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Software developer; nothing you've ever heard of. Photographer with Good Evening Europe / 🏳️‍🌈 rights are human rights.
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It sounds fairly close to something Rasmus would say though. He's still active on Xitter so that might be where it was said. I don't think tweets are indexed anymore are they?
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I wonder what specifically made "Wall Street question AI demand"? Did someone finally get around to putting AI into something that the bankers have proficiency with? Seems AI only looks competent in fields the observer has no qualifications to judge competency in.
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Yeah, inline isn't useful. I generally like to have a "... so, here's the problem, the solution strategy and any pitfalls ahead"-block at the start of a feature's main code file. Copilot helps fill that out , though it needs a tight leash or it'll just spit out more words for the sake of it
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I make it document my code. It's mediocre at doing ascii diagrams, so it has me beat there. I have not seen it produce any code that didn't need immediate fixing. But I have a folder of WTF screen shots of horrible mangled ejecta. It even pulled in someone else's copyright header verbatim once.
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This. Since Orban seems to like Russian World so much, let him go and make Hungary part of the federation. I'm sure his moron constituents will be thrilled about that.
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Great idea. Not like the entire Russian economy is toxic for generations to come. The Russians have already shown that your investment is forfeit when whoever is in charge has a flaccid ego problem to solve.
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The classic "sounds like work" de-scoping mechanism.
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Massive, comprehensive documentation library. I learned all of the basic concepts of making computers do your bidding at 13 in that one program. I can see someone having fond memories of TP. I can also see Musk overhearing his betters talk about it and thinking "I want to be cool too :("
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Mine actively fights me when I try to spell my own name.
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I forced a cybersecurity contractor to pull an app, by demonstrating the API backing it were all unauthenticated endpoints, despite the front page prompting for Entra credentials. Two months ago. It's not just cheap junk. Basic errors are everywhere once you start looking
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Yes, any one of a set of 12. Only starting or ending though. Because God forbid you forget it, account recovery won't be invented for at least another decade.
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I remember it as Alta Vista maybe? I recall having a custom app called Alltheweb at some point but don't think that was the one I used. Yahoo is a good bet as well.
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Yep. Salt is bad for you mmkay? Raw, unpasteurized passwords of length 6 or shorter is much healthier. Put a '1' at the end only if you're some kind of spy or heightened risk individual.
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My first hack was literally downloading the passwd file directly from a Unix server, found via just searching for it with a special crafted search string on (forgot the name, precursor to Google? ). Then go to school while my 386 chewed it with cracker jack.
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This is what I'd file under "user angry at something else" if it came across my issue tracker. There's nothing actionable here.
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Funny. Just yesterday I was shown a crash page when joining the Azure community. The SSO page required admin consent and Azure could not handle that as a response.
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I spent so much time with that game. Never completed it as far as I recall. But oh my God it just felt like it kept going. More to find. More runes to combine. More manual pages to devour. I think the only game that beat it in play time for me back then was Dark Sun.
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They won't. Those of us who have those skills will have to stay on the job market until we die. Like those poor sods who wrote all banking software in COBOL and forgot to pass the skills on.
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Ja det er lidt vildt hvad man lader gå gennem Q/A set i lyset af marginen på produktet 🙄
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Kunne også være sælger har kørt det vandkølet og så smidt propellerne tilbage på inden salg. Kunne sagtens være dårlig montering. Der burde ikke være problemer med pasta endnu. 6800 er ikke gammel nok til den slags issues tænker jeg
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Yep. I've said more or less the same thing. Node lacks a comprehensive standard library. It's insane that you have to go to 3rd party for basic functionality. And a complete inability of the community to follow semantic versioning. Why do you need 3.5.2 specifically? 3.5 should do. 3.9 too
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I've never once in my career needed to shuffle elements in an array in production code. But I'm still happy to see these utility functions, if not for anything else, then to keep the amount if DIY random to a minimum out in the real world. The getstring implementation I could see a use case for.
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I've used a Vox ac30. It's a small Amp that plugs in to the guitar directly and provides a headphone jack. I liked it but I'm not really any good at playing so, your wife might need something better.
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Clever solution. We use a tub from the local handyperson's store. It has higher sides but she will still do her business over the side. We tried all kinds of boxes with lids, but I've found it just redirects where cleaning has to be done. So now the box is in the 2nd bathroom and I clean the floor.
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One of our cats will jump in the box and lift her rear as high as it goes an pee straight over the top. No wall height is too high for her. She's doing the right thing, but wrong.
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Throwing exceptions for unexceptional situations.
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... "hide behind their keyboards and lose their humanity" My irony-meter fucking broke. Jet shot straight out the top. Now I have boiling red liquid all over the floor. Thanks, nameless executive.
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Perlin noise doesn't have any AI in it. Doesn't even require a full nuclear powered data center. You see, of course, why this problem had to be re-solved?
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We did look into using that approach but ran into some issue I can't recall. But it's been a few years now
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When .NET comes bundled with Windows OR when .NET can be installed without elevating to admin priv. Until then we will stay on 4.
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Det sørgeligste ved det her er artiklens længde. Den kunne koges ned til næstformandens begrundelse for tiltaget, og så i parantes til sidst nævne at en vred incel på økon-linjen ikke synes om det, og i øvrigt er så vranten han stiller op til valg til Studienævnet. Hård both-sidsing...
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Finally. I've always wondered why you could not do that. It would probably be one of the first things to come up in an UX review, if that review had just one (1) abuse survivor. It's akin to having to go to your stalkers house in person, to hand them their restraining order.
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You must have the same SAP devs as we do. We're constantly being asked to commit atrocities and when we whimper "but that really belongs in SAP..." they tell us can't be done/they won't do it/13 months, 19 days is too long a wait.
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We're moving to Blazor. I've been tooling around in variations on JS for more than a decade. I've had it.
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Materialization mid-query is an EF curse. I'll go out of my way to avoid it but it can't be helped sometimes.
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Yeah I agree with you on that wholeheartedly. I even prefer to not do the ToList() at the end either unless forced to by a DbContext or the like.
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I can't really think of a situation where you'd want to do that over keeping the IEnumerable/IQueryable. We're they materializing a related collection?
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Groceries are expensive! Must now vote for shouty dude on TV.
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Det er ikke et argument mod at de andre ting også skal fikses. Men jeg hører dig sig nej til skolemad fordi et andet kæmpe projekt er vigtigere. Hvis du går ind til en forhandling med det på blokken, så kommer du ud med ingen af delene. Det ved du og jeg begge to godt. Det vinder privatskolerne på
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Prioritering kan både bruges til at... prioritere og til at stoppe fremdrift. Man skal have en mængde af tiltag der samlet overstiger budgettet, og så råbe op om at de er 100% vigtigere end alle andre, så stopper al fremdrift. Så bliver det et skænderi om prioritering der aldrig ender.
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Det er også et problematisk argument at fordi X mangler så skal vi ikke fikse Y, fordi <subjektiv holding til prioritering af X>. Det er en måde at holde skolen fast der hvor den er. Der er ikke økon. til at fikse 100% så vi skændes om prioritering i stedet, mens privatskolerne vokser sig fede.
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Took me 3 reads to get it. Well done :D