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Sometimes I write code and text, sometimes I make things. Often I don't do anything at all. Permission to use my posts to train various types of "AI" is […] [bridged from on the fediverse by ]
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DN glömmer att nämna att alla ryssarna dog. Eller iaf 80% av dem. Återigen så försöker msvensk media sprida myten om de ryska supersoldaterna. Oklart varför.

Nu baxar vi bastun till Basel!! 😄😅 #Mello2025

Ehrm… is cp broken on macos? 🤨 `cp -a src dst` Where src is a dir on a samba mount. Contents of dst/foo are different from src/foo. Wild. Duplicated dir in Finder, and it works.

It’s time to enjoy this year’s first semla.

”lågavlönad arbetarklass som röstade på Trump i tron att miljardärsonen är en man av folket bara för att han uttrycker sig som ett lågstadiebarn.” 😂

1938: Munich Agreement. Peace in our time. 2025: London Agreement. Peace in US time.

Vi har lite kvar att samla in till benprotesen. Inget bidrag är för litet, alla räknas. Även spridning av insamlingen betyder mycket.

"The free world must confront evil": Czech President Petr Pavel calls for a coalition of countries seeking justice for Ukraine In his opinion, peace should be established on terms that suit Kyiv. "Peace on the terms of the aggressor is called capitulation and […] [Original post on]

"Because the memory is non-upgradeable, we’re being deliberate in making memory pricing more reasonable than you might find with other brands." 😂

Let's spend some time coding Win32, shall we? After lunch, of course. Regeringskansliet har systematiskt använt en Ipad som enda plattform för att rekrytera. Den står i receptionen & bevakas av väktare. Endast personer som arbetar på myndigheten & har passerkort kan […]

Announcing the third entry in my collection of weird little Mac apps: Hyperspace Hyperspace can reclaim disk space *without removing any files.* Read the linked post to learn how it works.

NATO can't protect Europe from Russia because the US has defected. The EU can't because UK is no longer a member. The UN can't because of Russia & US. We need a body with Europe + UK but not Russia + US, with existing admin infrastructure. What I'm saying is: arm the Eurovision Song Contest.

The #US has joined Belarus, North Korea, Eritrea, the Central African Republic, Sudan and Hungary in opposing a Ukrainian resolution condemning Russia's criminal war of aggression. The US is well on its way to becoming a Russian puppet state.

Se i syne. Höra i höre? Känna i känne? Lukta i lukte? #svenska

Database corruption on embedded devices that only happens with real customer data, fun debugging times! #embedded

Apparently you can mishear ”skill issue” as ”skilly shoes”. Dorsn’t make much sense, but OTOH few things from the Internet make sense – so it makes perfect sense I guess 🤷🏼‍♂️

Starlink är helt avgörande för Ukraina. Detta innebär att man aktivt ger Putin enorma fördelar i kriget. Det finns en särskild plats i helvetets rövhål för den som utpressar ett angripet land för egen vinnings skull. Fy fan vad jag känner avsky

Why is Trump fighting so hard to be on the losing side of the war? 🤔

I would kindly ask people to stop asking me to be more polite to nazis and nazi enablers. I would really appreciate that. I am on my last thread and hanging on by claws, and trying to save my friends while doing it.

Det här är extremt intressant. Kan inte någon kompetent person snickra till ett användargränssnitt så man kan testa? Vältränad AI-modell förvandlar tal till text – Kungliga biblioteket – Sveriges nationalbibliotek – […]

Kan inte alla länder i EU kalla hem sina ambassadörer från USA för konsultationer? Nu måste vi för faan markera hårt mot idioterna där borta och inte sitta som fån och inte våga göra något. 🤬

Not reading news until after lunch and a couple of gummies used work for me. Now I’m about to have my doctor prescribe me some diazepam. Fuck you, Americans!

US kill-switch for F-35 is confirmed. The US has the means to ground a country's F-35 within 24 hours. Don't retire your Eurofighters, F-16, F-18 et al.

Oh, it seems I had forgotten to give X a one-star review in the App Store. Fixed!

It's been 0 days since HTTPS caused problems connecting to a server.