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WHAT A NIGHT of SCIENCY ACTION! Polar Bear, Cape Buffalo, Wild Yak, Tapir, Mountain Zebra, Ribbon Seal, Narwhal, and Tasmanian Devil... ADVANCE to Round 2! #2025MMM

#2025MMM Tuxedo Style Round 1 Battle WINNERS: Polar Bear, Tasmanian Devil, Tapir, Cape Buffalo, Zebra, Yak, Ribbon Seal, Narwhal Join us TOMORROW at 8PM EST for Round 2 of THE ONLY ONES and ROOTS AND RELICTS

#2025MMM TUXEDO STYLE ROUND 1 EMOJI BATTLE RESULTS! 🐻‍❄️🆚🐀:🐻‍❄️🐀👀/🐀🦷🐻‍❄️/🏆🐻‍❄️ 🦏🆚☁️:🦏🔙☁️/☁️🪜🌳/🏆🦏 🦬🆚🦡:🦡💨🦬/💨🦡🔊/🏆🦬 🐃🆚🌕:🐺🍽️🌕/🐃🤷🏻‍♂️🌬️/🏆🐃 🦄🆚🦨:🦄🌊🦨/🦨😱🏃🏻‍♂️‍➡️/🏆🦄 🦓🆚🐵:🦓⛱️🙈/🦓🔄🐵/🏆🦓 🦭🆚🤥:🦭❓🤥/🤥🌊🥶/🏆🦭 🌪️🆚🐒:🐒🌪️🚘/🌪️🌪️😱/🏆🌪️

Delacour’s langurs are one of the world’s 25 most endangered primates, w/less than 200 animals in the wild. Given their critically endangered status, unsurprisingly, variation in the mitochondrial D-loop suggest low levels of nucleotide and haplotype diversity #2025MMM #RIP

Delacour’s Langurs–1 of 7 species of “limestone langurs” –thrive in karst formations, regions w/steep cliffs + little nutrients except metals due to limestone erosion. SNP data suggest limestone langurs diverged from their forest-dwelling langur cousins 2.9 mya #2025MMM

The Tasmanian devil has been devasted by cancers that cause facial tumors. While animals have 14 chromosomes, their tumors only have 13 abnormal chromosomes and these abnormalities are consistent across individuals, suggesting the cancer is transmitted btwn animals. #2025MMM

Last Up: 8-Seed Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) vs. 9-Seed Delacour's Langur (Trachypithecus delacouri) #2025MMM

The MHC locus, key to immune response, was sequenced in Tamanduas across South America. Tamanduas from rainforests like the Amazon showed higher MHC allele diversity, likely as a result of exposure to more pathogens in that ecosystem. #2025MMM #RIP

Here’s some capuchin eye poking for you. #2025MMM

Watch what you eat! Sequencing of fecal samples from tamanduas at different locations showed that those that were fed a zoo-made diet had a much different microbiome dominated by the Lactobacillaceae family than those that were fed a commercial diet. #2025MMM

Analysis of cytochrome B found that the Phoca complex separated into two lineages around 6 million years ago. One of them led to harp and ribbon seals, and the other one later diverged into all other extant species of the Phoca complex #2025MMM

Up Next: 7 seed Ribbon Seal (Histriophoca fasciata) vs 10 seed Southern Tamandua (Tamandua tetradactyla)! #2025MMM

White-faced capuchins could not avoid defeat but they do avoid inbreeding! By determining parentage of wild capuchins w/microsatellites, it seems like fathers–especially alphas who sire most offspring–and daughters avoid mating when they live together. #2025MMM #RIP

South Africa’s Mountain Zebra National Park was formed in 1937 to protect declining mountain zebra populations. Plains zebras were introduced in ’99 and now animals w/mountain + plains zebra striping exist. Microsatellites confirm hybrids btwn the two species. #2025MMM

Analysis of two mitochondrial genes from capuchin species in Central and South America suggests that white-faced capuchin ancestors originated in the Amazon but dispersed into Central America ~1.9 MYA after the closure of the Isthmus of Panama. #2025MMM

NEXT UP: 6th-seed Mountain Zebra (Equus zebra) vs. 11th seed White-Faced Capuchin (Cebus capucinus)! #2025MMM This battle is by!

