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Part time golden retriever, full time failed academic gone corporate. PhD in philosophy, Leeds. Mainly normative ethics. Interests: European public housing, AI, stuff. Turn-ons: moral responsibility (in theoria), hot cocoa, AaB 🔴⚪🔴
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You could of also just have said non-right echo chamber. Regardless, I surely hope so.
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Det kan være, det bare er mig, men når verdens rigeste mand har intentioner om at købe demokratiske valg, virker hyklerivinklen godt nok noget påtaget.
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Det er en fin anbefaling. Men det er ikke min liste, så jeg kan ikke sætte brugeren på.
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Det er ikke min egen liste. Du skal bare trykke på "subscribe". Hvis du vælger "mute", så gør det at du ikke ser deres posts. Hvis du vælger "block", så sker det samme, men de kan heller ikke se hvad du skriver. De kan heller ikke citere dig. Det er her du minimere deres indflydelse bedst.
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There was a bit of nuance here, which unfortunately will get misconstrued by both sides. But you shouldn't understand "provocation" as a "legitimate justification". Further, a point which wasn't mentioned: if Rus feels NATO failed to uphold promises, their gripe is with NATO, not Ukraine.
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Engaging in verbal battles with my combative and relentlessly argumentative father. It probably wasn’t the healthiest lesson, but it likely sharpened my ability to spot any weaknesses in my writing. RIP, old man.
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Don't worry, we'll know nothing soon enough. In the meantime, just be happy someone is fucking with Trump
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It says something about a political philosophy that it can be entirely summed up in a comment on a blog. "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."
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Yeah. A wholelotta dudes. Would be nice if it didn't end up yet another repressive regime.
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This might just be the best thing since someone decided that sliced bread should be the benchmark for greatness!
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That said, I agree that Biden is wrong here—unless we implausibly assume he had a more universalizable justification. And if he does, it is entirely *unfair* not to pardon everyone else who fall under the same considerations as his son.
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If a justice system were perfect - or hey, even somewhat fair - I’d agree. However, without the power to pardon, over a thousand people released under Obama’s clemency initiative would still be imprisoned, some serving life sentences, for non-violent drug offenses.
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I don't get it. Or, I feel the joke evaporates if you think about it just s little bit.
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Block and move on friend.
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Just block this dude
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No. Fuck off plz.
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Jeg synes egentlig bare du bør deltage i samtalen. Hvor mange børn er du ok med lever under dst's definerede relative fattigdomsgrænse, som er at man bor i en familie, hvor den disponible indkomst er under 50 % af medianindkomsten?
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Hvorfor skulle vi ikke kunne problematisere det? Det er da ĂĽber f'ed up.
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Hey friend. Just block and move on.
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Nope. Stay tf away please.
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Trump har allerede benådet de værste af de værste. Bl.a. morderne fra Blackwater. At Biden nu også er korrupt flytter absolut intet Trump. Og i det store regnskab er det ligegyldigt, både for Trump og hans vælgere.
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Det er da netop det der gør det sandsynligt at andre lande vil forsøge at øge deres monetære indflydelse via en alternativ valuta. Specielt med USAs (MAGAs) nyfundne isolationisme. Pt. er hele verden underlagt amerikansk pengepolitik, hvilket giver USA en kæmpe økonomiske og geopolitiske fordele.
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You will concede that Americans would not be in prison if they stopped committing crimes? Ok... Let's just stop here.
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I'm not deaf lol. But you need to understand that you can compare different aspects of a thing, in separation. You can say the incarceration rate in the USA is crazy, while acknowledging that being a prisoner in the USA isn't as bad as being a prisoner under Stalin. Do you concede this?
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That's not really the aspect being compared. The US has an extremely wild incareration rate, comparable to the worst period in the evil empire's history (notice, no scare quotes). So, are americans just less moral, or is there a systemic issue, the mere existence of which is also evil?
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Seems like a tough call. Off topic, this is a pretty great block thread.
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Block and move on friend
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Han er typen der bare skal ties ihjel. Jeg anbefaler BrokeBjarnes block list. De har det med at klumpe sig belejligt sammen.
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...som er villig til at nedgøre og appelerer til folks racistiske tilbøjeligheder hvis det tjener ham. Ligesom med birtherism miseren.
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Der er ellers masser af indicier for at Trump er tilbøjelig til at agere racistisk, selv hvis vi ser bort fra "very fine people", "mexican rapists" og "go back". Han er bl.a. dømt for ikke at ville udleje til Sorte. Derudover er der central Park five-sagen også vild. Måske han blot er opportunist.
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Sådan kan man hvidvaske alt. "Forholde sig til". Han påstår uden belæg og i modstrid med fakta at Obama ikke er amerikansk statsborger. Hvad er for dig bedste bud på motivationen for den påstand Claus?
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AvO udtrykker også et standpunkt med ladede terninger, som han selv overser, når han ophøjer sin egen ortodoksi til sund fornuft. Der er kun få, der betragter deres eget køn og hudfarve som særligt vigtige, medmindre de møder modstand på netop disse områder.
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