Tedious pedant, joyless puritan and penny-pinching miser, at least according to my friends. He/him. Communist.
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Me too, first GW boxed game I owned after I'd been painting 40K models for a couple of years and I loved it so much
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Oh great Lord Slaanesh, for these reasons and many others that tease and titillate our imaginations, we beseech you, send forth your servant, the Daemon Prince Doomrider!
Codex: Emperor's Children hasn't been released yet, I don't think it's too late!
(The text is from the 3rd edition Chaos Codex)
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Permit them the ecstasy of being slaughtered by Doomrider's throbbing Daemonsword and his pulsating gun of gushing plasma!
Bestow on them one fleeting moment of pleasure as they stare in wonder and orgasmic delight at one of your most divine creations before dying at his hand!
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I didn't think it was likely, but I hoped they'd bring him back with this release!
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I've always wanted to find the true bigness of ropes
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There's nastiness there that's very unpleasant. I don't remember there being anything like when I used to enter Warhammer Fantasy doubles tournaments at Warhammer World, even though many of us didn't want to face the dreaded 'double Daemons'.
Also what's with calling Bretonnians Britt or Brittian?
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I can believe that! If I read that in the codex I think I would think 'yeah, that makes sense'
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I don't understand why no predators! The other cult Space Marines get them, don't they? I could imagine the Emperor's Children seeing a Vindicator as unrefined or something, but not a predator.
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I saw a study (that I now can't find) that said only about 30% of gross world product would be required to meet everyone's needs
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I remember poring over every detail in every article! Fantastic battle report. As a kid who loved dinosaurs and knights, the release of Cold One Knights seemed the coolest thing ever and I thought the release of the Leman Russ Demolisher was awesome too.
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A fair few years ago, you were signing books at a Warhammer Fantasy Battle doubles tournament; I asked you to sign my copy of Deliverance Lost and we had a nice chat about that battle report
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My first one was 30 years ago this summer! I got this from a local newsagents to learn more about Warhammer. The cover drew me in straightaway and I reread it so many times. There was a huge Space Marine-Imperial Guard battle report to use all their tanks. Several players a side, one was Gav Thorpe
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'Captain Inferno'. Fantastic
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5th edition was the best 40K has ever been.
3rd edition was a great streamlining of the rules and a good basic system, but by 5th they'd built and improved on it, keeping a system that works well, getting rid of some things that didn't and including fun rules that allowed for customisation
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I like that, that's a great idea!
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Rogue Trader! (Or maybe a White Dwarf of the period, I haven't got my copy of RT to hand)
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Happy Birthday!
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Oh, that's cracking
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Yeah, it's the idea that 'the engineer' instead of succeeding in blowing up their target, gets blown into the air themselves. It's also a pun, where 'petard' sounds like an old word for breaking wind, so
'For 'tis the sport to have the enginer
Hoist with his own petard'
was also funny
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Happy Valentines!
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I loved that game!
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Once Upon a Time in the West is incredible, True Grit, High Noon, The Big Country are all great. Open Range is a more recent one that is fantastic too
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I love the little accordion!
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Yeah! I played the demo on PC a lot and then got the full game on Gameboy. So much fun!
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I'd be interested to see if it has been mentioned since the 2nd edition codex as being made from warp energy
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I've only got 3rd and 4th edition Codex: Eldar at hand and they both mention it's grown using psychic powers and that it's a special material only the Eldar can use, but not what it actually is, that I could see. It'd be good if we can find a source that says it's made from Warp energy
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I was really sorry to hear about that when I found out this week
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That would really suck, I just got some Corsairs and Harlequins for my Drukhari too
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It's so fun! So glad they added it to the game
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That's incredible! Captures the likeness of your Aestra drawing so well!
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I 2004 I went in a book shop in Cumbria and they had loads of copies of some of those Warhammer novels from that time, selling them cheap, so I bought a few for myself and as gifts for friends. I remember really enjoying this one, but I don't know how I'd feel rereading it 20 years later!
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I'd be interested in who these 'multiple' xenos species are and how they'd intend to wipe out humanity 'every day' when it's spread across the galaxy and has a population we can't even get our heads round
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That's what underlings are for!
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Now I'm imagining a realspace raid with the sole aim of getting the best 'real human hair' to use for extensions
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Lelith Hesperax is so cool
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I was going to see a gig on that tour with my friend and we were really looking forward to it, but something's come up and we can't now. She saw Trivium perform songs from Ascendancy at Download 2005. I bet it was a banger of a gig
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I managed to get the model for her second hand not that long ago, unopened, for a pretty good price!
The model isn't sculpted to look like she's wearing a bodysuit like in the artwork
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Kroot excrete all their waste by sweating, if I remember fluff from the original Codex Tau correctly, so it does fit! Great paint job too
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Flesh Eaters mentioned :D (I'm not talented enough to edit that picture of 'x mentioned', but I want to every time I see them)
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Horsepower is one of those measurements that I always assumed was something really vague, but the origin of it was more specific than I expected!
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More often than you'd expect I think about how good Patrick Stewart's line delivery of 'not good enough, damn it, not good enough' is when he's talking to Guinan
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Yeah, that was a shame- the Wolves have wolf helmets in 40k, why not 30k too? I think a lot of the backlash was from people thinking you'd have to replace all your Space Wolves' heads with these, instead of a few per unit, as I think they were meant for
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I got that as a birthday or Christmas present when it first came out and I've had a fondness for it ever since
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Looks fantastic either way!