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It appeared that is was a setup but I can't figure out why. What did they gain by that behavior they turned world leaders against them? I couldn't watch it all it made me sick to my stomach.
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The concept of trickle down economics was a joke. The rich got richer.
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The movie The Order is based on a true story of white supremist. The leader was working a long game to get white supremist into seats of the government. It was based in the 80's but I think they have succeeded.
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Sadly not enough people are. How do you destroy a nation from the inside. The British did it with Ireland. They couldn't defeat it so they destroyed it from within. They pitted the Protestant against the Catholics. Russia is doing it Republicans against Democrats. Same tactics different tools
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His threat to Canada is very real and collectively we need to make sure we don't normalize his behavior with "that's just Trump" I finished reading Winter of the World. It is the second in Ken Follet series from 2012. The parallel to Hitlers actions and Trumps are scary. His threats are real.
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Zelensky was right to stand up to him. Trump is showing that he is a Russian puppet and a weak leader. President Elon Musk proves that every day.
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What more do you expect from a pig but an oink....
What do you expect from Trump he can't bite the hand that feeds him so he distracts with garbage while making his base feel vindicated. Such a delusional ill informed group of people.
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He hates Zelensky because he is everything OrangePutin is not. A fighter, a leader, a hero. Trump is a loser who is followed by the lowest of society. He takes laps around a race track and claims victory while Zelenshy is on the front lines fighting for his people. No comparison
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I agree. I was conflicted about who I was going to vote for. I knew it wasn't going to be Poilievre he is to Trump like. I was disappointed in the Liberals and concerned about NDP. Now that Carney has thrown his hat in I have hope. We need experience not career politicians.
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That was my first thought. He did it this way so he can claim it was a mistake. He knows what is happening behind the scenes.
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Great idea and funny as hell.
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Toni S honestly as much as it sucks Canadians agree tariffs will hurt the most vulnerable of our society and it is important to take the high road for them. Saying Naa Naa boo boo you lost to a man child isn't worth their suffering. Begrudgingly we take the high road silently we call him a loser.
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I am not saying take my word for it. I always encourage people to do their own fact checking. I think it was November we committed the funds.Also look at the non partisan border agreement trump squashed. The troops given were part of that agreement. He rejected it then took credit for it. Crazy
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I can't speak for Mexico but I can for Canada. The funds were committed before Trump got in because of what is coming in from the states. I agree secure boarders are critical. However you don't threaten a country and then claim victory on funds already committed.That just seems crazy and desperate.
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Hey fellow Canadian. I agree we need to stop placating but for this one trump won nothing we had committed this money before Christmas. We just reiterated what we already committed to. This gives us 30 days to find more stable trading partners. If it helps our vulnerable populations it a win.
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Proud Canadian here. Trump did not get a compromise from Canadians. We had committed 1.4 billion to border security before Christmas. There was no win for him. We just repeated we what was already agreed upon. We are protecting our boarders from drugs and guns from the states. Facts matter.
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Thank you tiadee1031. We Canadians now have 30 days to find other trading partners. The outpouring of support from other countries offering assistance has been amazing. We are blessed. My thoughts are with our American neighbors . Tariffs will impact you as well.
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You will never make some people understand logic and facts. Trump needed a reason to break the NAFTA agreement it had to be a national emergency. The fentanyl lie did that. The 1.4 billion was committed months ago to secure our borders from what was coming up from the states. Facts matter
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Thank you Martha for your kind words I hope you have a great night as well.
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Buckaroobob this is not true check your facts. He clearly stated he wants to take over Canada by breaking us with tariffs. Not going to happen Also the reason why we committed 1.4 billion to the border security is because of the guns and drugs pouring into Canada the states. All documented facts
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As a Canadian I can say Trump didn't walk away with compromises. We had already committed 1.4 billion to border security months ago. Canada just repeated what we already promised.This is a documented fact but facts don't matter anymore. I pray for both countries get through this mess.
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So true thanks for posting