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Aquatic ecology | inland fishes | fish migration & dispersal | ecosystem engineers formerly in the Michigan Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit #TeamFish | he/his
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Calling all budding artists! This year's Wildlife Forever Fish Art Contest has a #GreatLakes Fish specialty award. K-12 students are eligible. And who doesn't want the chance to win a model of a sea lamprey?! Submissions are due Feb. 28 #sciart

Can anyone point me towards papers looking at the differences between Fulton's K body condition and residual body condition? I am finding a lot of math-heavy papers but having difficulty finding how to interpret differences between the two measures of condition.

Michigan volunteers collect critical data about 100s of lakes statewide each year. We're proud to support them through the Michigan Clean Water Corps (MiCorps) program. Enrollment is open for this year! Learn about the program, explore our 50 years of data, and enroll at

Finally got a lab website off the ground! Not a quick job and it’s still got a lot of “coming soon” pages 🤦🏼‍♂️ but at least it’s some sort of presence. Hoping to do better at highlighting our cool people, science, and 🐟 constructive comments welcome!

Are you (or someone you know) looking for a community-engaged #hydrology #postdoc? I am seeking a post doctoral scholar at University of Vermont focusing on "Stormwater Management Adaptations to Climate Change" for a new USGS funded project in the northeastern US. Learn more:

Do you use the #rstats package dataRetrieval? We are looking for users to join us for usability testing. Your input will help shape the future of the package as we update functionality to serve USGS water data from new APIs. Interested? Email [email protected]

I am still looking for a Master's student to join my lab at Northern Michigan University in fall 2025. Please get in touch if you are interested, and share with keen students interested in fish, genetics, or evolution!

Fish telemetry folks: Anyone have any HR2 Innovasea receivers sitting on a shelf that we could borrow for a few months for a pond study? Ideally, we could use 8, but can get by with less. Thanks!

January 28 is the registration for our class, all about lakes! Anyone can take it - you don't have to be in Michigan. We've been offering it annually for 10 years and it is a perennial hit!

Hopping back into the #Fishytheme for our 2025 #SundayFishSketch year, we will be sketching fishes that are supposed bring good luck (there are lots of choices)! We want to start this year off right. #sciart's essay on "why Netflix looks like that" was revelatory for me. "Netflix has created a pyramid scheme of attention, with no end in sight." Tarantino, "Those movies don’t exist in the zeitgeist. It’s almost like they don’t even exist.”

Why the long face? Even though #GarWeek is coming to a close, there’s still plenty of #Fishmas fun to be had! Finish hanging up the GAR-land on Day 22 of #25DaysofFishmas with the Longnose Gar (Lepisosteus osseus), one of the most distinctive and cool-looking fishes in the #GreatLakes

That’s no Ghost of #Fishmas Past! 👻 Day 19 features the Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens), also known as by the Ojibwe names of Nmé/Nahmay, a prehistoric-looking #GreatLakes fish species whose story of resilience could rival any Dickens novel #25DaysofFishmas

I am thrilled to announce that the #FinsAndLimbs Lab received another grant to work on the evolutionary biomechanics of water-land and fin-limb transitions. We now have $2.5 million USD to support postdocs, lab techs, and students over the next five years! May you all have a Muddy Buddy Christmas!

Rudolph the Red-nose…Shiner? 🔴🦌 Red Shiner (Cyprinella lutrensis) - also called Red Horse Minnow or Rainbow Dace - leads us into #25DaysofFishmas Day 15 not with a nose so bright but with a cautionary tale of a potentially invasive species in the #GreatLakes (+ is the answer to #SundayFishSketch!)

Don’t be left up a creek this #25DaysofFishmas without a chubsucker! Day 14’s fish is a two-fer: Once thought to be the same species, Eastern Creek Chubsucker Erimyzon oblongus + Western Creek Chubsucker E. claviformis both live in the #GreatLakes basin + remind us the holidays don't have to suck!

Paper: We compared boat cleaning systems for preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species. Which is best? Guess what... it depends!

🎶I’m dreaming of a white #Fishmas…🎶 If you're dreaming of snow and cold this winter, you're in good company - the Pygmy Whitefish (Prosopium coulterii), is a small, little-known fish adapted for life in cold and dark environments like the deepest parts of Lake Superior #25DaysofFishmas ❄️

WEEK 2 of the #SundayFishSketch team-up with #25DaysofFishmas ( for a difficult #Fishytheme. Sketch the #GreatLakes fish described by the clues below - if you know the answer, don't spoil it, draw and post on Sunday! #sciart 🐡🦑

Prepare for trouble and make it double, because #Fishmas Day 8 brings one fish with two identities! Steelhead + Rainbow Trout are the same species - Oncorhynchus mykiss - with different lifestyles. While not native to the #GreatLakes, they're a favorite of anglers #SundayFishSketch #25DaysofFishmas

Registration for Michigan State University Extension's award-winning Introduction to Lakes Online course is open! This six-week online class is designed for anyone interested in gaining a greater appreciation for inland lakes. Come learn about lakes with us!

