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进步派,支持民族自决,为推动全民医保、绿色新政、加强行业监管、拆分垄断的大企业以及征收富人税等进步议程而战。 Deny Their Power, Defend The People, Depose The Rulers. Nobody’s Free Until Everybody’s Free. #FreeLuigi
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参议院民主党人还在投票支持Trump政府的走狗,每个投票的民主党参议员都是在帮助法西斯主义者剥夺美国人民的言论自由和投票权。 每个人都该把他们拉清单,记住他们连任的年份,捐款支持他们的反对者,有他们做榜样,看哪个不知死活的东西敢背叛选民。

In Indiana, 16 and 17-year-olds can now work the same hours as adults and are no longer restricted by school hours and days. They also can work overnight without an adult and perform hazardous agriculture jobs. Many 14- and 15-year-olds can now work during school hours as well.

Federal workers are being asked to report on colleagues who are involved in after-work groups for LGBTQ employees:

这个糟老头想说Trump撒谎需要绕个这么大的圈子吗?不知道的人还以为他和Trump一样喜欢玩黄金浴呢。 民主党里老年痴呆的老头老太屡次在公众场合自取其辱而不自知,可见他们阻止AOC担任监督委员会首席成员不过是搬石砸脚,老年痴呆们真是内斗内行外斗外行。

"The email was nothing more than an irresponsible and sophomoric attempt to create confusion and bully the hard-working federal employees that serve our country."

The University of Pittsburgh has paused all of its PhD admissions because of Trump-Musk hammering research funding.

Bernie Sanders仍然受欢迎,而且他比大多数民主党领袖和议员都有号召力。为了对抗Trump和Elon Musk的倒行逆施,Bernie Sanders直入敌营,他选择举行集会和选民见面,目的是针对摇摆选区的共和党众议员。 明明Hakeem Jeffries才是最可能从中受益的那个人,但他好像心甘情愿一辈子做少数党领袖,他打Trump耳光的样子就像是帮他擦嘴,八十三岁的Bernie Sanders比他更卖力。 既然五十多岁的Hakeem Jeffries不中用,那就让Bernie Sanders再出来选总统,Sanders不比Biden和Hillary Clinton受欢迎多了。

Van Nuys, CA

wrote up the unbelievable shenanigans going on in Delaware corporate law

Luigi Mangione同款毛衣的下单链接在这里,赶快买几件作为礼物送给你的家人和朋友吧。

Luigi Mangione被关押在这里,有时间到纽约的人一定要来这里拍照打卡。

Arizona就选不出好的民主党参议员了是吧?民主党参议员Mark Kelly称赞Elon Musk能干,我看他是需要被丢燃烧瓶了。

Elon musk (thank you for everything sir I respect you a whole lot sir) told me to go fuck myself and that he wants to eliminate Congress

The DOJ is investigating UnitedHealthcare over billing fraud to funnel extra payments to Medicare Advantage plans, the Wall Street Journal reports. UnitedHealthcare shares have already dropped 9% since the story broke.

Tennessee just passed a law that allows criminal charges vs local officials who vote for a sanctuary policy. Florida just passed a law empowering DeSantis to remove elected local officials who don't obey ICE. And: DOJ is threatening prosecution against a NY sheriff who didn't comply with ICE.


Last week, JD Vance gave Europe an ultimatum: it can align with the Trump administration, or face its wrath. To comply, Europe needs to embrace the extreme right, repeal tech rules the US “will not accept,” and allow Silicon Valley to dominate its market. It should tell the US to take a hike.

