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C.G. Jung, Jungian Psychology, Fatherhood. London 🇬🇧
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This article sums up just how bonkers the 🇬🇧 is!

Looking forward to tucking into this beauty!

2024 in books #Jungian

Wishing you all a peaceful and Merry Christmas. 🍻

Home Alone time 🍿

Currently rewatching the West Wing for the 10th 15th 20th time....always amazed how the majority of episodes move me to tears. The humility, the struggle with morality, and the sense of service is a great compensation for our contemporary politics.

Call me old fashioned, but I'd like to know where all you Bluesky folk are based/live. It's easy to put it in your Bios.....even if you're from a different planet!

Jordan Peterson is NOT a Jungian. Hi Chris 👋 glad to see you over here. 👋 Hi Ken

Beware of the Bots! They have followed us over from Twitter.

One cannot begin to heal or engage one's own soulfulness without a keen appreciation of the relationship to the Self. To achieve this requires solitude, that psychic state wherein one is wholly present to oneself. ~ James Hollis

Story telling is magical by nature, and transforms and fascinates those who listen as much as those who tell the stories. Transformation and fascination are movements that heal the soul. ~ Marie Zelia de Alvarenga

One can certainly gain outer freedom through powerful actions, but one creates inner freedom only through the symbol. ~ C.G. Jung

The unconscious mind of man sees correctly even when conscious reason is blind and impotent. ~ C.G. Jung

Jungian chef's apron from my daughter as a birthday gift.

I am convinced that a democracy whose citizens are incapable of discerning a psychopath will be destroyed by power-hungry demagogues. ~ Adolf Guggenbühl-Craig

Myth is the secret opening through which the inexhaustible energies of the cosmos pour into human cultural manifestation. ~ Joseph Campbell

I want to say a few words about the mysterious process of depth psychotherapy. What is it and how does it work? That really is the mystery. We don't know how it works. ~ Edward F. Edinger

The worship of materialism signifies an absence of spirituality, and a loss of soul. ~ Ann Maquire

The shoe that fits one pinches another; there is no universal recipe for living. Each of us carries his own life-form within him - an irrational form which no other can outbid. ~ C.G. Jung

Infinite nuances are needed if justice is to be done to human beings. ~CGJung

2023 in books.

One should not turn people into sheep, but sheep into people. ~ C.G. Jung

In marriage, each person is challenged to absorb and contain some of the disorder of the other's creative endeavours. ~ Nathan Schwartz-Salant

My path is not your path. Woe betide those who live by way of examples. ~ C.G. Jung

The inner man has to be fed - a fact that moderns, with their frivolous trust in reason, often overlook to their own harm. The Christmas tree is one of those customs which are food for the soul, nourishment for the inner man. ~ C.G. Jung

The acceptance of the problem of the shadow is the first part of transformation in the personality which whatever else it may include, always involves an enlargement of consciousness. ~ Erich Neumann

To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least recognised need of the human soul. ~ Simone Weil

Those of us with illnesses are the holders of the silent fears of those with good health. ~ Elizabeth Tova Bailey

Standing with one's uniqueness, there is less danger of being swallowed up in the group's psychology. ~ Rose-Emily Rothenberg

Those who are unconscious of their shadow are a grave danger to the welfare of society as a whole. ~ Edward F. Edinger


I am convinced that 99 per cent of politics are mere symptoms and anything but a cure for social evils. ~ C.G. Jung

The analogical method is the only way into the unconscious. ~ Edward F. Edinger

The ego keeps its integrity only if it doesn't identify with one of the opposites.... ~ C. G. Jung

My policy is to listen more to my enemies than to my friends when I'm interested in self-knowledge. ~ Edward F. Edinger

The psyche and body are museums of expression. Together they make a temple of hieroglyphs, composed of images and body symptoms, giving one a sense of purpose engraved from within. ~ Rose-Emily Rothenberg

Without the skepticism you're just a fool. ~ James Hillman

To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least recognized need of the human soul. ~ Simone Weil