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ID Pharm, antibiotic allergies, UTIs, MedEd fun & games Podcaster: Medical Rewrites (Apple) (Spotify)
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This is super exciting. JAK1 inhibitor turns out to be a very effective treatment for TEN/SJS

Hi #IDSky! I’m putting together my usual top 10 ID papers of this year list again (this time will post here not in the other world). Please tell me your candidate papers - practice changing paradigm shifting or dogma challenging!

New paper from my colleagues at UCLH Nearly 70% (!!!) resistance to Cefiderocol in NDM positive bacteria. Cefiderocol...we hardly knew ye... Perfect timing for World Antimicrobial Awareness Week #waaw24 #IDSky

Incredible graphic - the myriad of ways that bacteria defend themselves against antibiotics. 14 resistance mechanisms, summarised by Idan Yelin & Roy Kishony in Cell

Morning #IDSky what is your preferred rounding structure for teaching services? Would love to know why in comments 👇 1️⃣ AM team rounds 2️⃣ PM team rounds 3️⃣ BID team rounds 4️⃣ Keep it flexible 📊 Show results

ID Connections #2 Same game as the NYT Connections but with ID content and unlimited guesses.

Interesting! SubQ meropenem. “Subcutaneous meropenem appears to be well tolerated and has a favourable pharmacokinetic profile. Either 1.5 g twice daily or 3 g as a 24 h subcutaneous infusion could be considered for future evaluation.”

Can we treat patients with low-risk BSI discharged from the ED with a fully-oral course of antibiotics? [Spoiler: Yes!] 🆓🔓Our recent article on #OralIsTheNewIV! 👉🏻 Food for thought for #AMSsky #IDSky

My Top 5 Antibiotic Allergy Papers - #5 ▶️Gadde et al. JAMA 1993; 270 (20) ▶️ A paper before its time. Skin testing for #penicillinallergy in patients with ID indication! ▶️ 7.1% + ; PPL & MDM utilisation; safety (1/128+ required adrenaline); Allergy LOSS WITH TIME.

To get hopefully some #peniicillinallergy #drugallergy folk over to 🦋 from X I am going to list my top 5 #antibioticallergy papers of all time - starting tomorrow! Stay tuned 👀

Very happy to report that and is here. Waiting on SHEA...

I'm advertising a PhD studentship (open to international students) working on long read pangenome / assembly algorithms in bacteria. Would suit someone with maths/compsci/coding background. Aptitude + interest more important than experience. Details here:

Hello #IDSky #MedSky #PharmSky! We are MAD-ID, striving to educate 🎓 and promote 🏆 infectious diseases and antimicrobial stewardship clinicians and researchers! Looking forward to the bright future of our ID community on this platform 🦋

Here’s pack 2! Still in progress - will update more tomorrow. It’s been a fun day. Love seeing our community rebuild here! Goodnight Bluesky. 🦋💤

Along the lines of what others have started, here's a #SkyRx starter pack - if I'm missing you let me know!

IDSky continues to grow rapidly We are now >300 users, which means we are on a third Starter Pack IDSky Starter Pack 1 IDSky Starter Pack 2 ID Starter Pack 3 Check back on the most recent one often as it is updated frequently

Hi friends on #IDSky. Hoping we re-create what we once had on twixter. So here's another old favorite, guaranteed to get your Sunday off to a happy start. (Grrrr ... still mad about this one.)

PSA: If you’re ever reversing anticoagulation & someone asks if the patient has had a vasectomy, they’re not being a weirdo. Protamine is made from salmon sperm & post vasectomy patients may have anti sperm antibodies that cross react causing life threatening anaphylaxis!

🔍👁️🍄 “Based on available evidence, and high risk of morbidity of eye involvement, continued ophthalmological screens seem prudent, but a definitive consensus was found to be challenging given a lack of outcome data...” #IDbluesky

Fun ID Pharm Q today Pt on mero 2q8 for ESBL infx and has adenovirus viremia. Starting cidofovor + probenecid = mero dose adjustment 1989 study to the rescue! Mero AUC ⬆️ 55%. T1/2 ⬆️ from 0.9 hr to 1.3 hr. ➡️ 2 Q12 x 48 hrs based on probenecid t1/2 of 5-15 hrs

Looking to build/join the ID peeps I make ID themed games. Obsessed with beta-lactam side chains. New fan of topical estrogen for rUTIs.