I hate this " you're safe with a transperson " shit. You're just plain safe with a transperson. Period. Don't demean them by comparing them to any group let alone Trump or Trump's cabinet.
That's still a discrimination, a trans person is whatever they identify as. I'm transbian but use mens bathrooms. I've been friends with the whole gambit of peoples. Besides, we all go to the bathroom, only reason it is segregated is for safety from patriarchal society. I read the book, we all poop
Im convinced every republican has cp on their pc, are probably rapists, 100% have zero respect for women, and probably calls every black man "boy".
Trans women just want to be left the fuck alone.
If you try to go to either link listed, nothing comes up and can't find anything to back up the image. Looks like some good ol' fashioned propaganda to me
I which exceeds the numbers in the listed chart, but about half of the people from the census did not specify which gender they were so I am guessing that the initial post split them evenly and used the increased numbers which would then match up to the listed numbers.
Thinking, math, and research is not hard, if you actually try. Hopefully some day you will try to learn instead of relying on someone to think for you.
Absolutely! These lying "leaders," are the kind of people you wouldn't want to meet in any enclosed space! Or a dark alley.... and maybe not even in a very busy, public space!
No one went trans just to be with women in a bathroom.
All the therapy and potential surgery is not worth that. They aren't having easy for a privilege. They are having it hard to live happily. Like everyone else.
Trump y compañia son una calamidad.
Women fought hard for safe spaces and I will not idly stand by watching how creeps creep into them.
First, they came for the women ...
“ and then what happened is they rigged the election and I became president and that is a good thing.”
“ and then what happened is they rigged the election and I became president and that’s a good thing”
Mark 2:22 to 2:27
#PussygrabberInChief #LiarAndThief
Trans women just want to be left the fuck alone.
I'm still traumatized. /s
The math follows next
181 out of 244 of the trans women prisoners are sex offenders
That is 181 out of 48,000 are sex offenders.
1,000,000 / 48,000 = 20.833 (to get the per million stats)
181 X 20.83 = 3,770
Further analysis follows
All the therapy and potential surgery is not worth that. They aren't having easy for a privilege. They are having it hard to live happily. Like everyone else.
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
Oh, the horror