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Christians, instead of pressuring women to be Proverbs 31 women, what if we focused on being Proverbs 31:9 Christians—those who "speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

Newsflash: The church’s tendency to protect abusive leaders is a slap in the face of victims and a key reason people are leaving the church.

It's ironic that some Christians use the term "social justice warrior" as an insult when the Bible actually calls us to pursue justice and care for the oppressed.

It was never CRT or DEI that was the problem. Rather it was racist ideals that sadly remain embedded in the modern church.

So in the 1950s, conservative Christians protested diversity in schools; in 2025, they are protesting diversity in workplaces. If we're not going to learn from the Bible, could we at least learn from history.

A church's faithfulness to Jesus is evident in how it protects and loves survivors of abuse.

Whenever Christianity does not operate on principles of love, it has little to do with Jesus.

It is very dangerous and wrong to think that Jesus would want Christians to enforce Christianity on everyone else.

If we believe that Christianity's survival depends solely on who governs the country, it reveals that our faith is driven more by selfish agendas and a desire for power than by devotion to Jesus.

A Christianity that does not welcome the stranger, stand against racism, or speak up for women and other vulnerable individuals is one that has forgotten what Jesus stood for.

Christians, our obsession with conspiracy theories must stop. How can we claim to be people of truth while spreading wild conspiracy theories rooted in lies?

Dear Christians: Jesus is less concerned with your church attendance and more with how you treat and love people throughout the week.

Boy, oh boy, if we as Christians think that Andrew Tate or Elon Musk represent a biblical version of manhood, then we really need to read our Bibles more.

Newsflash: Christian nationalism is causing more damage to the church's reputation than atheism or unbelief.

Christians, if we believe that God is love, then the way we communicate about Him must be done in a loving manner. Sadly, many of us fail to do this online.

Christians, following Jesus is meant to make us more loving. The fear-mongering and hate-filled messages from some Christian circles are a betrayal to the way of Jesus.

Christians, our history is filled with racism, misogyny, violence, homophobia, and other deeply shameful actions. So, instead of longing for society to return to the "old Christian days," how about we focus on ensuring that Christians actually follow Jesus.

Dear Christians: Can we leave behind in 2024 the idea that Christianity and conservatism are the same thing? They clearly are not.

Christian nationalism poses a greater threat to Christianity than atheism or secularisation. Conflating any particular nation with Christianity betrays the gospel.

Dear Christians: If God can love us, then He can love anyone else. Stop acting as though God loves some people less than He loves you.

Christians, if God is love, it means His love is unconditional for LGBTQI individuals, atheists, and anyone else with whom we may disagree.

Newsflash: Homophobia is a betrayal of Jesus' command to love

Please do not conflate Christianity with conservatism. They are not the same.

Newsflash: Jesus commands Christians to love atheists and LGBTQI folks.

Fun fact: Not all Christians are conservatives, and not all conservatives are Christians. Jesus calls Christians to love others, seek justice, and walk humbly with God— which is far greater than conservatism.

Christians, we can’t be people who constantly ignore facts and evidence and then claim to be people of truth.

Christians, if church history has taught us anything, it is that clinging to power always leads us away from the way of love—the way of Jesus.

Christians, posting vile comments online does not equate to doing God’s work; in fact, it’s the exact opposite.

Newsflash: Jesus was not a conservative. Let’s stop using Him as a mascot for causes He never stood for.

Christians, what if, instead of desperately fighting the feminist movement, we channeled that energy into making our communities safer places for women—where they are not labeled as temptresses or Jezebels but are treated with value, respect, and honor?

Christians, how do we go from proclaiming that salvation is by grace alone through faith to insisting that people must hold specific views on gender, sexuality, politics, and birth control—or risk being cast into hell? Doesn’t that seem like a contradiction?

Dear Christians: Imposing Christian morals and beliefs on atheists or people from other religions is not loving. Tell people about the love of God instead of imposing the christian way of life on them.

Christians, the way we treat atheists, the LGBTQ community, or others with whom we may disagree speaks volumes about our love for God. We cannot hate our neighbor and then claim to love God.

Christians, cussing people out online when they disagree with you only pushes them further away from what you’re sharing.

Christians, if Jesus was a poor, itinerant, homeless man, why are modern-day Christian leaders flying first class and living in mansions built on the backs of their poor church members?

Christians, Jesus never said, "Love the sinner but hate the sin." He simply commanded us to love people.

Dear Christians: Pushy evangelism that disregards others’ boundaries and beliefs drives people further away.

Christians, our obsession with policing other peoples’ morality is weird. It breeds hypocrisy, as we often condemn others for the very things that we do privately.

Christians, trying to prove to non-believers that they’ve broken the 10 Commandments and need to repent is unproductive. It’s like going to a foreign country and accusing people of breaking your home country’s laws—it accomplishes nothing. God’s commandments are meant for those who believe.

Christians, posting a slew of out-of-context Bible verses online to condemn people you disagree with doesn’t accomplish anything meaningful. In fact, it often drives people further away from the faith.

Dear Christians: Contrary to popular belief, most people who question or leave Christianity do not do so because they want to sin. It is often because they have witnessed utter hypocrisy and a lack of love within the church.

Christians, if women, children, the elderly, or other vulnerable people do not feel safe and valued in your church, then your church is not following the way of Jesus.

Dear Christians: The religious leaders, not the atheists, were the ones who executed Jesus. Religious pride can blind you to who God is even more than unbelief can.

Christians, why do we often present a selective and biased version of church history? We need to acknowledge the atrocities we've committed and how they have turned many away from the church.

Christians, how can you spread conspiracy theories and misinformation, then expect people to take you seriously when you share your faith?

Dear Christians: We can't go around being jerks and then, when people finally call us out, claim that the world hates us for following Jesus.

The willingness of some Christians to protect "abusers" under the guise of preserving God's work is deeply disturbing. This mindset is one of the key reasons people continue to leave the church.