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Postdoc Researcher, Eurostorie, Centre for European Studies, Uni of Helsinki #GATEproject: #Deportation in Finland/Nordic countries, ~1950-2025: Publications:
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📣If you are interested in #EU #migration politics and law, come join us in Salzburg for a summer school on 7-11 July! 👇 ⏰Apply until 31 March 2025!⏰ #EUsky #MigCitSky #MigrationResearch at with

CfP for the History of Knowledge Conference at the Lund Centre for the History of Knowledge #LUCK in October 2025 - #HistKnow:

The areal shape of Finland (/"Swedish eastern lands" in the Swedish period & Grand Duchy in the Russian period) since 1323. Source: Paasi 1996

Despite promoting debunked far-right conspiracy theories — including the claim that the FBI incited Jan. 6 — and a very public record of calling for so-called “deep state” operatives who oppose Trump to be punished, Kash Patel has been confirmed to lead the FBI:

"There's an old saying in diplomatic circles: 'If you are not at the table, you are on the table.' Hard to believe it's 2025, and two superpowers are meeting to split up a sovereign nation—like colonialism never went out of style. #Ukraine

Forthcoming Online Launch Event 👇👇👇 Global Report on Law and Policy on Internal Displacement, Monday 10 March 2025, 1:00PM - 2:30PM GMT, Online via Zoom #UNHCR #InternalDisplacment #RefugeeLaw #Policy #Refugees

Today marks one year since Alexei Navalny’s sudden death in a Russian prison. Alexei Navalny was a determined advocate for democracy and freedom in Russia. We honour his memory and stand in solidarity with those who continue the fight for human rights and democracy.

Hyvä keskustelu: #USA

Good luck. Vance wants to forge an alternative transatlantic alliance outside of the establishment crowd gathered at the MSC. His audience was Weidel, Orban, Kickl, Wilders, Fico, PiS in Poland etc & far-right European intellectuals, influencers, journos that were schmoozed by Bannon

E2 Tutkimus on selvittänyt kotona lapsiaan hoitavien somaliäitien näkemyksiä arjesta ja työelämästä. Lue tuore raportti👉 tai tärkeimmät nostot alta. 1/ 🔗

"How the far right is expanding its international network" - interview with C-REX scholar, among others.

First, Google removed events like Pride & BHM from Calendar. Now, they come for our maps. A harsh reminder that default settings aren’t just re: convenience—they’re a form of control that shapes user behaviour & choices. Welcome to the Gulf of Digital Imperialism.

Tragic - The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) regrets to inform that they, ”for the first time in our history, will have to suspend ongoing and urgent US-funded humanitarian work in nearly 20 countries affected by wars”

Puhe maahanmuuttajista on usein yksipuolista ja niputtaa nämä ihmiset kasvottomaksi "resurssimassaksi", jonka oletetaan automaagisesti ratkaisevan työvoimapulan. Mutta nyt tutkijamme Marja Enbuska avaa väitöskirjassaan maahanmuuttajien yhteisöön kuulumisen kokemuksia🫶

Trying to understand a little better the histories and meanings of and practices at the Finnish-Soviet/Russian border. #GATEproject

"In the colonies, the sovereign might kill at any time or in any manner. Colonial warfare is not subject to legal and institutional rules." (Mbembe 2003: 26)

Yhdysvalloissa on käynnissä myös avoimen tieteen kriisi. DEI-asioita siivotaan vanhoista dataseteistä, ellei sitten siivota koko datasettejä pois — tilanne on epäselvä.

Aika järkyttävä uutinen. Kun biometriset passit tulivat, pyhästi vakuutettiin, että mitään tällaista ei ikinä tapahtuisi.

A report from UN human rights investigators for Syria released on Monday has laid bare the systematic use of arbitrary detention, torture and enforced disappearances by the deposed Assad regime.

Julkistamme tänään vuoden 2024 maahanmuuton tilastot! Tilaisuutta voit seurata suorana klo 10 alkaen: Kaikki viime vuoden tilastot julkaistaan 30.1. tilastopalvelussamme:

(Yleiseurooppalaista) juutalaispakolaiskirjoittelua 1938 - Pakolaistulva - Maahantunkeutujat - Syyllisiä omaan asemaansa - Tulevat meidän elätettäväksi - Eivät sopeudu - Aiheuttaneet muissa maissa ongelmia - Tulijoiden päämääränä länsimaiden tuho - Suomi ei voi auttaa #vainojenuhrienmuistopäivä

Somali- ja irakilaistaustaiset työntekijät joutuvat lähettämään yli kaksinkertaisen määrän hakemuksia suomalaistaustaisiin verrattuna päästäkseen työhaastatteluun useilla matalapalkkaisilla aloilla. Upeaa, että Akhlaq Ahmad on tehnyt jatkotutkimuksen ja hyvä, että erot ovat kaventuneet vrt v. 2016.

