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Legal, sustainable immigration. How many illegal immigrants has the UK let in in the last 10yrs? How are housing and crime rates going? It's not just the UK, its a global issue.
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My ancestors are English
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Its a sanctuary city. It was ok to sit back far away from the issues, unaffected. Well, they learnt hard!
There are plenty of LEGAL immigrants to pick the fruit. No one is against immigration, just the "legal" part of it.
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Bad is happening because corrupt, socialist ideologists got in power. England has fallen. I cannot beleive how fast it happened. Unforgivable. Our ancestors would be turning in their graves. Shameful! Perhaps you live in an area untouched by immigration. Dont worry, it will come to you soon enough!
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Rubbish! What race commits the most crime per capita?
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Nope! You far left fools have sh!t on the sacrifice of all those who gave their lives to provide you with the lives you have, or had. It's disgusting! I cannot believe how bad things have gone.
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Legal. Forefathers came here legally. Big difference!
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I dont think you have any idea whats been happening. I cant help you with that. Its up to you to get out of your bubble and find out.
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Totally agree with you that. Vets gave something, in some cases a lot to the country. They deserve all the support they need. Should they be cared for above illegal immigrants? I say yes, for sure! If cities can house thousands of illegals, they can house homeless vets. But that didnt happen!
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Mate, if you go along with how things are going, you're on your knees to the establishment. Can't you see that? Our countries are turning to sh@t before our eyes. I remember the Scotts being hard. How have things changed so far?
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I like kindness, but not at the price of my own family. The problem with the world now is it's run by pussies or corrupt unseen tyrants. No way the exodus should have been allowed. Millions of people that dont have our values or concepts have been able to spread around the globe. It wont end well!
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Convicted felon, zero f#cks. The voters saw it for what it was: a load of sh!t. Haven't you learnt anything that's come out over the last year or so? Why did Biden pardon all those people? If they had nothing to worry about, what's the problem? The hypocrisy is next level.
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Get out, get out of the way. The parents are here!
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It just so happens that I know quite a bit about what's going on. Think of the butterfly effect. I make it a point to follow geopolitics. You hate the world now because you hate Trump. I see the world as a better place after only 5 days. Relax, get angry if something bad happens.
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Yep, no benefits. Paying them to stay invites more. Look at Cali and the homeless. Doing what you think is the right thing is the wrong thing.
Feed one crow, more will learn about it, and they will keep coming. Numbers will grow until you stop feeding. Thats the hard truth!
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Hi luv, can you please give me links to support? It would be super helpful in changing the way I comprehend the articles, vids etc that I see. I am open to be proven wrong.
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Send them back for a start. Stop paying for them through taxes. Stop letting them commit terrible crimes, when they do, lock them up and or send them home. The government is sacrificing locals for what? Is life getting better or worse for locals? How many of your daughters need to be defiled?
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I bet, if you and I sat down with a bottle of wine or 3, we would argue. But I wouldnt hate you at the end. We'd both be hungover, only worried about our own lives. I bet you are a nice person out in the world. I promise I am not the freak monster you are picturing me as. I just want a better world.
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Donny no, I live in a world where info comes in like a tidal wave. One must sift through the silt to find the truth, right? Thats what I try to do. If you have something to say to back a point of view, bring it.
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Ok ok, I give in. Not all of Europe is shit! Im sorry! It's a forum where everything gets exaggerated, I exaggerated! I'm sorry!
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I must admit, I dont know anything about the Netherlands, I did go to Amsterdam once, as a 16yr old, back in the mid 80's. Europe was so nice back then. Its gone to shit from what Ive seen. News, vids etc. I bet if you have open borders, your rapes and crime have gone up. Im an Aussie
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Am I wrong?
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You live in a Europe that was saved by people from other countries. Millions sacrificed their lives. Your leaders have sh!t on their sacrifice by the way they have managed it. The filth, the crime, the unmitigated race change. Mate, I dont even want to go there for a holiday. What a sh!thole!
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Sorry no. My Great grandfather was in WW1, mustard gas. An extremely horrible death. My Grandfather was a fireman during the Blitz of WW2, London. Ignore the bio. Im telling you the truth.
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You know that banner you have on your page, that Che dude. You know he hated gay people, mass murderer. Thats how dumb you are!.. humanprogress.org/the-truth-ab...
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I hope your parents dont leave you anything! Horrible thing to say. Filters make your face better, but not the person!
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My great grandfather died in the trenches from mustard gas fighting the Germans. Im no Nazi, I promise!
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No no no, there are Nazis out there, for sure. But they arent as proliferant as you think! Seriously!
Are there black people that hate whites?
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😱 Oh wow. You cant avoid life, you need to be able to come to terms with how things are. I am no one, just a person that doesn't want to hate anyone. I just want a better life for all of us. Does that make me a bad person?
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Its funny, really. I heard this site was FULL of, how do I put it, far left, hateful, hurtful blockers, reporters and straight up cry babies.
It's been proved correct! Classic!
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You are correct, I am having trouble navigating. Block me, just do it, pussy!
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Arent you the scared one? Nazis everywhere! What a fking joke! Relax mate, we on the centre aren't that scary!
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I have NO idea what you are replying to. There is no need for you to say hurtful things to me. Isn't that against the rules? This is a safe space after all, isn't it?
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Na, the headlines enough!
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Weve ALL been hearing the same old BS for the last 8yrs. He still won! You lot need to find a different angle!
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I posted on a Cuban post, but also others. Different arguments! This site funking sucks!
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How do I get to the original post? Help me out, I have no idea what you're talking about.
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Its cost $2.4 billion so far, just in NY. Its public knowledge. I took a random screenshot to prove it. That's JUST New York! Min 50000 illegals in NY alone. It could be up to 25 million overall in the last 4 years, no one knows. What a horrible joke!
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This is infuriating! I have NO idea what you're talking about! Look at the screenshot... "Thought so." WTF are you replying to?
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I knew it was $2.4b. You can read what I searched. I only did that for the screenshot; it's public knowledge!
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Whats happening?
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But Adams wanted it. Are you saying he was corrupt? He is a dem, and Black. Sheeesh! Be careful, they'll get ya!
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Ha, you're right. I'm new to this social media thing, or whatever its called. Ive been replying to notifications without context. I have learnt some thing, with the feeble old damaged brian! 😆 Brian. LOL. I also cant see my keyboard very well. Bad eyes in a dark damp basement.
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Isnt there a housing crisis going on? How many people have been unhoused under Biden? Are illegals more important than Americans?
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How exactly are the Illegal immigrants going to pay? Tell me, how much per week does it cot to house one for a week?
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I dont know B, I dont watch it.
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The city is going broke managing them, the major has said so himself!
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You got held accountable at the last election!