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A 30-year-old Scottish Artist and Animator • They/She • Do Not Repost ⚠
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Two and Jamie redraw of that iconic Patrick and Frazer photo #doctorwho #classicwho #classicdoctorwho #jamiemccrimmon #seconddoctor #twojamie

Gone Glitchin’ #reddwarf #arnoldrimmer #davelister #thecat #holly #queeg

Decided to slap some colour on an old sketch of these two #reddwarf #arnoldrimmer #davelister

Commission of Jamie and Salamander! Been meaning to draw these two properly for ages so this was lots of fun. Enemy of the World changed my brain chemistry. #ramónsalamander #jamiemccrimmon #doctorwho #classicwho

Commissions are opening up again! Contact me if you’re interested. Full details and further examples can be found here: #commissions #commissionsopen

A bit of Gaelic practice through a twojamie lens turned into comic practice with Jamie and Kirsty discussing Jamie missing the Doctor despite his missing memories. English translation in Alt Text. (1/3) #doctorwho #classicwho #jamiemccrimmon #kirstymclaren #twojamie

Goodbye, Jamie… #doctorwho #classicwho #classicdoctorwho #jamiemccrimmon #seconddoctor #twojamie #thewargames

Everyone’s favourite dysfunctional dead family #bbcghosts #julianfawcett #patbutcher #thomasthorne #kittyhigham #fannybutton #humphreybone #maryguppy #robinthecaveman #thecaptain

TwoJamie Princess Mononoke scene redraw. This might as well be how The Highlanders started off #doctorwho #classicwho #classicdoctorwho #jamiemccrimmon #seconddoctor #twojamie

Nikolai!!✨✨ I’ve had this OC since around 2015 but I’ve never drawn him in colour and I wanted to remedy that;;

Redrew that one TwoJamie telesnap that I am Deeply Unwell about #doctorwho #classicwho #classicdoctorwho #drwho #twojamie #seconddoctor #jamiemccrimmon #pollywright

My love for Tots TV knows no bounds. I loved it as a child and it still brings cosy nostalgic comfort now. #totstv

The gang’s all here! #reddwarf #arnoldrimmer #davelister #kryten #thecat #holly

Decided to colour one of the comic pages I drew back for a Smegtober prompt and this is the one I went with lol. Low Rimmer was an ✨Experience✨ #reddwarf #arnoldrimmer #davelister

Still riding that nostalgia wave so here’s my oldest OC. She is my Tokyo Mew Mew OC and I’ve had her since I was 11;;;

The spirit of my 13 year old self possessed me to draw my edgy old Naruto OC again;;

One of my OCs from something I would like to eventually make. Her name is Anya.

I love them so much;;; #moomin #snufkin #moomintroll

They're about to have a good old fashioned Champion Time! #raihan #leon #キバナ #ダンデ #pokemon #ポケモン #PokemonSwordShield #pokemonswsh #ポケモン剣盾

I still love fake-esper dad and his powerful esper son so much;;; #mobpsycho100 #mp100 #reigenarataka #shigeokageyama #霊幻新隆 #モブサイコ100 #影山茂夫

I couldn’t not remake the Go For It Nakamura cover with Duklyon;;;;; Ganbatte, Takepon! #デュカリオン #CLAMP #CLAMPSchoolDefenders #Duklyon #学園特警デュカリオン

OOOHHH NOOOOOO!!! #JJBA #jojosbizarreadventure #ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 #ジョジョ#josephjoestar #ジョセフ・ジョースター #battletendency

ACNL is so calming;;; #AnimalCrossing #ACNL #animalcrossingnewleaf #isabelle #isabelleacnl

I felt a burning nostalgic urge to revisit my old GX fav;;; I love him #万丈目準 #遊戯王 #遊戯王gx #yugioh #yugiohgx #chazzprinceton #junmanjoume #manjoume

The Future was Foreordained #x1999 #CLAMP #kamuishiro #司狼神威 #エックス

The only thing more wholesome than seeing Wooloo or Snom individually is seeing Wooloo and Snom in the same place at the same time ;;; #pokemon #ポケモン #PokemonSwordShield #pokemonswsh #ポケモン剣盾 #wooloo #snom #ウールー #ユキハミ

