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Sociologist, researcher, member & labour relations, quality of work & open source data analysis.
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‘You are free again’: farewell letters of executed Belgian resistance fighters found, 80 years on

For those interested in the work based on ESS Round 11-data, cited below: - Policy brief in Dutch/French: - Press-release in Dutch: - News-article in Dutch:

Yesterday we published 'Unstable Pay' about earnings volatility, making use of a new dataset of 27m payslips. By me Using dataset built by Summary thread follows 1/

Despite being critically acclaimed with a highly successful festival run, ‘NO OTHER LAND’ has not been able to land a US distributor. It just won the #Oscar for Best Documentary.

« Rendre visible les invisibles, dans un pays où on tend plus facilement le micro à des milliardaires qui se plaignent plutôt qu’aux 10 millions de pauvres. » Gilles Perret, César du meilleur documentaire pour « La Ferme des Bertrand »

Western Europeans seem to be discovering now what people in the Global South had discovered many years ago: that the United States can be a dangerous, aggressive and ruthless colonialist power.

New article with Narzanin Massoumi in the ‘Elite Status-Seeking and Class Reproduction in Civil Society.’ Thread.👇

Very happy that our paper (w/ & E Dinas) has been accepted . We've seen the center right increasingly adopt far-right rhetoric. Our experiment in 🇩🇪 finds that this erodes anti-prejudice norms *more* than when the far-right employs similar rhetoric. 1/3

Jaarlijks moeten een op de vijf werknemers verstek geven voor een belangrijke doktersafspraak. Naast lange wachtlijsten en het artsentekort geven zij opvallend vaak aan dat ze daarvoor geen verlof kunnen of mogen nemen. Daarmee is België een van de Europese koplopers.

Vandaag berichten en dat geen vrijaf kunnen nemen voor veel Belgische werknemers een obstakel vormt voor het bekomen van de nodige medische zorg. Meer details in de BRISPO policy brief van 👉

Aujourd'hui dans : le manque de soins médicaux pour travailleurs 🇧🇪 parce qu'ils ne peuvent pas s'absenter du travail. Plus de détails dans mon policy brief 👉

Vandaag bericht dat geen vrijaf op werk krijgen voor veel 🇧🇪 werknemers een obstakel vormt voor het krijgen van de nodige medische zorg. Meer details in mijn policy brief 👉

🚨 New Publication 🚨 Super hyped that my paper “The Decline of Manufacturing Employment and the Rise of the Far-Right in Austria” is now forthcoming in the Journal of Public Economics . #EconSky A short 🧵 1/8

The DOGE firings have nothing to do with “efficiency” or “cutting waste.” They’re a direct push to weaken federal agencies perceived as liberal. This was evident from the start, and now the data confirms it: targeted agencies overwhelmingly those seen as more left-leaning. 🧵⬇️

Wat is de rol van reproductieve arbeid in de productie van ongelijkheden in België? Kom naar onze studiedag over gender en onzichtbare arbeid, 12 maart, Brussel. Alle info en programma 👇 and I are so excited to finally announce Air - an extremely fast R code formatter! 🎉 With Air, you'll never need to worry about styling your #rstats code ever again. All you need to do is save, and Air takes care of the rest.

Please consider applying to join the Core Scientific Team of the in areas of analysis & training, non-response & academic impact

"CEOs embedded in the corporate elite can extract a substantial wage premium. These premiums are then followed by reductions in wages going back to workers over the next three years."

This looks interesting: 'Elite corporate networks and CEO compensation: the causes and consequences of CEO pay premiums'

🗓️ Today is Global Action Day for the Right to Strike. From the United Kingdom to Finland, Türkiye to Belarus, workers' right to #strike is under threat. No matter what, we are committed to fighting for trade union rights. Shoulder to shoulder. When we are together, we are stronger.

Phenix Lumber was the deadliest workplace in America over the past five years. OSHA inspectors issued them more than 100 safety violations and millions in fines. Yet deaths and injuries continued.

DWP research links NHS waiting-lists with rise in disability benefit claimants. Poor healthcare causes disabilities. 41% of disability benefit claimants are on NHS waiting-list; can't get jobs without treatment. UK govt wants to cut benefits, force sick/disabled to work. Must improve healthcare.

