enthusiastic-yet-dim criminal who's always forgetting the password or shooting himself in the foot by accident. A patsy, not a mastermind.
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This is Maurice. He is named after Pratchett's Amazing Maurice, but this Maurice is so, so stupid. Absolutely as dumb as a bag of hair. He's also the sweetest, chillest big himbo of a boy that loves to be cradled like a baby.
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Raise a glass to that genius! Crock pot chicken tacos are the bomb. The hardest part is remembering to start the thing early enough.
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I used to take photos of their art, but let's be real, I have 350000 photos on my phone and no one will ever look at them. But someday they might like to flip through a folder of 2nd grade artwork.
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If the folder gets too full before the year's up, I do a cull. That's my entire system, lol. All I want is a general record of their passing interests, general skill, etc. Having a folder for each year helps me not have to label every paper. It's also a limit so I don't keep too much.
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The actual creative drawings get further consideration. Some things they draw all the time - houses, cars, cats. I just save a few of the best ones as an example of what they drew at this age. Anything new or unusual gets saved. I store the saved pieces in a folder for each kid, labeled by year.
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If it's a directed school project (i.e. everyone makes a Ladybug with dot markers), it goes in the trash. Letter/number practice goes in the trash (unless it's super cute like when my son Caspian wrote his name Ca3pin).
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I think my folks threw their hands up at my parenting years ago. I let my kids listen to music with swears in, for crying out loud. I let them use pacis till they were 3. I'm either coddling them or letting them be raised by wolves.
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This may be more "Southern" than "classic," but I was told to give the baby beef jerky for teething. At least they didn't suggest bourbon?
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YES, thank you for articulating this. I've been banging my head against a wall for 10 yrs trying to get my family to understand why I don't go to church any more. I was raised to believe morality mattered. But really it's just Us and Them. Everything We do is good, everything They do is evil.
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To be loved is to be changed. What a glow up!
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Haley's here! Hooray! One of the last Twitter people I really missed and have been looking for here. Can't wait to follow the janky adventures!
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Agree! It's so easy to do! Why not help people out where you can?
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It's embarrassing to have been so thoroughly duped. I'm ashamed it took me so long to see the truth. I'm furious at all the teacher, preachers, and elders that lied to me all my life. And they wonder why people are leaving the church?
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The sin of compassion? Are you fucking kidding me?
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Why do they always crave that which they must not have? Hummus, rhododendrons, needles. YES I'm talking about you, fluffbutt.
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Thank you! It was a lot of work, 250 hours. It was probably a little too advanced for me at the time, but I muddled through.
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Ah yes, the Gotcha. When they stare at an invisible speck with such intensity that you finally get up to go see what it is. At which point they look at you, think "Gotcha," and walk away all smug. Universal cat game.
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Yay! Keep posting your progress, I'd love to see how it comes together! I'm studying a couple of RSN blackwork books to prepare, but like, I can't drop $150 on a proper slate frame, so I'm cobbling together my setup while I work on the design.
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Oooh, I love this! I just jumped over here and started looking for embroiderers to follow. I'm in the planning stages of a shaded blackwork piece myself!