A karyotype study by Perelman et al. found that skunks (family Mephitidae), like wolves & bears, have high rates of chromosomal evolution. This rapid evolution occurs even within some species, such as Spilogale putorius (as shown in previous studies). #2025MMM #RIP

DNA analysis revealed that the Eastern Spotted Skunk displays strong patterns of genetic differentiation among subspecies. Future management strategies should take this into account, as these differences may reflect behavioral or physiological differences. #2025MMM

Narwhal has a big tooth but no enamel! Randall et al. (2024) analyzed 7 enamel-specific genes in narwhal & other whales and found that 2 enamel matrix genes (AMELX & AMBN) & 2 genes regulating & degrading enamel proteins (ACP4 & KLK4) have been inactivated. #2025MMM

Next up: 2 seed Narwhal (Monodon monoceros) vs 15 seed Eastern Spotted Skunk (Spilogale putorius) #2025MMM

A population genetics study along Malaysia’s Kinabatangan River found that while it blocks movement for some species (eg tree shrews & squirrels), others, like the Moonrat, cross w/ ease, maintaining genetic connectivity btw populations on both sides. #2025MMM #RIP

The family Erinaceidae encompasses 27 species in 2 subfamilies: Erinaceinae (spiny hedgehogs) & Galericinae (gymnures, incl. the Moonrat). Over 45M yrs. separate these subfamilies, according to a study using DNA obtained from fresh samples & museum specimens. #2025MMM

"Did humans shape the fate of the African Buffalo? A genetic study by Talenti et al. reveals a sharp decline in Syncerus caffer populations over the last 10,000 years—mirroring human expansion across Africa. Coincidence? Maybe not. #2025MMM

Next Up: 4-seed Cape Buffalo (Syncerus caffer caffer) vs. 13-seed Moonrat (Echinosorex gymnura) #2025MMM

Zorillas harbor the ancestral mustelid karyotype of 38 chromosomes while other mustelids, such as skunks, the American mink, and many weasels have diverged from this ancestral configuration. #2025MMM #RIP

🚨 #mnapbio Unit 8 👇 #2025MMM

In the past, the zorilla has been grouped with skunks given the striking similarities in both of their striped coats. However, markers from the 12S and 16S ribosomal RNA genes suggest that the zorilla is more closely related to otters than skunks. #2025MMM

Wild yaks roam the Tibetan Plateau alongside domesticated yaks which provide food and transportation for Tibetan pastoralists. The frequencies of genetic variation in wild and domestic yaks best match a model where domestication of yaks occurred ~7,300 years ago. #2025MMM

NEXT UP: 3rd-seed Wild Yak (Bos mutus) vs. 14th seed Zorilla (Ictonyx striatus)! #2025MMM This battle is by!

Southern Luzon Giant Cloud Rats have 22 pairs of chromosomes while other rodents endemic to the Philippines have pairs of chromosomes ranging from 13 pairs in the Isarog Shrew Mouse to 26 pairs in the Luzon Cordillera Hairy-tailed Rat. #2025MMM #RIP

As of 2015, 18 species belong to the cloud rat clade of the Philippines. Cytochrome b sequences suggest that the Southern Luzon Giant Cloud Rat is the earliest diverging lineage of the cloud rat clade that still exists today! #2025MMM

Initiatives in Malaysia towards increased forest connectivity have contributed to a wide distribution of Malayan tapir genetic clusters and gene flow between tapir populations over the past decade #2025MMM

Next Up: 5-seed Malayan Tapir (Tapirus indicus) vs. 12-seed Southern Luzon Giant Cloud Rat (Phloeomys cumingi) #2025MMM

Polar bears have a suite of adaptations so they can thrive in the Arctic! Their genomes show signatures of positive selection surrounding genes like APOB, TTN, and LYST which might play roles in their high-fat diet (lots of seals!) and white fur. #2025MMM

Eurasian Water Shrews were found with unusually large skulls, raising suspicions of a new species! But DNA analysis suggested otherwise—these shrews aren’t genetically distinct. Instead, their extreme skull variation likely results from local adaptation. #2025MMM #RIP

👀 #mnapbio Unit 8!! #2025MMM

First Up: 1-seed Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) vs. 16-seed Eurasian Water Shrew (Neomys fodiens) #2025MMM

"Could Southern Italy be home to a new Eurasian Water Shrew species? A genetic study found deep mtDNA divergence in Neomys fodiens, with Southern Italian populations splitting from others ~1 million years ago. #2025MMM

A MrsROYGBIV fact - zebras are my favorite animal 🦓 #2025MMM

TONIGHT everyone likes a sharp-dressed AN… imal in the Tuxedo Style Division of species in shades of grey from whitest snow to obsidian sable. #2025MMM

WOW WHAT A NIGHT!!! Thorold's Deer, Sun Bear, Colugo, Coati, Paca, Paradise Flying Snake, Aardvark, AND Gelada! ADVANCE!! #2025MMM

Eastern Gray Kangaroos have unique genetics influenced by human-made structures! A study by Urbanek et al. shows that elevation & urbanization can impact their gene flow, highlighting the need to consider both factors in conservation planning #2025MMM #RIP