De verplichting van het ziektebriefje wordt weer aangescherpt. Geen goed idee,vindt "Indien het de regering écht te doen is om uitval in langdurig ziekte tegen te gaan, zouden ministers Vandenbroucke & Clarinval juist een actieplan tégen presenteïsme moeten opstellen"

This is very interesting and more data-driven than you might think from the title. Also comes up with an actual idea what centre-left parties could do to build a new coalition. No idea if this would work, but at least it's something constructive #farright #Germany #btw25

A graphic I've shared before: my go-to image for how the salience of immigration is driven by the media & pols, not by reality It uses European Social Survey data (2020-2022-ish, every 2 yrs) 6 repeated Qs about immigration, for the UK Takeaway: high salience until Brexit, then drops dramatically

Interesting finding spotted by in #EconomicBulletin: automatic wage indexation in 🇧🇪 seems to not only protect real wages, but also reduce (undue pessimistic) household income misperceptions. Important given impact of negative perceptions on HH consumption.

Als de regering écht uitval van werknemers in (langdurige) ziekte wil tegengaan zou ze juist het verplicht ziektebriefje moeten afschaffen, argumenteert Minerva-kernlid vandaag in :

1 op 2 werknemers gaat ziek werken en een opvallend groot deel geraakt zelfs helemaal niet tot bij de dokter omdat ze niet vrijaf kunnen nemen op het werk. Het verplicht ziektebriefje maakt dit enorm probleem van presenteïsme nog erger, stelt (

📢 New publication 📢 Today, The Institute for the equality of women and men published the full research conducted by and on sexism toward political candidates in the run-up to the June 2024 elections. A small thread🧵

The Department of Economics of Ghent University currently has 9 positions for Teaching Assistants and PhD students (starting Fall 2025). Interested in a PhD in Environmental or Ecological Economics, do not hesitate to reach out! Apply by February 18th. More info via

🏁New paper! Social status moderates the effect of belief in meritocracy on economic conflict attitudes. Meritocracy doesn't always legitimize inequality and sometimes it does more :) Published with Filip Van Droogenbroeck and

I published my first paper, read it, cite it, love it!

Political trust is likely in global decline. What are the consequences? Our experiment suggests low-trusters more often accept info saying immigration threatens the welfare state. Trust matters more than most economic, cultural, and contextual factors - with & Atle Haugsgjerd

One function per week, this week we're excited to show you `model_dashboard()`, *the* one-ring-to-rule-them-all to get a quick and comprehensive overview of your regression model: See example code in the screenshot, and video in next post! #rstats #easystats

I’ve been studying civil rights protests for 20 years. With new mobilization against Trump’s agenda, I’m sharing a thread summarizing my research on how nonviolent & violent actions by 1960s activists and police influenced media, elites, public opinion & voters. 1/

Are you tired of analyzing your nominal and ordinal variables like its the 1950s? Then read today and see if ME inequality and total ME are right for you. We develop new methods for summarizing effects for nominal/ordinal independent and dependent variables.

In light of leaks Labour could be planning the biggest disability benefit cuts in a decade, I ask: how is this different from life under the Tories?  My col.

Brilliant analysis of the role of Corporate Social Responsibility in by Tamar Barkay. The inverse relation between the power of unions and the rise of CSR suggests it operates mostly as an ideology to justify labor disenfranchisement.

More awful news on an awful news day: UC-Berkeley sociologist and past ASA president Michael Burawoy was killed last night in a pedestrian vs. SUV driver hit-and-run. My deepest condolences to his family, friends, students, & colleagues. (Via the Mercury News &

'Om weer over klasse te spreken moeten we een intellectuele strijd voeren'. Vorig jaar gingen en ik in gesprek met Didier Eribon over klasse, schaamte en de noodzaak voor een nieuw progressief geluid. Ons stuk is hier te lezen:

A new paper is out for our ! 👏 Teaming up w/ , they explore the impact of family background on income volatility in 🇩🇰, 🇩🇪 & 🇺🇸 using brother correlations! Check it out to learn more about intergenerational links!