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J. D. Vance? Oh, you mean Cleopatra! I've noticed already that he wears the same eyeliner.
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I mean, come on, of all the things he could do and look at what he actually does. Is this how a well adjusted adult acts? He is a colossal and multimodal anti-talent.
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And, of course, being conservative means that he's a mirror Michael: he has no talent, no presence, no charisma, no charm. He's ugly, repulsive, reprehensible, and not even one bit pitiable or sympathetic.
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What a weirdo. I wonder if he's really only acting, or that he just has the mental capacity of an adolescent, never having fully developed intellectually or emotionally into an adult (it definitely seems that way from his words and actions). I can't be the only one who sees this.
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surrounding himself with young fellows, giving away figurative "candy and toys" (power and perks), having fun sleep overs in the office, playing fun games all night, tweeting out stupid "jokes" like he's making prank phone calls, etc. This is a 53 year old, grown-ass man play-acting at adolescence!
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You can use your Dunning-Krugerrands to buy up all the bottoms of the barrel you can, and in America the bottom, like our tender optimism and service to the good, is limitless! 1.
1. Dunning-Krugerrands cannot optimistically be used or exchanged for legal tender or goods and services.
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The reverse side proudly displays a stunning relief of a sinking ship, with our national motto "In Trump We Trusted!" emblazoned over the churning ocean waters engulfing it. True poetry for the eyes!
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The obverse of this gorgeous coin shows a beautifully detailed portrait of president Elon Musk in his role as Alfred E[lon] Neumann, and is inscribed with his very own personal creed: "Wat My Bekommer?" and who can't relate to that in these times of winning and prosperity?
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Just WOW! Amazing!
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Lying to promote their own victimhood is standard action for the modern conservative: poor helpless wretches who need coddling and support while they gleefully destroy others' lives. Sickening.
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Got to agree. Never in my life could I imagine the things I've seen happen due to the people elected and those who elected them. Stupidity is a force in the world, a great sucking maelstrom that destroys lives and potentials. Unbelievable.
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Or maybe like a peg a condom company would use to quality test their rubbers on. This is actually a common Republican look. Dickheads.