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Le fact checking est toujours le bienvenue même si cela doit être fatiguant.
La recherche de la réalité doit toujours être une priorité sinon c'est la fin !
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We (french) can help you to deal with your King problem 🙃
Just ask !
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Strange that those 2 decide to meet Trump next week ?
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Well as i see us europeans will only react by the hard way and its sad and stupid because we could avoid lot by doing way more for those last 10 years.
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But Trump and Vance fanboys say and lecture all europeans about free speech 🙃 we are in a fucking G.Orwell book !
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Je sais pas quoi dire mais j'arrive même pas à comprendre comment les américains peuvent se regarder encore dans une glace ce soir et être fier d'être américains.
Les masques sont enfin tombé et il est temps pour tout les pays occidentaux de rompre tout lien avec les États-Unis instantanément.
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Ye i see its good they should invite also Australia and other country who support Ukraine freely its good call !
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I agree with you but still too much europeans country going in other direction above everything we need unity and big planning what Macron did is great but we dont need word we need plan and act and im sure europeans country can manage this.
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Yes that the point that why Europens should help each other and stop buying americans if its europeans alternative it should be a basis rule like everyone did.
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Poland make effort but they still think they can rely on USA and need to step up in producting and buying europeans weapons that would be good for everyone and production of europeans weapons and ammo need to grow.
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First of all im french and its not the point
Its not about value or anything if Europe want to defend and help Ukraine and also help them by the same opportunity they need to step up and if its only about economy it would be already over but its not and yes big picture is about balance of power.
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Imagin be a so called boss of tech and cant even see basic tech IA fake ... as so called genius of tech !!!
Honestly this guy is a fucking clown.
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Its mostly De Gaulle who plan everything about French sovereignty and honestly we see today how everything was so important like with nuclear energy and nuclear deterance but it was way more of this and an exemple to what every europeans country should do to plan long and not rely on USA.
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I dont say that i say that economy is good but it what you do with it that count
And for now for exemple we have more than 50 factory not working or produce shit car that nobody buy when we can use them to change the production to something usefull like ammo or tank and in same time work the economy
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For french yes but for exemple Uk submarine are completly dépendant of Lockheed Martin and i remind that 2 last test of Trident fail so we can expect that + the fact of the US part they are out of équation.
Main question is why only one country in Europe have real sovereignty after so much time ?
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Well economy is great thing if you use it for good purpose but we can already see that for now in term of what Europe did and what they can do its big gap for exemple for weapons production and développement of weapons.
Also keep in mind that the sinews of war is fosil energy and Europe lack of this
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Remind all of you that Uk nuke are in fact in hand of UsA who control all Vectors of usage and also have control key over all.
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Yes but the simple fact that USA will do will hanihilate sanctions and lot of Europeans firms and banks follow only the threat from America not that they care about Europeans threat.
Also it would give occasion to USA to bypass swift or take control of this system who is european influence mostly
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That the plan for Poutin to play Trump and remove them to oxygenate economy who is close to colapse and have break to remake economy and army to start next phase of predation.
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We have other plane and can create technology to not need them its just question of strategy and will about it.
Also to stop buy americans weapon who they will decide id you can use them or not its basis od sovereignty but again its only about will.
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If you get AFD dont think it will be better but who know ...
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What we need is to step up and peoduce we have 500 millions factory that produce shit car who nobody buy anymore lets switch them to produce weapons and employ in the same time people who actually get fired because of the cars crisis.
Its what russian do and its work and for that you dont need USA.
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Its the moove for both of them in short therm but its very bad for Us in mid long term since they will have no more leverage over russian and also Russia will recovery economy and prepare for next phase over predation or Europe.
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Europe need to leverage over economy + they can turn over China instead the american in strategy to counter the future economics pressure from USA also they will have a big card to play over defense industry if they step up Europe defense industry can grow and overtake the market inside Europe.
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That possible with a share on land over those 2 voltures a win win strategy + reason for Trump to back of sanctions but will you see people of Ukraine and Europe accept this shit ? I dont think so.
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Well its 100 % Poutin team will leverage Trump to back off sanction over giving him some sort of fake victory with à bilateral freeze peace deal who will be like minks 2 and help Russia to breathe and oxygenate the economy and prepare the next phase and Poutin will always lead the game.
