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Winter and summer collide! The wintering Snow Bunting still at Longdon Marsh this morning in field NW of HCF bridge, often sharing the muddy fields with my first Little Ringed Plover of the year :) #WorcsBirds

My first three Sand Martin 🎉 of the year over Grimley-CLP this morning. Great habitat work has been carried out by the Worcester & Malvern RSPB group and landowner on the west shore. Fingers crossed the breeding waders like it!! #WorcsBirds

When you've walked 4.5 miles on a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker transect without luck, then find a male in (litterally!) the last 30ft. WIN!

It's that time of year immature Goshawks are getting kicked around by territorial adults. This one got a bit of a restbite as it sped across this mornings survey location.

This strikingy pale Buteo was circling high over Shropshire #WyreForest this afternoon. Never seen anything like it #ShropshireBirds

The Ring-necked Duck was still on Grimley CLP south pit at dusk this evening (before being flushed onto main pit by an Otter). I couldn't find him anywhere this morning! #WorcsBirds

This lovely 1w Caspian Gull dropped into #RSPBSandwell at noon today. Interestingly, it is not the 'regular' bird, with this one having plainer GCs, neater scapulars & different tail, shawl & bill patterns. Photos show it was also present yesterday retrospectively. #WestMidsBirds

The Glossy Ibis still at Grimley CLP this morning in rather grim weather #WorcsBirds

Ring-necked Duck still on Grimley CLP this morning #WorcsBirds

Two 2nd winter Caspian Gull (inc green ringed bird) around Throckmorton midday ish #WorcsBirds

Female Common Scoter. Clifton Pits this morning #WorcsBirds

Lucky view of the generally quite 'spooky' Ring-necked Duck at Grimley this morning. Arrived to find it feeding along the reedbed edge at the northern end. Fantastic views, even if the sun was only just peeking over the horizon #WorcsBirds

Ring-necked Duck still on Grimley CLP this morning #WorcsBirds

Adult male Ring-necked Duck on Grimley CLP. Not the drake from earlier in the year #WorcsBirds

A rare close view of one of the local Hawfinch flock. 12+ today with another 6 (probably a different party) nearby at a different feeding site. #WorcsBirds

A really hard earnt view of one of the two Firecrests in Bunkers Hill Wood. Mobile & mostly feeding in the centre of dense holly low to the ground. Near impossible to see in the open, but managed to encounter them twice near the NW-SE track half way down the wood #StaffsBirds

A Peregrine powering across the Worcestershire sky. Fantastic! #WorcsBirds

This mornings Caspian Gull at Sheepwash, a real brute. Plumage indicates this is the bird that was at Sandwell Valley on 3/01 & it is again present on Swan Pool, SV this afternoon. Nice to be able to track birds through the landscape #WestMidsBirds

CASPIAN GULL currently sat on the ice at Sheepwash Urban Park #WestMidsBirds

I wasn't ready for this mornings Bittern flypast at Grimley CLP, camera turned off, lens caps on, rookie error. Note to self! #WorcsBirds

I only had a few minutes, so feel very lucky to enjoy fantastic views of the Hallow Yellow-browed Warbler this morning #WorcsBirds

Unpleasantly cold at Grimley this morning, a real chill even though the gauge 'only ' read -2. Multiple Moorhens and Coots with ice frozen to their plumage. The pits mostly frozen but full of birds in the open areas.

Yellow-browed Warbler still at Hallow STW this morning #WorcsBirds

Scoping ducks on Grimley CLP when this BITTERN appeared right in the middle low over ice flying straight towards me. It turned around when it saw me on north causeway and dropped into SW corner #WorcsBirds

Squadrons of marauding Hawfinch diving in and out of the yews in Bewdley this morning. 22 in a single flock represents a minimum,wouldn't be surprised if there were more #WorcsBirds

This striking 'Eastern' Chiffchaff at Kempsey STW was often present alongside the YBW. Seems a decent bet this will turn out to be a tristis when seen in better light and heard. Time will tell #WorcsBirds

After dipping on both the Ring-necked Duck and Yellow-browed Warbler at Grimley this morning, it was made all worthwhile finding my very own Yellow-browed at Kempsey STW this afternoon. A fantastic start to the year! #WorcsBirds

YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER at Kempsey STW, plus an interesting pallid Chiffchaff #WorcsBirds

The adult male Black Redstart still on All Saints, Worcester. Ran for closer views today but wouldn't sit still! Two weeks since it was last reported and it hasn't moved more than a few meters #WorcsBirds


Nice to catch up with Chelmarsh Velvet Scoters (1w M & F) this evening. They seem very comfortable so could be around for a while yet. If only they commute a few miles downriver during their stay... #ShropsBirds

A Ring-necked Parakeet feasting on berries on this years Chirstmas morning walk. Hope you all have a fantastic festive season!

Couldn't resist dropping in to see this afternoons gleaming 1st winter Caspian Gull at West Park. A first for the site I believe. Fantastic find by #WestMidsBirds