Sr Research Fellow at Tampere Peace Research Insititute Tampere Uni & Docent in Global Development Studies at Uni of Helsinki - PI of EnVi(r)oCare 2023-27 funded by Research Council of Finland - disasters, inequalities, care & date palms with small farmers
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Mietin myös: toimenpiteitä pitäisi peilata kaikkiin hallituksen ilmoittamiin ja suunnittelemiin leikkauksiin, esim. kehitysyhteistyön kohdalla, jotka eivät ole vähäiset.
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Looking forward to reading, congratulations 🌱
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It’s still in slow thinking process as I am doing research in India until end of Feb.
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Onnea 🎉
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Pls add me
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Siiri Valjakan sarjakuva Queer vaurio on syntynyt Ali Alin välisestä dialogista. Myös teemanumeron kansi on hänen käsialaansa.
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Ali Ali's lektio (summary provided in public PhD defence) focuses on the journey, boundaries, and norms around belonging and politics. Temporary queer communities and encounters with authorities illustrate how personal is embodied and affective politicisation - and how everyday provides space.
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The special issue also includes a statement by the Finnish Queer Studies Association calling for academic boycott of Israel in light of ongoing genocide in Gaza. Teemanumero sisältää SQS-seuran kannanoton Israel-tiedeyhteistyön katkaisemiseksi meneillään olevan kansanmurhan vuoksi.
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My own contribution ”Gays mentioned” – Threat or Opportunity? focuses on the queer feminist analysis of the new Finnish foreign policy doctrine "value-based realism", right wing populism and Finland's decision to not join the Alliance for Gender-Responsive and Inclusive Recovery of Ukraine
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Jonna Tolonen's visual essee Does Queerness Lubricate the Gentrification Crisis? focuses on Lavapiés neighbourhood's gentrification in Madrid amidst financial crisis and their material and symbolic changes on queer lives.
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Mark Maletska's and Susi Nousiainen's essay Experiences about Arriving in Finland as a Ukrainian Trans Refugee maps out decisions to seek exile in Finland and their experiences thereafter calling for intersectional approaches to better respond to needs arising both from queerness and exile.
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Jarmo Harri Jantusen ja Taina Järvenpään artikkeli Sateenkaarevat sinkut ja läheissuhteiset covid-19-pandemiassa tarkastelee suhdestatuksen vaikutusta sateenkaarevien ihmisten kokemuksiin pandemiasta. Tutkimus ehdottaa heteronormatiivisten oletusten purkua katastrofien resilienssikeskustelussa
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Izat El-amoor's article Queering Genocide analyses Israel's pink washing strategies after October 7, pro-Palestine anti-pinkwashing (pinkwatching) organizing and suggests irremovable link between Palestinian queer liberation and collective Palestinian decolonization.
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I'll introduce each piece one by one, in the language of the contributions. Bilingually written introduction suggests the issue contributes existing queer disaster studies literature, but also importantly offers concepts to both queer studies and social science-based disaster studies in Finnish!