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asi jako partnerstvi s Ruskem
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this was true for Java until version 6 I think. Since then compiler will use StringBuilder instead, see
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davam na kraji celou kostku, at videj, ze na to mame
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ty jo, Bolek s Lolkem nezestarli pekne
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Čudná bedla
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Odborník by se mohl chybně domnívat, ze takový postup nemůže vést k úspěšnému výsledku, no a hele!
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A ze se navic jakakoliv jina pisen da na tu jednu prevest
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Dlouho by stejne netrvala, gripeny jsou hrozne preletave
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v jakem dokumentu jsi pouzil slovo žůžo? ;)
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ktera na konci konverzace vzdy popreje 'Goo Luck"
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Bacha na to budouci utrpeni
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no a zkousel jsi to? ;)
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Hraje to tak dobre, ze ho je skoro i citit
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Zjevne jsme pro ABCD delali taky. No, ono kdo ne...
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radeji nedomyslet, kam az by sahali Hujerovi
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Nice save ;)
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Vis, kdo tu tradici zalozil? ;)
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Zatim dobry. Noise cancelling headphones FTW!
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Klidl, to bude dobry
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A ja rad dosvedcim, zes byl cely den se mnou
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souhlas. je to nechutne prenaseni problemu odesilatele (nema cas to psat) na prijemce, ktery zase nema cas to poslouchat.
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for me one of the highlights would definitely be GraalVM. And current Spring Boot is cool, changes in Java itself quite remarkable. Even JRE is getting faster and faster. You're in for a treat!
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Obavam se, ze to spis myslel tak, ze budeme brat v korunach to, co oni v eurech
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priloz nejakou svoji fotku, na tehle je zahradni trpaslik ;)
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Jako kocka ;)
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tohle ji stresovat nebude. spis pripomene detstvi ;)
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kocku popadnout za kuzi za krkem, to by ji melo v zasade znehybniz
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Kdy naposled hrali v hospode? ;)
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Ono to casto funguje i obracene
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Manicku jsem poznal, ale ani Hurvinek ani Spejbl se moc nepovedli ;)
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nejaky cas urcite jo
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Tady je zjevne na miste britske “many happy returns!” ;)
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Navic pres poledne byva dost mrtvo
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museji si davat pauzy, jinak je to hrozne ubijejici
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“Jak si ho budete prat propect?” “To je jedno, ja z neho stejne udelam krvavej…”
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