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Health scare for all. Admission Prevention service with Terminal Discharge. Think you might be dying, we can help. Affiliated with all good undertakers.
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The Trust refutes the claim that 37 people die needlessly each day. We haven't received a list of those that need to die, so struggle to identify those that are needless.

The Hospital is pleased to announce that Professor Dukes work with Therapy Dogs is breaking boundaries.

One again we would like to remind staff they should not be accessing the canteen out of hours.

During the warmer weather please refrain from moving patients with a fever to cooler areas of the hospital. Despite Mr Jones's fever being much better when moved to the morgue, since being exhumed he has been threatening to take the Trust to court.

⚠️ WARNING TO STAFF ⚠️ Anyone found putting the resuscitation dummies in sexual positions will be disciplined... And not in a kinky way.

The Trust is pleased to announce they will be supplying staff that take time out for smoking breaks with NICOTINE REPLACEMENT THERAPY (NRT) to help them keep to the regulated breaks the non smokers have.

The SECURE MENTAL HEALTH facility apologise unreservedly for detaining the Chief Executive of the Trust. They would like to confirm that his plans do not represent visions of grandeur.

Notice to whoever drew the pentagram on the mortuary floor, please be aware of the hospital policy about no naked flames. In unrelated news,the porters are aware of the goat roaming the corridors and are trying to capture it.

A reminder to Junior Doctors. If a nurse asks you to call a patient from the waiting room, please check this is a genuine patient. They love watching you call Hugh Janus and Mike Hunt, but it's not good for professional standards.

It is with great regret that we announce the hyperventilation slapping clinic has been closed until further notice. This follows several reports of patients saying their buttocks where hyperventilating and needed the nurse to slap them.

Please don't be alarmed on the urology ward. It's normal for the nurses to take the piss.

Reminder to student nurses: Batch washing of false teeth is not time saving.

Reminder to patients having blood test: It is not appropriate to refer to the phlebotomy team as Vampires nor to call them Floppy-bottomists. We are concerned you may offend Tina who seems blissfully unaware she does have floppy buttocks.

Miasma Hospital NHS trust is an equal opportunity employer. Some of our staff speak English as their second language. We apologise if Dr Aghmartarasalata in the colonoscopy suite said you were "full of shit", he simply meant the laxative hadn't fully been effective.

Reminder to all students currently working in the trust... Ouiji boards are NOT permitted in the mortuary. We are quite busy enough with the nearly dead and dead. We didn't have the staffing levels to cope with the undead.

Please don't inform staff about the white lady screaming in the corridor outside Nightingale Ward. She died in 1876, and there seems to be little we can do to plicate her.

We would like to remind our followers that Countdown is on at 14.10 on Monday to Friday on the hospital TV and you don't have to click the link below to enroll..

Please be aware of parody health care accounts. They are put together by idiots with nothing else to do. Not you Jim. You're not a health care parody account.

The Trust is looking to form a working party to discuss move away from using cadavers for medical education. We do have a back log of bodies, and not sure how to use them. It's not like we can just magic them away by saying "abra cadavers". Please let us know if you have ideas.

Whilst we are looking forward to the acoustic set in the social club tonight, the stools delivered from the main hospital building are not the type the band can sit on. Please could someone with gloves and aprons come and collect them.

The SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC are today celebrating 25 years since their senior nurse joined the team. Congratulations to Sis Phyllis and thank you for all you hard work.

Message from the Pharmacy team. Could whoever sent Roger to get Bowman's Capsules please retrieve him please?

The trust would like to highlight our own waiting list initiative. We shall get the youngest patients treated, allowing the older ones to die off before they've been seen, thus reducing waiting times.

Please could all staff stop referring to the dieticians & speech and language therapists as "Thick & Easy" specialist. The Trust feels this only represents some of them.

The trust would like to highlight that the winter pressures are over, due to the start of spring.

WARNING TO ALL PATIENTS. If you see this man he is not supposed to be doing rectal examinations without gloves whilst smiling like that. He is not qualified to work in our labour ward or indeed the health service. Although the others photographed are smiling he didn't get consent to bugger them.

The trust suggests policians avoiding egg based puns when dealing with sensitive issues.

Thank you for your question... We have CCTV around the grounds and can confirm some of escapees do shit bare in the woods, but we have never seen a bear in the woods.

Our trust would like to show it's support in your #SwallowAwarenessDay2025 and would also like to highlight Swift Awareness Week June 28th - July 6th 2025.

Really?? Leibowitz Marijuana: variations non sérieusea? Ok that'll do.

Thank you for you quick response, but we didn't feel "Bad medicine" is appropriate either. Perhaps some classical music?

Thank you for you quick response, but we didn't feel "Bad medicine" is appropriate either. Perhaps some classical music?