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Like the GOP (or drump or muskrat who's not even a citizen) follows rule or court orders. Dumpster himself is a convicted felon.
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I'm afraid to say, I think the Dems have thrown in the towel and just dribbling, waiting for the final buzzer.
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Unfortunately, they can't take back their vote and will have to suffer with the rest of us for 4 years. Lessons learned?
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A strongly-worded letter. That should fix everything. 🙄
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Why does a private citizen even have an "approval rating"?? I never approved of him in the first place.
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Unfortunately, the world sees it as Canada and Mexico broke under pressure from Drump.
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I wonder which political rival of Dumps was flying in from Kansas 🤔
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He didn't try to buy the Whitehouse for fatso. He DID buy it for him.
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So, what do you want ME to do? I live in a red state. I'm not a billionaire. I don't have anyone in my pocket. I'll vote, but it's the people in congress that work "for the people" that should be doing something instead of clutching their pearls and gasping in shock.
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Ohhhhhh. You almost said it outloud 😂
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Sorry. No one has a server large enough to house that data. 🤷
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Good to see you on this side 👍
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Again. When is another country going to take 'america-like' actions against this dictatorship? What would the US do against another dictatorship?
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Shoe lifts are difficult to master.
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Agreed. We're told to "voice your opinion" or "make yourself heard". The GOP could give 2 sh*ts what I say. I don't have the $$$ to make a difference to a politician, so my only voice is one little vote. People need to be held accountable for their actions regardless of party. But that's a joke.
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I hear so much "we need to" or "we should" or "he must be stopped" but like always, I'm seeing nothing being done. We'll have a dictatorship in 4 years if the Dems keep wringing their hands and clutching their pearls. For christ sake, stand up and do something in Congress. All I can do is vote.
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Great idea and I just downloaded the Canadian CBC app 👍
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When is another country going to take "america-like" actions against this? Do we have foreign subs off the coast yet? Do I need to practice my "wolverine!" yell?
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I'd rather watch paint dry
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I un-installed it. And FB. And Messenger. And Twitter. I'm done with the game.
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Oh. And Lemon8 is offline as well.
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I un-installed it. I'm done with the drama and power plays. Same for messenger and Facebook. And Twitter. I'm over it.
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Whoa whoa whoa. 60s and I had nothing to do with him getting elected. Broad strikes affect the innocent.
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< not a woman. But women need to get a lot scarier.
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I read that it was changed out regularly by museum staff. 🤷