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Eclectic-hater of tariffs, skeptical of value of mRNA vaccines, (prefer Novavax), Probable lab origin of COVID, UFO (UAP), energy healing (by distance!), have moon apps and sky watch apps, love to swim, semi-connoisseur of streaming series. No to Trump!
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I think they decided that the mineral deal was not going to benefit the USA, so they plotted ahead of time as a way not to sign it.
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Come to Memphis next!
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I'm all for upholding laws, but for the life of me I don't see Tik Tok as some sort of existential threat. The Chinese have zillions of ways to get our data, why single out this one way?
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I won't claim it was stolen, BUT there should have been samples of recounts in key precincts in swing states. There were enough anomalies to warrant that. If the recounts all match the machines, then OK, I accept the results. Trump went way beyond recounts!
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Not only that, there is evidence of actual hacking in swing states.
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This is supposition (although I believe it). Here is at least some evidence. Check this out:
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Obviously there are stars in the video, but there are much brighter objects as well, that appear to be moving quite a bit. Of course it is hard to tell because the camera is also moving. I don't see any reason to question what he saw. He knows what stars are for sure.
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That is actually a reasonably decent guess.
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Planes don't cause airports to shut down; nor do they interfere with medevac rescues.
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He hasn't really commented on this and he usually comments on everything.
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You have written this same response several times. Weird.
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Not really. Some are pretty good. UHC is horrible.
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Because, in, like forever, the Congress has not been able to come to any agreement about immigration laws. There used to be programs for farmers to get immigrant labor.
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You are completely ignoring the bipartisan Senate investigation. WHY? The House Republicans raised bluster and sounded mean to Fauci but without subpoenas all they did was all bark and no bite.
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The Democrats are part of a bipartisan Senate investigation into the origins of the coronavirus- AGAIN. The House Republicans were mean sounding to Fauci and the Democrats weren't. There was no teeth behind the Republicans. They had the power to subpoena and didn't!! Same result.
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So how do you account for this?
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I agree that this should be public. But think about it! The House *could* have subpoenaed this material. It didn't! Why not??? There are powerful forces working, through BOTH parties.
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crossing my fingers
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Gain of function paused during the Obama administration, started again during the Trump administration.
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It really isn't much of an echo chamber in any case. Certaubkt are differences of opinion allowed there. I'm engaged in one right now. 😁
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Again, there is a BIPARTISAN Senate group undertaking a study on the origins. That means Republicans PLUS Democrats. What part of that don't you understand? And Trump appointees did not cooperate!
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I'm glad that helped you. I seemed to tolerate the first ones OK. My nephew passed out a couple of hours after his injection. It was very scary. Fortunately he landed on a potted plant and not the bathroom floor. I'll stick with Novavax.
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March 20, 2020 Wall Street Journal
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I had the original two Pfizer shots. Only Novavax since those. I know too many people with bad side effects from mRNA vaccines. Never had COVID19.
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March 12 2020 Wall street Journal
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I am sorry you are disabled from COVID. BUT there is a bipartisan group looking into the COVID origin. No reason to vote for Trump, who mishandled the beginning of COVID.