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The Final Day of the Advent Calendar ensures things go with a bang...but nothing that wows me. A balance of both. And that concludes the Advent Calendar of 2024. I'm definitely learned some lessons, and I'll be applying them next year. Happy Holidays!

Day 23 is similar to yesterday's. I sure hope the finale's a banger.

With Day 22 comes the home stretch, and things look like they'll end on a whimper.

Day 21 looks good indeed.

Day 20 is meh. Nothing special here, and perhaps rightly so after yesterday's pull.

Day 19 has *quite* the prize indeed.

Day 18 yields one card with noting yet again. Still nice to see, though.

Day 17 is little of consequence, except a card I needed. I was debating posting this one, but it's an Advent Calendar, so I'm kinda obligated to do so.

Day 16 more than makes up for yesterday's lackluster performance.

Day 15...well, at least I can defoil a card. Always good, right?

Day 14 sees two new cards for the deck...and a beautiful repeat but borderless card I might use to replace the other I pulled the other day.

Day 13 was cursed in a karmic kind of way. The day before, I had watched a gameplay video and, at the end, it was said that to not run Excalibur with Captain America was doing a disservice. I dismissed this. Then I pull a second copy, and I (quietly) roared "You jinxed it!" #mtg #MagictheGathering

At Day 12, we're halfway, and now at the end of the first box. I have to admit, pretty solid.

Day 11 yields the near-equivalent of a full pack's worth of good pulls. Good day all around.

Day 10 sees me be the latest person to be worthy of wielding Thor's Hammer. A shocking turn of events.

Day 9 is a poor start to the second third, but a couple useful cards anyway. In future, I think I'm going to only show the highlights, and keep it one to one photo. There's no more need for the duplicates at this point.

Day 8 might be the most consequential day of the calendar so far. Also, about time I pulled the Spear. #MTG #MagictheGathering And, sadly, you'll have to use your neck-cricking skills to see one of the photos. It was early in the morning, and I didn't see my error until afterward.

Day 7 of the Advent Calendar was a nice surprise after the past couple of days.

Day 6 wasn't much of import, but Hermes's Staff is nice to see. #MTG #MagictheGathering

Day 5 is much like yesterday. Only difference is me being irked by the duplicates I saw in the second pack. This, I imagine, will be more frequent going forward. Just annoyed it had to show up so early.

Day 4 of the Advent Calendar is not a day of financial gain, but some solid choices for the deck I'm making.

Day 3 of my Advent Calendar and, between having an idea for lighting, and splitting each pack into a separate shot, it seems to have worked. No more squinting to see what the cards are! On that note--Oh my. I may have pulled the Sword from the Stone. Merlin would be proud.

Day 2 Of my Advent Calendar is not as impressive as my first, but I'll gladly take a Black Market Connections and a foil Rest in Peace. Yes, I know about the sideways thing and poor lighting. I'll work on those starting tomorrow.

This year, I'm doing an MTG-Themed Advent Calendar (irony, considering the set I chose). Each day until Christmas, I'm posting my pulls and I'm building a deck along the way. Day 1 is a good start, and I so happen to pull my commander of choice. Lovely! Stay tuned for Day 2. #MTG #MagictheGathering

Hi, I'm Phaetion. I like: Magic the Gathering Pokemon Writing Reading (When I get the chance) Cats/Dogs Nature Pics Space Pics Video Games (Mostly Nintendo) Nice to meet you :)