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Getting Started

Not sure where to put this: my mom is 101 years old and a veteran of the WAVES during WWII. She has has a final entombment the Abraham. Lincoln National Cemetery, IL. I am nauseated by the effort to erase the service of black, Hispanic, and women who served this county. My mom would be one of them. love your new show. I’m not sure people even know what “DOGE” is. A useless acronym. Can we make this more explanatory?

Russia’s greatest military asset is not any bomb, tank, plane or ship. It is the Republican Party. The face of evil, Elon Musk. Who’s going to say “have you no sense of decency”? Thank you for your reporting last night 2/26: looking at Elon Musk I’m looking at the face of true evil. I was very young at the time of Joe McCarthy and the HUAC, but my family was livid with anger. Who’s going to say, “Have you no shame” ? msnbc execs doged you and the viewers. Shame. Thank you for confronting tyranny! We’ve got your back. thank G-d that I have your cogent and even headed commentary about everything that’s going on. wonderful show tonight keep on keeping on. Love the story about the Tesla pranksters making those vehicle vehicles a billboard of descent. Thank you.