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accessible learning, libraries, books, tv, movies, long COVID
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Prolific Poster

For I wrote about clawing back my self-image after living five years with #LongCOVID, and about how going full-on Soft Butch Batman on a racist in my neighborhood helped me figure some things out.

I wrote about my kind, funny childhood friend Michelle Trachtenberg, and the group of friends that saved my life when I was a kid.

Public college was never “cheap.” It was funded by taxpayers who saw higher education as a public good. Then came tax cuts for the rich, budget cuts for education, and rising tuition. Now we’re told debt is the only way forward.

They're called public records for a reason. Starting today, WIRED will *stop paywalling* articles that are primarily based on public records obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, becoming the first publication to partner with to offer this for our new coverage.

If you need a chuckle, please read the occupational report on how Jorts attacked trash, found himself outside and how someone's going to be mad when they find their calendar has chili on it. 😻

All jokes aside. As an autistic adult myself listening to the anti-vax “vaccines cause autism” adults essentially say “I’d rather run the very real risk of my kids dying than turning out like you” was very much a punch to the gut.

🚶‍♀️ Pacing Upright Activity 🚶‍♂️ Living with #MECFS and #LongCOVID requires making hard choices—including time spent upright. 🔹 Break tasks into chunks 🔹 Use seated/recumbent options 🔹 Mobility aids help 🔹 Listen to your body 📥 Learn more: @OpenMedF

If more people recognized that they are in fact disabled, our conversations around disability would be entirely different. We talk a lot about how disability can happen to anyone at any time, but we don't talk enough about how stigma means many people don't acknowledge their existing disability.

This is a really exciting new approach for addressing #LongCovid cognitive impairment that is so debilitating for many. Please help us complete this first in human pilot as quickly as possible!

This is some fantastic alt text. 💖

It costs 0$ to Repost a Black disabled queer small business! It could lead to my next sale. All 3 patterns are available for pre-order!! If I don't sell enough of them. I'll have to cancel orders. So please support!! Which ones are you buying? Galaxy, bats or strawberry? Store:

Remember last month when everyone realized that Trump's legal "settlements" with Meta and X showed a clear roadmap how a President can "legally" accept bribes by suing companies for frivolous reasons and then "settling" for millions? Anyway. Unrelated:

OK, every year I try to explain to my students how LLMs work, and every year I have to do a big trawl for good resources and activities. Here's this year's haul of *introductory* materials. (In-class activities + visualizations, not so much readings.)

A new acrostic to remember measles symptoms: R - rash F - fever (high) K - Koplik spots (in the mouth) J - conJunctivitis r - runny nose So it may help you remember, too!

My mentor and dear friend recently joined me here at Harvard Medical School for an incredible event. We both read new work and then had a wide-ranging discussion about the creative life, politics and culture. I’m delighted to be able to share the video now:

Making dark humor about your own experiences = self-soother Someone else demanding you not make dark humor about your own bad experiences that’ll never touch their pampered life = asshole Someone else making dark humor about others’ bad experiences that’ll never touch their pampered life = asshole

Too good to not repost

OMG, Alan Tudyk plays the chicken in the Moana movies!!!!!

I love my and they're still 30% off until the end of the month. It's comfortable enough to wear for hours. Plus, mint green & cherry blossom covers reduce some of the friction I feel (and face) from other people since I mask 99% of the time due to long COVID.

I guess I'm starting a thread of pinned posts now? Here's a little bit about my immune disorder, MCAS, and why I yell about it so much

I keep seeing this. Guys, their literal job is to figure out what to do. They are not helpless even if they are not the majority. I really hope we can stop treating some of the most powerful people in the world as helpless and without sentience.

I was removed from my position as a Biomedical Librarian at the NIH Library by a 10 pm Saturday night email. I had worked there for 5.5 months. Still figuring out what to say and how to say it, but feel free to get in touch. Also would appreciate any leads on jobs or side gigs. Love you all.

Yes. So much this. It’s maddening. I was moderate the 1st year of my illness (nearly bedbound for 1st few mos). Depleted self further seeking med care to no good end. Finding ME disability community = my lifeline. “Mild” since 2021. #SolveME #MillionsMissing #GreatestMEdicalScandal #MECFS #LongCovid

“We’re not going anywhere. What’s more: we’re expanding.” Nearly a dozen of Minnesota’s foremost experts on gender-affirming care collaborated on this beautiful op-ed in today’s Strib. No paywall.

I wrote this on the most consistently terrible, and fatal, idea in centrist politics today. On Fanta, rebadging, and why attempting to win votes from fascists is morally disgusting and politically suicidal.

Treating Trump’s attack on DEI as a legitimate attempt to combat injustice and bias is like treating lynching as a legitimate attempt to combat sexual violence.

I think about the reasons people fall for health grifting. I have an amazing rheumatologist who helps me jump over the hurdles and getting the best treatments. So few people even have a diagnosis, a treatment that works, a doctor willing to help them get it and insurance that will cover it.

CDC said that it now classified the #flu season as high severity for all age-groups for the first time since the 2017-18 season. Over the past 2 weeks, flu deaths have outpaced fatalities from #COVID and now make up 2.6% of all deaths for the most recent week, compared to 1.5% for COVID.

In order to be a hero, you have to do things for other people that meet their needs. If you want power over the choices of others or you want to be deferred to and praised, that’s not being a hero. That’s being a bully.

Our group has been hard at work to release a new tool: The Data Rescue Tracker. The tool aims to provide a consolidated overview of who is downloading which dataset from which government websites. Please share!

This is the administration that claimed, if elected, it would “protect women’s sports.” That was always a transparently thin lie.

This is what they mean when they said they wanted to "run the United States like a business"--strip it of everything of value and make off with the money.

At 4pm EST today, and I will read some new work and discuss creative nonfiction! I’m so excited about this event series. I’m collaborating with friends and mentors like Roxane all semester. Join us via zoom:

Unfortunately, this is a bop. 🕺🏾

"It’s also true that we’ve seen some elected officials be cognitively impaired beyond the ability to perform the functions of the job...Instead, [Klippenstein] has become obsessed with “outing” the physical imperfections of members of Congress"

This profile has been scrubbed from the site. Rose Ferreira grew up without reliable electricity, immigrated to NY, then survived homelessness and cancer on her way to NASA. She was so moved by images from the Webb telescope she wept. This is what’s at stake

a good part of me thinks that in addition to everything else, the reason they are scrubbing these stories is they do not want disadvantaged kids to believe they can aspire to anything other than their designated “black” or “hispanic” or “woman” job

This is what revisionist history looks like, in real time. And this also is why it might appear that archaeologists and historians have to dig deep to discover the existence of powerful women and marginalized groups -- because their legacies are so often erased.

1/ I suspect we are days away from hearing Elon is "using AI" to “streamline” benefits programs. You should know why fully automating decisions about who gets critical assistance is a terrible idea that will have disastrous consequences. A 🧵 based on work I’ve done with the great

Okay, so joy as resistance has been completely removed from its original context, and that’s why what you know of now doesn’t really work. In the Roaring 20s, during the Harlem Renaissance, Zora Neale Hurston found herself at odds not only with conservative whites but also neo-abolitionists

No one should take this deal in general, but also please note this whole thing is a heist. They will not be paying you

Ah, the millennial experience of “every time you get some measure of financial and career stability, the world decides to do something extraordinarily stupid again”