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Sr Research Fellow at Tampere Peace Research Insititute Tampere Uni & Docent in Global Development Studies at Uni of Helsinki - PI of EnVi(r)oCare 2023-27 funded by Research Council of Finland - disasters, inequalities, care & date palms with small farmers
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Viikonlopun aikana ajatus ei jättänyt rauhaan, niin ruvetaan sit hommiin: ketkä muut tutkijat haluaisi lähteä yhdessä työstämään avointa vetoomusta yliopistojen ja ammattikorkeakoulujen rehtoreille, että tieteen vapautta rajaavalle fasismipelleilylle ei anneta sanaakaan periksi? #tiedetaivas


"My humble suggestion for any peace that they...not only reimagine future for Ukraine, but stay connected to justice, equity and dignity of those whose lessons are used to promote any 'peace ecosystems'."

My latest two cents of the emergence of new Finnish peace building entrepreneurialism focusing on “concept proposal for a peace process in Ukraine” - a proposal for a “peace ecosystem”, launched at Tiedekulma few weeks ago #Ukraine #Indonesia #peacemediation

🥳 big big congratulations to on publishing this piece on the feminisation of survival/labour under sanctions in Iran

Transcript journeys through Sápmi, from Jåhkåmåhkke to Vájsáluokta: ”By questioning what we should take with us to the next world, "The End of This World" suggests the importance of collective grieving: the need to come together to elaborate and process experiences of collective trauma and loss.”

Also if you hire people, hire trans people. This is important. Put trans people on in all the ways. Make sure you are seen publicly supporting them in every way you can.

My first reaction after hearing Trump’s plan re Gaza: - check what IMEC (India–Middle East–Europe Economic Corridor) agreed in G20 in 2023 is all about (for which EU is also partner) - Netanyahu’s plan for Gaza-Arish-Sderot free trade zone released in 2024 (AI generate Image of Netanyahu’s plan)

Next Thursday (2-4) we'll be launching Development, Socialism, and Internationalism in the Third World (edited with with a brilliant group of discussants (below)- many thanks for hosting us at Birkbeck!

Tämä aihe vain ajankohtaistuu, Trumpin hallinnon päätösten myötä. Antigender-liikehdintä ei kierrä Suomea tai edes ulkopolitiikan arvopohjaista realismin toteutusta. #turpo #ulkopolitiikka #trump #genderideologia

Tämä liittyy oikeusvaltion haurauteen - vaalijärjestelmämme ei sanktioin suojattu ja esim. tuomioistuimien kokoonpanoa säädellään tavallisin lakien tasolla. Tarvitaan pikaisia toimia ulkoista vaikuttamista ja autoritaarisia toimia vastaan.

28 days to celebrate black history month. Today’s recommendation is to read Frances Beales’ (1969) Double Jeapardy: To be Black and Female:

If you are at Tampere, come to listen two interesting talks on current situation in Lebanon.

Beautiful, yet cold and moist morning in Kachchh that will help date palm flowering - time for herbal tea brew to stay warm

Call for Papers for special issue of International Feminist Journal of Politics, “Constructing Transnational Feminist Resistances in Times of ‘Crises’.”Please submit your work & help spread the word! Deadline: 5/1/25.

Ilona Kuusi’s analysis of use of gender marker generally, and specifically in Finland’s support to Afghanistan is out!

president of California Citrus Mutual: “We’re in the middle of our citrus harvesting ... Yesterday about 25% of the workforce, today 75% didn’t show up.”

Satu Sundström’s article ‘I take to the streets because you have to listen to me!’ Latin American women protesting in Europe suggests ‘A rapist on your path’ performances in Europe were to critically assess Western feminist approaches.

Jufon uudessa päivitetyssä käyttöohjeessa on huomioitu uusi tutkija arvioinnin suosis ja kielletty luokituksen käyttö yksittäisen tutkijan arvioinnissa (tai kielto on tarkennettu).

President Donald Trump was seated in the front pew when the Rev. Mariann Budde, the Episcopal bishop of Washington, gave a sermon at a prayer service, addressing him about L.G.B.T.Q. children and undocumented immigrants, "Please have mercy"

Today’s main activity was harvesting of ca 240kg of moringa/drumstick.

Daytime temperatures going up! The fan next up for dusting. Luxury to have post-lunch naps outdoors, reminded me of childhood visits to my grandparents’ farm. Then not so favorite, but thesedays just love ’em. #farmethnography

Ylen juttu akatemialain muutoksesta on järkyttävä, ja tarkoitan lopussa olevia ministerin ja OKM:n kommentteja. EU-suositus tutkimuksen turvallisuudesta (2024) on Ilmeisesti jäänyt kokonaan lukematta. Sen lähtökohtina ovat tutkimuksen vapaus ja tiedeyhteisön oma vastuu

My home for the next 6,5 weeks. Continuing date palm research in Kachchh with small farmers with an amazing team.

“Unlike reports of celebrity losses in Malibu, the devastation in Altadena illustrates how wildfires magnify inequalities, leaving poorer neighborhoods, often communities of color, with fewer resources to recover.”

Kun näköjään HS panostaa erityisesti hyväosaisten kohtaloihin LA:n tulipaloissa, tässä maastopalojen eriarvoistavasta luonteesta: The (in)visible victims of disaster: Understanding the vulnerability of undocumented Latino/a and indigenous immigrants

Date palm research has reached Thailand! We visited today 3 farms to learn how the boost for date palm production past 20 years looks at farms. 3 different stories, interesting reflections between Kachchhi oral tradition knowledge created for centuries with Thai ones accumulated e.g. via YouTube.

New SIPRI report: Global arms sales hit a record high in 2023, fuelled by conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza. Profits for the top 100 arms companies soared to $632 billion. #militaryindustrialcomplex #disarmament

Tänä vuonna vietetään Intian valtameren maanjäristyksen ja tsunamin 20-vuotismuistopäivää. Katastrofi- ja queer-tutkimus sekä hätäapu löysivät toisensa sen jälkimainingeissa. Lue juttu, niin tiedät miten. #nonaturaldisasters

Tärkeitä ja mielenkiintoisia tekstejä tämä SQS-lehden numero pullollaan! 🤩

SQS-lehden teemnumero Queerit kriisit/Queer Crises on nyt luettavissa! #queer #tutkimus #katastrofit #kriisit

1/17.📢The Ways of Repair : #LossAndDamage online 💻symposium will take place over 9⃣ sessions between the 20th and 29th of January 2025 🥳. ✏️See the schedule and sign up here:

Bilingual Special issue Queerit kriisit/Queer Crises edited by myself and Jarmo Jantunen is out! I will do a thread to introduce each piece in due course. It is Open Access accessible from the link: #queer #disasterstudies #crises #sqslehti

🧵 It is incredulous that within just days of the Assad regime's fall, a number of European countries, including Germany, Austria, Denmark, and others have announced pauses in the processing of asylum applications. (1)

Our paper is out on International Affairs👇 We use #intersectionality as an analytical tool to expose women’s interlocked subjectivity beyond assumed womanhood & group solidarity in peace negotiations from interviews w/ ☮️ practitioners.‼️Adding women ≠ more peace ‼️