🇧🇷 DevOps nos dias úteis, desenvolvedor de jogos Indie no tempo livre.
🇬🇧 DevOps on work days, indie game developer on my spare time.
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#gamedev #bolhadev
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Testei umas fotos minhas e percebi o viés americanizado disso.
A foto de perfil do meu bsky deu "Hispanic - Catholic"
Peguei uma outra foto com iluminação mais clara e deu "White Hispanic - Christianity"
Não só separam Christianity de Catholic como a percepção "étnica" depende da iluminação lol
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Two months ago I started (attempting actually) writing a sci-fi book which starts with this exact premise!!! Though it is set in 2035... I guess I missed it by a decade.
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Meu sonho de consumo ainda sim é ter poder de fogo pra rodar isso localmente, mas vai demorar uns anos ainda rs
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Com certeza é um mecanismo de adaptação/readaptação da nossa fisiologia, mas não sou um expert nisso pra comentar rs
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Eu cheguei a tomar Venvanse por receita médica, mas parei depois de alguns dias pq o efeito foi muito forte em mim.
Meu medo de me voltar a medicar é justamente isso que vc descreveu.
Conheço um amigo que simplesmente "para de funcionar" qdo precisa comprar mais remédio e não acha nas farmácias.
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Um passo de cada vez, embora esteja "falhando" no momento.
Faz 2 meses que não toco nos meus projetos e estou esperando um burst de hiperfoco pra voltar.
Nesse meio tempo foquei em tratar meu vÃcio em cafeÃna, diminuà o consumo diário e isso tá me deixando bem sonolento, mas já deu uma melhorada.
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Congratulations! Fase da vida vencida!
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A - Aveline
Curiously, I caught myself pondering about this specific lack of romance possibility a few weeks ago 😅
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Hey I'd like to be added too! Haven't posted much about the game I'm working on but I surely will soon!
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Just an add:
The combat system has become my Achilles' heel. I want to build something fun and engaging, but it's easy to mess up this part. Adding a crafting system on top would further complicate the balancing.
Hence why I feel like having added these skeletons was a scope creep to begin with.
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I haven't touched these planned mechanics as I work on this design part, and I feel like I won't be able to handle everything when it comes to that part.
Catching a glimpse of what I thought then, I was seeking to inflate the game time somehow by laying these skeletons out there.
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There are a few mechanics I laid out a long ago in hopes I could do something to give more options to the players.
Turns out the game itself is already complex narrative-wise, and designing the whole process of the main quests (it's an RPG) is already taking the toll on me.
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Experience overlay just died for me in the past few months and when it worked it was a hassle of sorts to use. This new app is so much smooth though, I love the new Alt + Z hotkey to bring it up
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As a PT-BR speaker and someone who's been trying to write "for real" in English, I see that the problem is that a lot of us think it through a technical lens, making the text flat.
As I write I do 3, 4 passes to improve the wording to make things sound more novel-like and not like a manual of sorts.
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Update: I've done it. If I keep this up in a streak of sorts, I might get somewhere hahah
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I guess I am a bot lol
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I guess I will write today then... My secondary project and not the main one, cause it's the one I've been vibing with the past months
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Essa é a triste realidade, me levou uns bons anos até entender que pra mim a melhor escolha era continuar com meus projetinhos em paralelo ao que eu faço profissionalmente. Mesmo sabendo programar, fazer toda a base dos sistemas de um JRPG noutra engine iria levar um tempo desgramado demais
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acontece kk
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2. I have another fixation with certain songs/bands that rotate every now and then. I might listen to the same song or album for many, many times before I move on. In the past I had people complaining how they heard me hearing the same frigging song all the time lol
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1. I have a very strong fixation when working with my worldbuilding of the things I do (games, TTRPG campaigns) to the point of trying to replicate the scenarios as "realistically" as possible. Ex.: I advanced in my learning in 3D modeling because of this in the past for a TTRPG group I DMed.
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Hahuahua eu dei uma freada nesse tipo de postagem justamente pensando nisso. Ainda mais que tô de viagem, as ideias surgem mas não consigo executar muitas delas :(
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A - I feel continuing the Inquisition would increase the headache only + the whole power struggle between their forces and that of the nobles of the region. Having an underground force with a fraction of the assets but maintaining the org's know-how felt the right thing to do going forward
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Opa, prazer em conhecê-lo Gustavo! Legal em ver mais um adepto do RPG Maker 😅