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Hand carved wooden signs. No CNC or Lasers.
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Love Lives Here hand carved wooden sign for shelf sitter, front door or home wall decor. check it out in my Etsy Shop. Link below. #loveliveshere #shelfsitter #walldecor #rustic #LGBTQ #Pride #Gaypride #Lesbians #Transgender #Etsy #PFPWoodDesign

Hand Carved No Soliciting sign for Pet owners. click the link below to order yours today. 2 sizes available with color options. #Dog #Pets #Funny #nosoliciting #Petlovers #Doglovers #doorhanger #Etsy #PFPWoodDesign

Women's rights are human rights. They aren't negotiable on International Women's Day or any day. Here in Illinois, we celebrate the contributions of the incredible women in Illinois' history and honor them by continuing to push our state forward.

Might save a life.

Oval Praying Hands hand carved wooden sign, perfect for above the door, fireplace mantle, or wall. also great for Christian Nurseries, and gifts for pastors. Link in comments and bio. #Christian #Religious #Farmhouse #Rustic #Pastor #Church #Praying #Prayinghands #Worship #Etsy #PFPWoodDesign

Wooden Cross of Faith, perfect for above the door or wall. great gift for family, friends or pastor. Link in comments. #Cross #Faith #Religious #Christian #Rustic #Pastor #Church #AboveDoor #WallDecor #Etsy #PFPWoodDesign

Custom Personalized Teachers carved wooden pencils, check it out in my shop, link below. Perfect for End of School, Teachers Gifts. #Teachers #Teachersappreciation #Endofschool #Appreciationgift #Michaels #PFPWoodDesign #Carvedwoodensign #desk #Classroomdecor

Hand carved rustic Personalized Custom Name wooden sign, check it out in my Etsy Shop. link below. #personalized #Name #Rustic #Cabin #Logcabin #Lakehouse #Liveedge #Custom #WallDecor #Frontdoordecor #Welcome #Etsy #PFPWoodDesign

As for Me and My House, We Will Serve The Lord hand carved wooden sign, check it out in my Esty Shop. Link below. #Servethelord #Lord #prayer #inspirational #Bible #Bibleverse #Carved #Esty #PFPWoodDesign #Joshua2514

Personalized Family Name hand Carved wooden sign with Crosses and hand shaped broken board eastern red cedar. Check it out in my shop. Link below and bio. #Personalized #Name #familyname #Rustic #Carved #Cabin #lakehouse #logcabin #PFPWoodSesign #Etsy

Hand carved personalized rustic wooden sign. With live edge style ends and pine tree. Check it out in my shop #personalized #name #handmade #rustic #lastname #gifts #etsy

Hand carved Personalized Music Room wooden signs. Check it out in my Etsy shop. Link in bio.