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Community group concerned about impact of industrial wind turbines on environment, wildlife, economy and community.
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Ottawa's Energy Evolution policy calls for massive investment in wind turbines, almost impossible to recycle giant blades, "fossils of the future". Noisy, invasive, don't really work and millions of years of garbage. Change it.

Signatures on petition asking for West Carleton battery storage be located in industrial zone, not farmland near a village now at 1,070 as of today.

Cold isn't it? Power demand is high in Ontario today at 19,000+ megawatts. Where is wind? NOWHERE. Nearby Nation Rise just 4 MW. Not the answer #ottcity

Acoustics professionals (independent ones) recommend substantial setbacks between wind turbines and homes, as in this 2010 paper recommending 1.5 to 2 MILES for safety. Ottawa? We're not going to consider health in our zoning regs. New ones due soon. #noise

This week in wind turbine setbacks: Montana, 1.5 miles; Arizona, 12 miles. Ontario: 550m. Ottawa: has an opportunity to lead in preventing noise pollution, protect health and safety---no new regulations yet. Recommended: 2 km. #ottcity #noise Pic: Brinston ON

Kanata North councillor Cathy Curry claimed in CTV news interview on proposed battery storage that citizen opponents are getting stale info from social media, about 15-yr-old installations. FALSE. Moss Landing, where several fires have occurred, is just 3 years old.

Letter writer to claims local power shortages created need for Time Of Use electricity metering, which is why BESS is a great idea! FALSE! Time of use started in *2008* province-wide. Nothing local about it. Not power shortage.

Carleton Landowners supports West Carleton residents opposing battery electricity storage on farmland, near homes, farms, village of Dunrobin. "No harm to neighbours" they say, +concerns about safety, environment, groundwater. #ottcity #rural

Petition signing opportunity tomorrow for West Carleton large battery electricity storage installation---residents say it should be in industrial area near fire services etc, not farmland #ottcity #rural #farmland

Spokesperson for the Stop West Carleton BESS citizens group (one of four groups objecting to the location of this project) is a nurse AND a horsewoman. Fearless! #evolugen

Signatures mount on petition to demand that West Carleton battery electricity storage site be somewhere industrial i.e., close to fire services, not farms and homes. Former councillor Eli El-Chantiry signed! More events to come #ottcity

West Carleton residents held a "pop-up" petition signing opportunity vs proposed battery electricity storage site on farmland today, to get commuter traffic. They think the project would be better on industrial land, not close to homes and farms, and away from emergency services e.g., fire. #ottcity

Here's a list of birds that inhabit or pass through Ottawa's rural areas. Some are in decline. Just one more reason why we don't need industrial wind turbines. Pro-wind "environmental" and "climate" groups are hypocrites.

From economist Edguardo Sepulveda more proof that wind power does not work in Ontario. NEGATIVE correlation with demand for power vs positive correlation nuclear, hydro, gas.

What do you do on a -19° day in West Carleton, also #worldwetlandsday ? You put up your Stop Marchurst BESS sign! Concerns for environment, wetlands, wildlife, noise pollution

Ward 21 councillor David Brown nominated as new Chair of #ottcity Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee or ARAC.

West Carleton community leader demands power developer Evolugen live up to its promise of a public meeting in Town Hall format, where questions can be asked and answers be heard by all. #ottcity #westcarleton #batterystorage

Evolugen to hold open house event February 23rd for West Carleton battery electricity storage near Dunrobin. NOT a public meeting with real Q&A, just story boards and PR staff. #rural #westcarleton

Lots of signatures gathered by West Carleton rural resident on her horseback ride into Dunrobin! More events planned, email [email protected] to get a petition location.

West Carleton resident to ride her horse Hank into Dunrobin village at noon today, to gather signatures on petition vs proposed large battery electricity storage system. Noon. Today. Dunrobin. Horses. #onpoli #ottcity #westcarleton

Got questions/concerns about the West Carleton Battery Energy Storage System? Now is the time to ask, or speak out. Citizen Facebook group West Carleton BESS here

Ontario: let's not wreck it. View of Lake Superior yesterday. Some "environmental" groups want to cover the Great Lakes with industrial wind turbines, despite risk of serious environmental damage.

Where is this? Wales, where a giant industrial wind power project featuring 750-foot wind turbines has been proposed. Citizens object for reasons of environmental risks. Artist's picture of a turbine at Mynwyyd Mawr. (In reality, the turbine wd b on a flattened ridgetop)

Wind and solar are not as "green" as promoters (and profiteers) say. Worse, they don't do much for the environment, and are costing us billions. Opinion from Catherine Swift

An economist recently said wind power was worth no more than $46/MWh in Ontario. So, why did we pay $1200 yesterday?

Ottawa city councillor George Darouze is seeking the Ontario PC nomination in Carleton in the next provincial election.

Lots of pretty pictures of wind turbines on BlueSky. Here's some reality.