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Problem is half of them dont even have any plan to not rely on americans like just look about what poland did more american weapon to buy !
Ask Trump not withdraw americans soldiers from poland.
Uk its same shit " we send soldiers only if USA support"
Ye continue to wait USA till the last Europeans.
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Anyway what the point to continue to rely on an ally who is not an ally and can blackmail other country for money and want to lecture démocratic country and negociate with dictator who invade other country let say it we dont need them.
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Ye but why nobody think that for 10 - 20 years already nobody think even 5 years before they was all laughing at Macron when he say that Otan is dead and we need European defense frame.
So now if they dont act they are fuck and they should be more concern about this than France who have nuke
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Your right but im afraid that they only blow wind instead finally maybe send à clear message to Poutine and Trump.
And the only message they know is strenght!
For that every country in Europe send around 5 - 10k soldiers inside east part of Ukraine and direct air support with french deterance
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With the level of stupidity of this american administration yes!
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Poland think they can continue to rely on USA.
They continue to buy americans weapon and didnt want to put any feet in Ukraine by fear to be attack.
For other its as usual the same shit the only country that i would understand is France who have the only independant nuclear deterance to not care.
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The only card we have in the pocket is the nuclear deterance and only one in Europe is completly independant from Americans control.
So yes we are fuck but mostly who will be fuck will be German Italian Baltics and even Polish who continue to think they can rely on USA after all this circus...
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I have faith in the citizens or Germany they know better than any country what it cost to go this way.
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100% they are and now the simple fact to stop this war they will crash the economy.
That maybe the only good thing about if war stop but its mostly à wishfull thinking because they will simply not stop and rebuild and plan to wage new war in 5 year because why not nobody care ?
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Hope Germany will not fall in this bullshit
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Honestly if nothing come from Europeans meetings today after what disrepect they get from USA on friday and how much it will impact us in the future i will say that we will deserve to be fuck !!!
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C'est le moment de faire ce qu'il faut ou alors assumer que nous finirons russe ou américain avec tout ce que ça comporte !
Une Europe forte commence par une Europe de la défense qui n'accepte pas d'acheter des armes américaines et leurs ingérences sur notre continent.
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No matter where but europeans can work together to build very good weapon and in the same time increase the economy of the continent by doing this i m so surprise its not already the case.
When you buy a F35 you throw the money of europeans in the hand of americans its basis economy level.
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The only problem is Uk nuke are technicaly USA nuke since the only one that can use and deploy them are american and also they control all the vector.
But still they should come back in Europe and cooperate with France to create a real europeans defense frame and have their own nuke.
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It will only happen if they stop buying american weapons that they can choose to switch off when they dont want that you strike this target or another and feed american war economy instead the europeans one
The only way is an European defense with all country in Europe buy and produce.
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Europe need to quit Nato and let american deal like the big boy they think they are with china problem that is not for Europe and build his own defense frame with real europeans defense spend and industry then integrate who want to join.
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Quel année on va vivre je vous le dit !
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Its time to adapt or die !
Hope that but for that we need strong leader that Europe not have !
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Possible si nous avions des hommes et femmes forte à la gouvernance des pays européens mais nous somme loin du compte !
Pire nous sommes complètement en train de faire crevé l'économie européenne et bientôt nous n'auront plus les moyens de défendre l'Europe.
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La honte pour les européens qui ne sont pas à la hauteur de l'enjeu et qui encore une fois sont les dindons de la farce.
Les américains qui une fois de plus tirent dans les pattes de leurs alliés au lieu de faire front commun.
Belle exemple pour la démocratie !
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En ce moment ça tappe de plus en plus loin sur les infra gaz et pétrole Nijni, Kazan, Saint Petersbourg, le sud
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I correct the sentence "the U.S. in the near future, perhaps " could become a much isolated country"
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Ils ont bien donné un prix Nobel de la paix à Obama alors que je ne sais pas combien de civils sont mort avec les programmes de drones ainsi que d'avoir tout fait pour casser les relations euro-amerique mais bon comme nous sommes dans un monde Orwelliens maintenant tout est possible🤣
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Mignon !