Luigi Mangione所在的监狱以环境恶劣为人所熟知,不少人因为精神问题而寻短见,他又被关单间,庭审被一拖再拖,很难想象他有多久没和人说过话了,看见Luigi Mangione还这么有精神真让我开心。

Luigi Mangione是什么有超能力的罪犯吗?在法庭上给他戴手铐还不够,连脚铐也要用,他连自己拿水杯喝水都做不到,还要律师帮忙,司法系统实在是太侮辱人了,尤其是敢于反抗大企业贪污压榨的勇士。不过不得不说,他今天的衣服也很好看。

Drop Site’s Sharif Kouddous reports from the southern Lebanese village of Kfarkela, which is in ruins after Israeli troops withdrew on February 18. Every single structure has been completely destroyed or badly damaged. It is mostly just piles of rubble.


So we did a podcast with such a great guest that I had to write the story up. It's about an obscure clique of consultants who make you pay more for power without your knowing it. Let me explain:

民主党众议员Robert Garcia在2月12日上CNN的节目表示要阻止Elon Musk,他在这之后就收到司法部的恐吓信,司法部想明白他到底是什么意思。 一个美国国会议员抛开自己的官职就是一个公民,美国宪法第一修正案保护公民批评政府的权力,现在Trump除了命令DOGE废除政府部门建立自己的小政府,他还要恐吓威胁批评政府的人。 Robert Garcia被Trump盯上也是民主党无能,Hakeem Jeffries连嘲讽Trump都显得软弱无力,领导层装死就让落单的民主党议员成了被Trump针对的目标。现在是写信警告,过两年就是没有搜查令在半夜破开议员家的大门把人抓进黑狱折磨致死了。

Laying off thousands of IRS agents must cost the United States millions of dollars per employee, right?

So if you criticize Elon Musk, Trump’s DOJ will send you this letter. Members of Congress must have the right to forcefully oppose the Trump Administration. I will not be silenced.

This is one of Musk's many goals. Kill workers in factories and control the regulator who's supposed to punish him.

It’s official: the Trump administration wants to kill California’s high-speed rail project, and there’s little question Elon Musk pushed them in that direction. breaks down today’s announcement and the opposition that tried to drown it out.

既然Chuck Schumer,Hakeem Jeffries以及绝大多数民主党议员少了金主的指挥后就像小丑一样,我们更应该感谢AOC在这个危机时刻走上街头支持保护联邦政府部门并支持政府雇员们的抗争。这里毕竟是美国,哪怕民主恶化了,民众抗争成功的希望仍然存在。 Elon Musk的DOGE追求的从来都不是提高政府效率,他要的是权钱交易。既然可以通过腐败来敛财,干嘛要通过竞争和创新完善产品?接下来几年,我们会看见更多Tesla,Starlink,Neuralink,SpaceX因为品控差导致人员伤亡的新闻。 我建议推友们捐款支持地方选举的候选人,哪怕他们不在你所在的州和市。

Trump已经告诉全世界他要做独裁者了,他也确实是这么做的,NJ州长Phil Murphy因为反对纽约州收交通拥堵费而发声明对Trump表示感谢。2000多人在评论里骂他,只有十五个傻子给他点赞。 民主党里有这种酒囊饭袋占居要职,难怪Trump最近民调支持率又上升了,因为根本没人往Trump的要害上打。 在Trump的治理下菜价和肉价猛涨,空难频发,人在家中坐飞机天上来,Trump反疫苗导致腮腺炎和麻疹暴发,摇摆选区的共和党众议员没一个人出来反对,这些都是极好的炒作话题,但民主党领导层就是不肯花钱制作广告攻击共和党。

你可以用选举把一个腐败的政客选下台,但你永远无法通过选举对抗一个独裁者。 当三权都沦陷的时候,拿起手里的枪去街头守护抗议的人群是每个美国公民守护民主和宪法应尽的义务,你手里的枪也是你手中最后能用于抗争的武器。

Trump称帝了,我们不用对自己玩文字游戏,不管我们愿不愿意承认,他就是美国总统,主流媒体和民主党的腐败无能让Trump可以滥用职权。 既然国会立法和监督职能瘫痪,民主党两院领袖无能,Trump就是可以为所欲为。可是民众可以自救,既然法院和民主党不可靠,我们更应该选择革命推翻独裁。