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Human being: Curious. Nerd. Trains. Railways. Humans. Democracy. Digital.
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And as for Canada, so for the entirety of the EU and the EES. The step prior to oblivion is ubiquity, but do we still have the power to get away? #technofeudalism #nationalsovereignty #personalautonomy #democracy

Honest question. Is unhindered logarithmic growth really the only valid mode of existence for human society?

I asked Le Chat how it had been instructed to answer questions. Talk about a non-answer designed to fool anyone trained not to think critically. #ai #criticalthinking #lechat

Everything - EVERYTHING - reflects politics: policy, choice, value judgements, intent. If you think some things are not political, that’s your prejudices and privilege showing. #democracy #politics #privilege

’Democratize’ is a dog whistle. What you really say by using the word is that you want to commodify and monetize by devaluing knowledge, experience, critical thinking, and the expression thereof. Has nothing to do with democracy, and everything to do with greed.

I see cries for tempering STEM with Arts: to make it STEAM. I cry foul, or is it fool? STEM+Art without the breadth of the social sciences has only ever led to stylish catastrophe: Nazism, Fascism, and their ilk. Understand power, motivation, and incentives, or perish a beautiful mechanical death.

”If we only get all the data, then we have all the knowledge.” Anyone who worked with ’Knowledge Management Systems’ in the 90’s know that this is not how it works.

It’s not that power corrupts. The truth is that the corrupt and psychopathic gravitates to positions of power, to get power over others and to enrich themselves. This is why real democracies doesn’t favour the rich and the entitled, but strive for representation. #democracy #representation

The sadness of being so alone, so isolated, at our places of work that we are forced to turn to the digital equivalent of a sex doll for feedback and inspiration. #ai #futureofwork #humanvalues #marketliberalcapitalism

A system which relies on ’good will’ is doomed to fail. As have been demonstrated, repeatedly.

If you cannot compete on the market without the unauthorised use of the personal, private, data of your users it is because your business model is unethical.

Colour is NEVER enough: always pair with a pattern. Or better: plan for b/w only. No one will manage to catch ALL types of colour blindness by colour alone. This is one of my pet pevees when reading scientific papers (along with the formatting, which defies 100’s of years of research on legibility…)

Defending human rights and democracy has never in my lifetime been more important than now

Do the not want people to read the Future of jobs 2025 report?! The document is a 290 page PDF clearly formatted for print. Who’s gonna print that?! Publish in a digital format, please! #digitalneoliths #futureofwork #weforum

Feeding the machine - the hidden human labour powering AI, by James Muldoon, Mark Graham, and Callum Cant. Thought-provoking. 5/5 stars. 100% recommend. #ai #colonialism #extractioneconomy #labourmarket #taylorism #ethnography #politicalscience #economics

One thing which people don’t seem to understand is that the law is not what you think is right or wrong: it’s what those in power decide it to be. In a democracy the voters decide who will make the law. That is not an universal right, which in itself is a point in case. #democracy #law #humanrights

No comment. (Zoom in, read the text.) #nobelweeklights

I’m sorry but your US-exclusive mindset is, to anyone who resides outside the US, visible from outer space.

I want to follow a tag. I have a full time job, I want to spend time with family and friends, I have a TBR pile a mile high, dozens of unfinished projects and a backlog of todo’s. Setting up a server and following the instruction is within my ability. Will I do it? No. Life’s too short. #uninclusive

Thinking on machines, lack of trust in humankind, and perpetuating status quo. I recommend this ep of the Past Present Future podcast. #democracy #ai #humanity

Plumbing. Fail, or intentional? #plumbing #lavatory #fail

If it’s fixable with duct tape it isn’t broken. Train 534 enroute to Stockholm. (The train set is in line for total refurbishment, and, well: whatever works, works.) #trainlife #x2 #sjab

Airplane lavatory, anno 2024. #designfail

Really not a short form writer. I feel one-liner arguments are a crime against thoughtful analysis. Feeds the apathetic doomscroll brain, 15 milliseconds of fame - sorry: attention - and then on to the next. Makes for pathos without logos, and look where that has landed us.