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Team leader at Paris Brain Institute and Inserm ERC StG 2024 laureate
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Moving to Paris to start a postdoc in the Neuronal Circuits and Brain Dynamics lab joining the amazing team of Great people and cool science awaits, I am excited and grateful in equal parts..., INSERM and Paris Brain Institute here we go ✈️😊

Very happy to announce the "Paris Circuit Dynamics Conference 2025: Hippocampal–Cortical Circuits: From structure to computation", on 28 - 29 April 2025 at the Paris Brain Institute. You are welcome to register and join us!

Re-posting is appreciated: We have a fully funded PhD position in CMC lab (at @tudresden_de). You can use to send your application and find more information. Deadline is April 30. Find more about CMC lab: and email me if you have questions.

Interested in hippocampal-cortical networks? Consider attenting and showing your work at the next Paris Circuit Dynamics Conference entitled Hippocampal–Cortical Circuits: From structure to computation, organized at the Paris Brain Institute on 28-29/04/25. More information:

Very happy to announce the "Paris Circuit Dynamics Conference 2025: Hippocampal–Cortical Circuits: From structure to computation", on 28 - 29 April 2025 at the Paris Brain Institute. You are welcome to register and join us!

A new prized addition to our lab library. The four-volume set of "Foundational Papers in Complexity Science", just published by And now on to reading all 89 papers included! 😅 Will keep us busy for a while!

Intriguing finding on how alpha synuclein could spread across cortices. Not interhemispheric no, from kidney to brain...

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.

George Carlin would have a field day with academic writing. Why call it "How Mice Run in Circles" when you can title it "A Multi-Parametric Evaluation of Rodent Locomotor Dynamics in Spherical Contexts"? 😂

Great science lives in the data: inhabit it, test it, and embrace surprises. Discovery thrives in uncharted territory. Outliers and artifacts often hide the most profound insights. Let curiosity guide you and allow yourself to see, chase, and focus on the unexpected.

📈 Just because PubMed results are growing, doesn't mean research interest is!

📣 Announcement 📣 We have just created the Paris Neuro Discord server, to create a platform for structured discussions and to bring together the broader neuroscience community in the Paris region. Message me to be invited.

The Systems Neuroscience Mailing List is celebrating its 8th birthday by joining 🦋 Bluesky 🦋 and automating the reposting here. Also check our website to join our 2700+ member strong community and share or receive job ads, announcements, etc.

One more new feed: NeuroPapers which monitors all recent posts mentioning neuroscience papers! Pin to your home for easy access. #neuroscience

Here is a new NeuroThreads feed which monitors recent threads discussing neuroscience papers! Pin to your home for easy access. #neuroscience


How to rebuild your network on and improve your experience here? I made a short starter guide with resources. Also, a thread 🧵 below.

Pure wisdom from a young Steve Jobs. The greatest people are self-managing. They don’t need to be managed. Once they know what to do, they’ll go figure out how to do it. What they need is a common vision. And that’s what leadership is: having a vision; articulate it; and get a consensus on it.

One more new feed: NeuroPapers which monitors all recent posts mentioning neuroscience papers! Pin to your home for easy access. #neuroscience

Just a heads-up about the amazing work from, who is organizing a weekly Learning Club where researchers to present their recent systems neuroscience papers. To receive the links, send a blank email to: virtual-talk-link [email protected]

Here is a new NeuroThreads feed which monitors recent threads discussing neuroscience papers! Pin to your home for easy access. #neuroscience

The Paris Neuro Calendar is here as well. It is automatically re-posting all newly added events. So go ahead and follow it and submit your events at to be included in our calendar and disseminated to the community.

The Systems Neuroscience Mailing List is celebrating its 8th birthday by joining 🦋 Bluesky 🦋 and automating the reposting here. Also check our website to join our 2700+ member strong community and share or receive job ads, announcements, etc.

Awesome course. We maintain a list of such courses for different backgrounds on the Tutorials section of our website:

Hey ICM community, reach out to join our starter pack to easily connect with the rest of us here on 🦋!

How to rebuild your network on and improve your experience here? I made a short starter guide with resources. Also, a thread 🧵 below.