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30+ scientists from 8 leading research institutions in Austria with one vision: unlock the microbiome's potential for planetary health. 🌍🧫🦠 Follow us for exciting updates on environmental🌳, medical 🩺, and methodological 🔬 microbiome research.
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Thilo Hofmann, CoE Key Researcher, talks about more sustainable use of plastics in agriculture at Bündnis Mikroplastikfrei General Assembly tomorrow Tuesday, March 4th, from 3:30 pm. Registration for in-person attendance:

Delighted to welcome Michael Zumstein as a new CoE Key Researcher. His research on environmental biotransformation of anthropogenic chemicals bridges red-green microbiome research. A heartfelt welcome to CoE Microplanet!

Watch our Director of Research talk about his motivation, why his curiosity never ends, and the importance of scientific progress for the future. "We can only achieve the goal of preserving health, prosperity, and well-being if we base our actions on scientific evidence."

New CoE Microplanet Publication in Nature Metabolism: Study by lab,, and colleagues from the US, present MEDI to quantify food-derived DNA in human fecal metagenomes. #microsky

3 CoE Microplanet PostDocs were awarded an MSCA Fellowship from the EU. Congrats to Ruizhe Pei, Sebastian Tanabe, Valentin Waschulin! We're looking forward to new insights into nitrifier interactions, sulfonolipid biosynthesis, and microbial dynamics in soil crusts!

Hi, we have an open PhD position in our lab starting winter 2025. Join the great MolMed PhD program at a vibrant research institution and help us understand probiotic engraftment. More info at . Application through the MedUni portal:

Open PhD position! Do you want to work with the human #archaeome and understand the potential effect on the #immune system? Please check the call, including another exciting opening of on #microbiome research #microbiomesky #archaeasky #microsky

🔊 How did a tire change the world? 🚲🔬 In this #WDRZeitZeichen podcast, our expert Thilo Hofmann from sheds light on the environmental impact of tire wear particles (starts minute 9:25). Listen now! 🎧⬇️ 🔗 #Microplastics #EnvironmentalScience #CeMESS

Make sure to tune in today for CoE Key Researcher Thilo Hofmann, on how Diclofenac, a common painkiller, contaminates water, harms fish, and even endangers vultures. Mayrs Magazin, ORF 2, 6:30 pm live or at #ORFon:

Save the Date for 28th #Nitrogen Cycle meeting in #Vienna (AT) from 8-11 Sept 2025! Organizers:, Holger Daims,, Join us - Website will be online and registration will be open soon!

New CoE Microplanet Paper in Study by lab, shows that fungi remain fully active and can even invest in storage compound synthesis under severe drought.

New CoE Microplanet Publication in Nature Comm Chemistry: Study by Hofmann lab,, with shows enhanced leaching of phthalates from PVC microplastics into water.

New CoE Microplanet Publication in ISME Journal: Study by from Polz lab at with shows predominance of underappreciated prophages in marine bacteria.

Make sure to tune in on January 21st, 3 pm (GMT+1) for our Deputy Director of Research Keynote Lecture on 'Methane, Microbes and more: Archaea in the human microbiome' at Register for free: #ArchaeaSky

We are recruiting!! PostDocs and PhD positions open for an exciting project on immunometabolism. In my lab, I am looking for a PostDoc, willing to work with microbiome metabolic modeling and archaea in beautiful Graz! Check it out: #microsky #archaeasky

WWTF Grant awarded to CoE Key Researcher from at with Stefanie Widder from MedUni Wien.

New CoE Microplanet Publication in Microbiome: Study from with and from at introduces pH-FISH, combining pH ratiometry and FISH.

New CoE Microplanet Publication in Nature Microbiology: The study, led by from at, reveals that entacapone triggers iron starvation in the gut, promoting bacteria such as E. coli. ©Xiaowei Ge

Make sure to tune in tomorrow, Tue Nov 26 from 7 pm, for the Saloon Live Talk on 'The Power of Microbes' with Microplanet Director of Research Join live:

CeMESS on the global map! Congrats to, & Wolfgang Wanek for ranking among the top 1% most cited scientists in 2024! Their work on climate change, microbiomes & ecosystems is shaping science’s future. #HighlyCited #Clarivate

1st anniversary of our #FWF Cluster of Excellence "Microbiomes Drive Planetary Health"! Inspiring meeting with groundbreaking ideas, especially from our diverse group of international early career researchers. Exciting research is on the horizon - stay tuned for more updates!

Great opportunity! We are #recruiting #PostDocs, #PhD students, and #technicians across top institutions in Austria. Explore our multidisciplinary work packages and apply now at Funded by Austrian Science Fund #ResearchJobs #ScienceJobs

We're hiring! There is an open PhD position in my group to explore the effects of oxygen fluctuations on aquatic microbiomes. Apply here:

🚀 Exciting Launch! The FWF-funded Cluster of Excellence 'Microbiomes Drive Planetary Health' is now on Bluesky! Follow us for insights into cutting-edge research on microbiome science! 🦠 Funded by FWF Research, @ TU Wien, @ ISTA, @ AIT, @ CeMM, @JKU Linz, @ Meduni Wien, @ MedUni Graz