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Contact Mark Cuban. He said he is willing to help you form a company so when they scream for help you can demand your rights.
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Even if Putina had agreed, eventually after all the restrictions had been lifted, he would attack again. That is his move.
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I am glad that Z did not get a chance to sign that agreement. It was clearly designed to destroy Ukraine. Trumpo thought he would get the rights, destroying the country financially and then turn it over to Putina. Even if some chance that Putina would follow the cease fire there is no guarantee
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These people want us isolated from the,rest of the world, that way we were are attacked by our own government which they have started already or attacked by another country, we the citizens will be alone.
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DearSir. Know that the disgusting Tate brothers are using your image and others in their social media. II know you are not perfect but at least I know you do not support these disgusting creeps.
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Not all Americans. Unfortunately between the obvious cheating of votes being challenged and then never counted even when they were ok and those,who didn't vote we were screwed. They declared trumpo the winner even before polls were closed. Millions more registered but did not vote?🤔. Smells!
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Thank you for supporting Ukraine. I am unfortunately stuck in the USA, something I used to believe in but not anymore. Real Americans support freedom. All the talk from trumpo about invading other countries is in support of Putina. He is trying to convince the world it is ok.
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Vote midterms so we have at least a chance to stop some of the stuff he plans.
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I plan on watching MLK speeches and the swearing in of real presidents like Biden, Obama, Carter and maybe Clinton. His twang is hard on my ears. Piss off trumpo, make them the highest rating in all media including X.
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All that because a bunch of judges LIED UNDER OATH. Something if anyone else had done, they would be in prison.
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Those unable to find regular jobs will join the military to be cannon fodder for their oil wars. The rest will turn to crime, increasing the needs for guns and prisons making rich corporations and politicians even richer.
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By the time the 100,000+ rape related pregnancies are around 12, people will be even more desperate and the kids will be trained to accept bad conditions. They will be able to cut pay because the numbers will be high.
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It is not Pro birth it is Pro Money. Why do you think red states are getting rid of child labor laws including for dangerous jobs. Eventually when they get rid of all social programs, Americans will try to do the immigrants jobs.
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All that because a bunch of JUDGES LIED UNDER OATH. Something if you had done, you would already been in jail.
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won't have any choice. The will be able to cut pay even more. Those not able to find work will join the military to be cannon fodder for their oil wars. The rest will turn to crime, making money for the rich with more guns and prisons.
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Why do you think they are removing child labor laws even dangerous jobs. Things will get so bad, Americans will be forced to take jobs that immigrants used to do. By the time the rape related pregnancies, 100000 so far, are grown, they will be trained to accept it. No social programs, they
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The price will go up on everything because even if farmed in the US, he is planning to deport the people who do the work. It will take about 6 months after everyone starts losing their jobs before the real plan kicks in.
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They are already raising prices! They will blame Biden which is the plan, then when they continue to go up they will still blame Biden. It will take months before the really brainwashed ones turn on him, if ever.
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They need to have their cover that that did talk about when things go nuts. Of course they will forget to mention it was a little to late. BTW. JD you were my first like on BS.
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Hope you like paying more for everything. Places are already cancelling Christmas bonus or shutting down because of trumps tariffs. Are you planning to work in the fields picking food, because you or your kids will have too. Why do you think red states stopped child labor laws?
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Excellent, also see his Ring of Fire. Has anyone noticed that for some reason some of their replys are not showing on Youtube. . Especially when I mention how at least 10 million more people were registered since 2020 but didn't vote. Something is off.