Father to a non-verbal autistic child.
I am struggling with life.
John Shelby Spong has the best and most accurate moral compass, I encourage anyone who sees this to watch a debate he had participated in, or read any of his books. R.I.P.
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Oh how I miss Bush
In his heyday of shoes flying and kittys being spotted, I didnt realize what America had. Sure he made many bad decisions.
But he wasn't a Russian spy! Unlike...the current...administration...
Scary times folks. Scary.
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I don't consider that music
It's just noise
Revolution Esher demo is my favourite version of Lennons Revolution though
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I'm just doin my best guy
I'll leave ya alone.
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There ya go that's a nice term hope it gets widespread once things go up for everyone
Really hopefully that doesn't happen but I have no faith.
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No, can'tafford it, they're pricey. My son is on the OAP waitlist for help. We are planning on making a board with pictures of his everyday things to try to get him into that sort of thing. We've tried before with cards it's difficult because it upsets him. He thinks it's toys, it's not. He gets mad
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That's not inflation though.
Inflation is different. A sudden price rise due to a reason is not inflation.
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No it's psychopathy.
I'm canadian not eu but he's coming at our country too.
It's all insanity I don't know. None of it makes sense.
And now he's clearly allies with the Kremlin. That interview with Z proved it, that was the craziest thing I ever saw. Also touting that they started the whole thing.
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I don't like that man (e.m)
If there was ever an immoral and unethical person it's him. Maybe not 10-15 years ago but most certainly now. Maybe he was always this way and had the world fooled.
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Hey now the Beatles were pretty darn good. I am heavily biased
Elvis was a great performer, didn't write a single song though.
Sad about the origins of the Amercan National Anthem, I didnt know that.
I am with you on the Taylor stuff though, I have heard her music, she is overrated.
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🎶 Piece of ca-ake 🎶
That's Paul telling John this is easy.
Nothing like ancient beef lol
Ram is an excellent album though
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Damn they might have made some good music but I wouldn't want to be in their social circle lol
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Noooo it's not true ! I like seasoned food and also due process is important now let's put on rubber soul lol
Or revolver
Or let it be Or abbey road
Or the white album
The anthologies are my favourite though less studio perfectionism and more of just the band
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Lennon may have been a bad person but the music he wrote with everyone involved with the Beatles is timeless
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Lennon was great with The Beatles. Less so on his own, his solo music is missing good bass lines that McCartney would've provided. I am heavily biased, my dad used their records to teach me drums when I was little, I have become nostalgic for their music.
Love or hate, he's a good songwriter.
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Guess he didn't know the half of it
Because whatever the hell is going on now is just. Insane isn't a hard enough word. I don't know what word is hard enough to describe it. But its not good that's for sure.
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I wish more creators did this. I don't like Google anymore. I don't want to be on their sites anymore.
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I find Google to be an immoral company. They are unethical.
They're kinda evil anymore, promoting scams, it's really wild. They think because they are big they can do whatever they want. Up to us as people to show them that is not true.
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Wish there was more content on odysee
Hopefully that will change soon, and more people will choose to upload things there
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I especially enjoy his debates, he will debate different topics with his peers, there's a couple out there. Wish there was more!
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Doug sucks. He ruined the OAP. Kids like mine have to go to school without an EA
Being against that canada 51 thing should be unsaid, it should be expected of everyone who's canadian. It should be automatic.
Anyways, I won't send my kid to school without an EA, he needs full time adult supervision.
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Check out John Shelby Spong, if you're interested.
I enjoyed reading your post
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Course. Spong never converted from Christianity, but he did refer to himself as more of a Mystic than anything else near the end.
I am with the belief that religion and science can be for the same goals, if that makes sense.
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All day
Although I surely don't want to gouge out my eye or cut off my hand! Let's hope those ones are akin to a parable lol
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What's your opinion of John Shelby Spong?
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Accurate, actually. Well done.
The world is scaring the hell out of me, I tell ya
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John Shelby Spong too.
Wonderful teacher.
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John Shelby Spong has spoken on that many times. It's sad how some warp their religious beliefs into hate.
I don't understand it.
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My son was already autistic before he had his vaccinations.
That shouldn't even be a thing, vaccinations do not cause autism, they do not.
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My son likes to bang toys off his chin, look at cards, swing in swings, spin on his gravity spinning chair, he likes Fischer price little people, stuffed animals, light shows, lots more I'm forgetting I'm sure
He likes lots of stuff, and I can always tell when he's having a good time :)
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Sometimes we are their voice, some autistic people like my son can't talk
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Hey now us parents are doing our best.
I'll always stand up for my son. He may not be able to talk, but he can express himself, it's just different and difficult to read sometimes.
But we are doing our best.
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Oldie but a goodie
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Not all sects.
Check out John Shelby spong. He was a good man.
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That guy is Satan
If anyone played horizon zero dawn, he's ted faro.
He's a lunatic.
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Because it's deeper and scarier than that. And it's real. The proof was Feb 28/2025
That made me ill.
That whole side is attempting to defend that, make it seem no big deal.
It is a huge deal, it is not good at all it's worrisome and that's an understatement.
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I had a hard time getting into knocked loose, their vocalist reminds me of the original After the Burial singer
What do you think?
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Shinjuku masterlord is such a great song.
On an excellent album!
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All eras of emmure are awesome i love every song
I just think they're great what can i say
I love those callous harsh lyrics. Instantly stokes me.
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Af! Yes they're amazing every album is a front to back rampage don't need to skip any songs from needlework and even early demos all the way to hindsight
Just amazing
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Big time I don't get why everyone hates that band and the singer so he's a wild man so what lol
I love their music and lyrics it's awesome