Journalist, memoirist, critic.
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Does optics have to run everything? Five courageous senators; that's 5% of the senate, which is how movements begin. Cut with the cringe-worthiness of every POV that doesn't conform to your just-the-right-amount-of-eyeliner, influencer.
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NEWSPEAK: War is Peace. Lies are Truth. Greed is Good. Profit is Love.
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We need an uprising, that is, if the courts kowtow to T-rump.
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The U.S. is a failing nation now, many steps closer to being a failed state like Russia or Syria or Venezuela. A year ago I was in Hungary and I felt the sense of despair in an autocracy. Here the failure is related to billionaires shaking down the government for contracts and tax cuts.
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How easy it is to topple the GOP mantra that the unelected bureaucrat is a bad person and should be, like the entire USAID cohort, fired, that is, until you find the right unelected bureaucrat.
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all the people you wrote about you call fuckers; can't wait to read your "book" NOT
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The one we're living in!
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Seems to me your second clause nullifies the point you made in your first clause. You can say the same thing without linking the clauses. Why is WATW so bad? Evidence, man.
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Gene lived in Santa Fe for a time. Everyone who worked for him had a nickname: Mean Gene. Apparently, his behavior was Trumpy-ugly.
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oh please take more pictures of yourself and let the world see you what a gift to humankind and the use of social media and the great suck of energy from the planet so we can see your haircut wow, Trump & Co would be so happy that you're just the latest American narcissist
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Put the "Prostate Health" channel on instead; lower his "ratings."
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Do we really need to know more of this mind poison, well-named as Trump derangement syndrome? How to watch the Coronation? Don't.
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How interesting that so many of us feared the unholy merger of Christianity and State when, in fact, it has turned out to be the corporate bonding of the Oligarchy and State. Surprise! Surprise! Makes Evangelicals look like yesterday's fools.
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How Trumpistan rails against unelected bureaucrats and now Trump stuffs his admin with unelected oligarchs!
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We're in San Diego with our Go Bags packed, box and litter for the cat, plus her food and a carrier. We raided the earthquake kit as fire is 100 times more dangerous. Only question is which way do we go and that moot b/c the prevailing flow of traffic will be the answer.
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Is more Trump coverage really necessary? Yes, I care about our country and hate the man. But, really discussing him on a daily basis seems to a recipe for a shortened life.
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What a tragedy! Is it fair to ask why weren't they digitized before this? Is this a wake up call to others who have such papers and have not made them into electronic docs? So sorry.
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Can we at least have content free of their photos? You know, Trump, Vance, Zuck, Musk, Hannity. I can read (TV news content starvation diet) fine, so help me out by nixing the pix.
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Can you give examples? would be very instructive!
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Garland, Merchan, Cannon, the majority of the Supremes, both right and left, abject failures and traitors to our democracy. Only Jack Smith had guts. That isn't even the critical issue. The Climate Emergency now towers above all; to think the LAW can regulate or stop it is a Bill Maher-level joke.
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The salesman can never tell the truth, even hint at the ambiguity of it. What does Zuck even mean by "better"? Better than what? The crappy platform that made its algorithm emphasize 6 negative bits over 1 positive bit. Better than that must mean he'll get to 8, 9, and 10 to 1.
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The bastard couldn't even wait until J-20 to restart the lying machine. O Brutus! O Cassius!
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Please call them what they are: plutocrats and oligarchs. Billions only mean money; it's a different sort who are buying positions of influence.
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Actually, many of us fall for or are trapped in the daily loop of the loopy Trump. We complain that Cpt Lazy is covered every day in the news as he fulfills the fact. A. Cooper had to ask Newsom about T's dig at him for the fires. I quit TV news b/c of this daily melodrama. But I still read.
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Who's the smiley dick on the left? I know the one on the right.
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sorry but a life without music is, well . . .
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just let her be; don't engage; show our interest by showing that we're uninterested by not responding to anything she has to say
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I care far less that JC wasn't a "great" president; who cares when it's demonstrable that this man had the finest moral character who ever served his country's highest office. Shouldn't character more than "presidential efficiency" be the marker by which we judge the officeholder, during and after?
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On Bluesky or the Satanic X?
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In a way it is, if we keep focusing on and covering this sort of peripheral madness.
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I dream of a meat-free Bluesky.
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it's called a catio
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An Omni-American in the best Albert Murray sense!
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please leave loomer on X
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There's some desperation about these church photos that underscores the learned helplessness of the faithful, speaking of their desperation "to believe" with slogans and promises of things utterly unachievable. The sell of the sin is ingrained in the human as is the sin itself.
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Kara, how about not trolling us about the trolls and leave it on X? Bluesky is for substantive talk.
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So the verdict is, the great majority of right-wing Christian nationalists, ethnicity aside, are deranged, see God as giving a good Goddam about Am politics. Paul Tillich said God is "the ultimate concern." For us, now, it's the planet. People in the planet's way are an ultimate concern, too.
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Is George Santos capable of using words that are words that are not bad? No. Do he think the bias mental are out to have got him? No. Is our problems that we-I no not how to reads his methodology of making English English? Yes.
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can we assume she won't follow us to Bluesky?
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Again, the indictment if Congress in fact found evidence, sounds like, to have a case beyond the circumstantial? Or did his resignation from the House act as his comeuppance. He can't be a musket-carrying Trumper, thus, his punishment. Restorative justice: pay for the women's education & do time.
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Indictment in Florida coming?
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Does anyone know anyone who has read FW cover to cover? Not me, though I did read everything else the man wrote.