Elon Musk: "race mixing is bad. Italy for Italians!" *woman next to him moves as far away as possible*

Elon Musk makes surprise appearance at AfD event in eastern Germany

Tomorrow at FISA conference in Imatra, Finland to talk about the evolution and fundamentals of non-entry regime at Finnish eastern border. #GATEproject #deportation #borders #asylum #history

#TikTok kiellettiin Yhdysvalloissa, käyttäjät nousivat kapinaan, ja alustayhtiö kutsui Trumpin avukseen. Tapaus kertoo alustayhteisöjen voimasta, mutta myös alustojen roolista osana poliittista valtapeliä, kirjoittavat ja Kaisa Lindholm.

One of France's most prominent newspapers, Le Monde, is abandoning Elon Musk's X, the paper's editor-in-chief announced today.

Pleased to get an advance look at 's new book - a history of Black Britain beyond London. Great insight into some untold and under-told stories... think my fave is the 1970s doc on Bradford deemed too controversial for UK and US tv...

Meloni’s Albanian migrant detention centers are now ghost towns

For I wrote about Italy's detention centers in Albania, implications for migrant rights, & how normalized border externalization & the criminalization of migration have become in public & political debate

📣 New report from NIBR/OsloMet: 🇺🇦 “Settlement, integration and employment under a temporary perspective: Experiences and perceptions of Ukrainian refugees and municipal refugee services. Read more about it and access the full report below.

Kovaa tekstiä Itävallan hallitustunnustelijaksi nimetyn, äärioikeistolaisen Vapauspuoleen edustajilla tapaamisessa, josta Der Standard on saanut nauhoituksen. Ulkomaalaiset pitää viedä ”kaikilla valtion voimakeinoilla” ulos ja ”näiden ihmisten elämä pitää tehdä mahdollisimman vaikeaksi”.

Excited to announce the Helsinki Legal History Series, Spring 2025! Join top scholars for groundbreaking talks on legal history. Kicking off next week 21.1. w/ José Carlos Fernández (Harvard) 📍 UH | Room P673 | Online via Zoom. Details on our website: #EuroStorie

Going through some archival materials. This one on the Finnish-Soviet border issue agreement & negotiations in 1960. From the Archives of the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs #GATEproject

Join Prof. 's hybrid book launch on 23 January as she discusses and critiques the immigration detainee escorting system in the UK—a wholly outsourced form of border control operating like a supply chain. Sign up now! For more info:

Kevään Politiikasta kouluissa -haku on nyt avattu. Tavoitteenamme on tarjota erityisesti historian ja yhteiskuntaopin opettajille asiantuntija-apua nykytilanteessa, jossa oppikirjat vanhenevat nopeasti ja yhteiskunnalliset asiat mietityttävät. Lue lisää ja hae mukaan! #tiedetaivas

Sweden's asylum-related immigration lowest in 40 years

Swedish citizenship policy joins the securitization bandwagon. #migcitsky

New blog by Daniel Thym - EU asylum policy development since reappointment of Von Der Leyen is a symbolic victory for governments calling for a fundamentally new approach to asylum.

Refugees are increasingly starting and leading organisations to advocate for their rights and protection, boldly declaring #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs. We’re working to map the impact of these organisations. Do you want to help us? 👉

Helsingin Sanomat teki tämäniltaiseen Tieteiden yön polarisaatiokeskusteluun nojaten jutun. On kyllä mahtavaa saada tehdä näin mielenkiintoisten kysymysten parissa töitä!

📙 It’s actually out: the volume "Lawless Zones, Rightless Subjects" edited by Seyla Benhabib and Ayelet Shachar! It explores the current conditions of asylum, migration governance and rights/rightlessness at state borders.

Extremely useful list by on (suspected) cases of Russian sabotage, espionage and more in Germany and Europe. It’s a LONG list!

Migration scholars are increasingly using the concept of "refugee rentierism" to describe the financial arrangements between states that host refugees and those that want to stop migration. Here's an explainer of what that means:

'What is refugee rentierism? An explainer' 'Wealthy countries are increasingly paying poorer countries to try to limit migration, with negative effects for people on the move' #migrationEU #refugeerentierism #externalisation #dealswithdictators

Black woman targeted by racist abuse in Finland over festival role #racism #Finland