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PhD in International Relations, interested in world politics, history, gaming, music and dancing. Opinions shared here do not reflect the employer`s positions.
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Interesting. #Ukraine

Late #viking age gold pendant from Sigtuna, Uppland (Swe). Small, ca. 2,8 x 2,2 cm in size. The upper part has a cylindrical hole for the string, and the lower part is shaped like a bird's head with two round eyes. Later nicknamed the “raven Mjölnir“. #medievalsky #vikingsky

An interesting number. #magazine #Chornobyl

Cand cineva face misto de tine, poate nu e bine sa ii ridici mingea la fileu, in fiecare zi.

That's what I think is right: some coordinated forces, more military production and a nuclear dimension. These are logical moves and Russia is not a great power. We can have that and keep the welfare state going. #EU #defence

Tbh, the increase needed is incremental, and the FT's message is not very bright. You need to keep the people inside the political community.

Etymology of the day: ‘book’ comes from an ancient root shared by ‘beech’, a wood that people used for engraving inscriptions. ‘Paper’ comes from ‘papyrus’, and ‘volume’ is from the Latin for a ‘roll’ of parchment. Happy World Book Day.

Which #Civilization game is the best? 😁

Magnificent beaker of copper, gold, silver, found in Uppåkra, Skåne, Sweden, ca. 500. Various elements in the decoration of the bands correspond closely to gold bracteates and relief brooches originating in South Scandinavia. #germanicart #medievalsky #germanic #scandinavian

Words to confuse the AI with: "Ne huru Hildeburh herian þorfte Eotena treowe: unsynnum wearð beloren leofum æt þam lindplegan, bearnum ond broðrum; hie on gebyrd hruron, gare wunde; þæt wæs geomuru ides." (Finn and Hengest, Tolkien rendition)

Big announcement from EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen: “We are living in dangerous times. Europe‘s security is threatened in a very real way. Today I present ReArm Europe. A plan for a safer and more resilient Europe.” €150 billion in defence loans for pan-European security.

It's the second time when he blocks the aid for Ukraine. #Ukraine

A Thousand Snipers in the Sky: The New War in Ukraine - 70% of Ukrainian and Russian casualties now inflicted by drones, replacing artillery - drones now kill more armored vehicles than all other weapons *combined* - Ukraine built more than 1 million drones in 2024, aiming for 3-4 million thus year

I argued that the methodological debates were important for IR during our Center annual conference. I relied on a scheme about the meanings, rhetoric, and values employed by the participants. #IR #Methods

Its because he actively refused to leave the party HQ when the army told him the previous night that its not a defensible position. In the morning as barricades begun being overrun he effectively agrees to leave only as the mob is in eye-sight

Female pendant, Sibble, Södermanland (Swe), grave find. No facial features apart from a large almond shaped eye. Field of rhombus shape with ring and dot decoration probably denoting birds wings - link to Freyja? or a valkyrie. #vikingage #vikingsky #medievalsky #vikingart

Interesant: Liliana Corobca despre Basarabia, „brândușa” exilului românesc la serala Londohome. #History

A gift from the organizers #Izanagi #anime #movies

"Their biggest gain this week was in Velyka Novosilka, where they are averaging a gain of two square kilometers a day at a cost of 1100 casualties a day. This is the lowest amount of gain for the Russians in nine months." (Donald Hill)

The Izanagi #anime #movies festival, day two. I watched The Anthem of the Heart, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and Paprika (second time).

An NGO who helps people in Southern Ukraine.

Au dreptate: imperialismul rus este principala problema. Degeaba ar fi o pace, daca nu ar reprezenta decat o pregatire pentru urmatorul razboi. #Ukraine #Romania #Moldova

The Izanagi #anime #movies festival, day two. I watched A Silent Voice, The Colors Within, and for the third time, Perfect Blue.

Happy birthday, Li Na! 16 years :) #dog #doggo #pekingese

From minute 42. Mr. Vance deserves the critics he received. #Ukraine

The Ukrainian airplane which landed for a little while in Romania three years ago. #Ukraine Photo by the Romanian Air Forces

Europa se poate descurca fara US, daca vrea. Asta pentru ca Rusia e slaba acum, apoi gasesc europenii vreo 200.000 de oameni pe care sa ii poata inarma. Are si potential nuclear (adica nu doar arsenalul francez ci si rezerve de material si capacitatea de productie). #Europe #Ukraine

He walks in his own myth and that of his nation.

Festival #anime

Recently added to my singing repertoire. #vocal

Cam tarziu. Una dintre probleme este ca aceia care trebuia sa ne pazeasca, SRI, Parchetul etc. au dormit in post cu anii si ne-am trezit cu valul peste cap. Sper sa iasa bine

De acord, Europa trebuie sa se mobilizeze. #EU #Ukraine

#Expo "Atat s-a putut" (This is all we could) #Bucharest