I had so much fun drawing this for a #BENDY art contest ages ago and I'm so glad I could finally take part in one! #BATIM #BATDS #BATDR #Bendy_and_the_ink_machine #BorisandtheDarkSurvival #Bendy_and_the_dark_revival

Drawn for a Secret ‘Satan’ gift event!! It was a lot of fun getting to draw these three! I love them #batim #bendy_and_the_ink_machine #bendy #sammylawrence #inkbendy #batdr #Bendy_and_the_Dark_Revival

Bendy and the Ink Machine is the most I've ever enjoyed being terrified. What a great concept. Love that funky lil guy #bendy #BATIM #Bendy_and_the_ink_machine #bendyandtheinkmachine #inkdemon #inkbendy

Infinity Train was so good;; I needed more of it forever #InfinityTrain #tulipolsen #oneone #atticus #thecat #thesteward #theconductor #CartoonNetwork

Caesar and Joseph are so good and I’m still sad about them;;; #caesarzeppeli #JJBA #jojosbizarreadventure #ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 #ジョジョ #シーザー・A・ツェペリ #josephjoestar #ジョセフ・ジョースター #battletendency #ジョセシー

A little moody Kaito 💕 #yugioh #遊戯王 #kaitotenjo #zexal #yugiohzexal #天城カイト

Yuma will always be my fav YGO protag tbh. I still love him So Much #yugioh #遊戯王 #九十九遊馬 #yumatsukumo #zexal #yugiohzexal

Years ago I did a screencap redraw from an episode of Zexal and I’m still happy with how it turned out. My redraw is on the left, the original on the right #yugioh #遊戯王 #九十九遊馬 #yumatsukumo #kaitotenjo #zexal #yugiohzexal #天城カイト

Old Mizael drawing that I still like all these years on. Zexal was such an important series for me;; #yugioh #遊戯王 #yugiohzexal #zexal #mizael #ミザエル

Old drawing of Shark done for a fanart collection that was being put together to give to his Japanese voice actor several years ago;; #yugioh #遊戯王 #神代凌牙 #ryougakamishiro #zexal #yugiohzexal

In 2013 several friends of mine were all doing artswap redraws of each other’s stuff for fun. This was one I did of a friend’s drawing, the original of which can still be found here: #yugioh #遊戯王 #yugiohzexal #zexal #アリと

Done for a SeiSub Hanami Exchange in 2021. I went with the Wedding prompt 💍💒. Maybe in at least the Shoten universe they can have this and be happy;;; #tokyobabylon #東京BABYLON #星昴 #CLAMP #seisub

They’ll never make me hate you #naruto #うずまきナルト #narutouzumaki #ナルト

Classic Devilman just hits different #デビルマン #devilman #ryoasuka #akirafudo

TMM aliens my Beloveds since I was 11 years old;; #tokyomewmew #tmm #mmp #mewmewpower #kisshu #dren #taruto #tarb #pai #sardon #deepblue #東京ミュウミュウ #キッシュ #タルト #パイ #ディープ・ブルー

I will always love TMM with my whole heart;; #東京ミュウミュウ #tokyomewmew #mewmewpower

A big splash of colour! #osomatsusan #おそ松さん #osomatsumatsuno #松野おそ松#karamatsumatsuno #松野カラ松#choromatsumatsuno #松野チョロ松 #ichimatsumatsuno #松野一松 #jyushimatsumatsuno #松野十四松 #todomatsumatsuno #松野トド松

Ko-Fi commission of a stand for Perla Pucci in an AU where she is revived. It’s named ‘Gravity’ after a Maaya Sakamoto song and its ability affects emotions. Also includes the C-Moon and Made In Heaven versions #JJBA #JoJosBizarreAdventure #stoneocean #ストーンオーシャン #ジョジョ #ジョジョの奇妙な冒険

Found an old Caesar drawing and decided to finally finish it! #caesarzeppeli #JJBA #jojosbizarreadventure #ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 #ジョジョ #シーザー・A・ツェペリ