🎶Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Fish nipping at your nose 🎶 Day 3’s #Fishmas feature is a species that wouldn’t be out of place at the North Pole! The Northern Pike (Esox lucius), also known in Canada as jackfish, is a popular catch across the #GreatLakes and beyond #25DaysofFishmas

Hello. Moved over from X. Where is the #fishscience and science crowd?

Hey everyone - thanks for joining me here. I'd love to take the opportunity to share my most recent publication. Check out the power of volunteers to collect critical information on our most abundant group of migratory fishes in the Great Lakes!

It's beginning to look a lot like #Fishmas! 🐟🎄 That's right - #25DaysofFishmas will be on Bluesky this year! As in past years, I'll be highlighting a different #GreatLakes fish species each day in December, advent calendar-style. The 9th (!) year of #Fishmas kicks off December 1!

I am looking for a PhD student to start in fall of 2025 at MSU. Potential topics include trait-based approaches to plankton community resilience, temperature effects on communities, harmful algal blooms and many others. Please get in touch if interested. More info:

Today I'm sharing an aquatic plant I don't encounter very often: mare's tail (Hippuris vulgaris). It can be fully submersed, or totally out of the water. It grows fully submersed in a river near me; here's a great photo of a bed in a lake. 📷 E. Elgin #MacrophyteMonday (1/3)

Updated Limnology! starter pack here:

Hi new and old followers! Looking for examples using stream-side and instream incubators (“hatchboxes”) for releasing unfed salmonid fry to enhance harvest, supplement natural runs, or restore extirpated populations. Any leads appreciated, please repost to spread the word!

Just starting here. I’m a long-time writer for The Nature Conservancy. I have a passion for fishing of all kinds, wildlife, outdoor pursuits, good books and conservation communications.

Ohaay, it’s the lady who hosts that Ologies podcast and finally got back into her Bsky account. Alie Ward here, excited to see so many science friends in one place. Add me/say hi so I can gently creep on your work. I wear this yellow sweater too much.

hii everyone! I’m a postdoc at the university of british columbia and my research focuses on evaluating the impacts of climate change stressors in imperiled fish species ~ like this white sturgeon!! ~ to inform conservation practices. 🐟🐠🧪

Are you looking for a position as an Aquatic or Fisheries Scientist?? Join our USGS Cooperative Research Unit at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln! This is a fantastic, well-funded position in a great department. #Fisheries #SundayFishSketch 🐟

ALSO: we decided this year with every $200 we committed to a challenge. If we get to $600, I have to run a 5k in full costume... I'm somewhat regretting committing to this but promise to share photos if we make it!

I know there is a lot right now but it's also the end of our annual Women of Fisheries fundraiser and we could use your help! Across platforms we have raised $510 so far, which is almost halfway to our goal. If you have a couple of dollars to spare, we'd appreciate it!

Aquatic plants are ecologically vital, yet undervalued and often mismanaged. Our team at Michigan State University is working with our state and federal partners to understand macrophyte distribution in our inland lakes - a long overdue effort! #MacrophyteMonday

I’ve been participating in a Nebraska #inktober challenge and this Sunday’s theme is #fossil. So, that is what I’ll also be doing for the #SundayFishSketch #FishyTheme! 🦑

Two very quick sketches to cover yesterday and today’s Nebraska #inktober themes. Did you know there’s a group of fishes called sleeper gobies? Some of them even native to the USA! Also, many of us can attest to having a bluegill be our first #prickly fish. And one to remember!

AFS Past President Cecil Jennings was interviewed by Hawaiʻi Public Radio about our Annual Meeting in Honolulu and efforts to include more Indigenous voices in the conference: #AFS154

In the market for new fishing tackle, custom fly rods, artwork, clothing, & more? Then consider bidding on 70+ items in the #AFS154 Silent Auction to benefit the Skinner Fund, Pacific Islands Chapter students, and the Equal Opportunities Section Student Travel Award:

Like lakes? The Michigan Inland Lakes Convention will be October 2-4 in Grand Rapids. More than 45 sessions and workshops... it's going to be great!

Our committee will be reviewing submissions soon! If you're a Biology or bio-adjacent postdoc or VAP within a few hours of Philly, let us know if you'd like to be considered for a seminar invitation!

I like to talk about aquatic plants. Back in the old days, I started posting under #MacrophyteMonday and it was a lot of fun! Let's give it a try here! This is the common bladderwort, Utricularia macrorhiza. Look at that beauty of a little yellow flower! (1/2)