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Political Philosophy, Political Liberalism, John Rawls, Jürgen Habermas; Editor of and
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What is social media's place in democracy? Tragically timely, given that the owner of a key social media platform is now part of the US government. Still, happy to see the article finally published (OA).

NEXT Wednesday: Join the CCCCT for our first installment of the Marx 13/13 Keynote Lectures with philosopher Seyla Benhabib. Online from Zoom. February 19 at 6:15 PM. For more information and to register, please visit

Uli Kreikebaum: Fritz W. Scharpf wird 90. Unbekannter Star der Wissenschaft (Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger):

Wolfgang Kersting (1946-2025)

Für die Wissenschaftsseiten von habe ich den Sozialphilosophen Axel Honneth zum Begriff des moralischen Fortschritts interviewt. Er hielt im Dezember am die Jan Patočka Memorial Lecture.

I haven’t lived through the collapse of a civilisation before I study history so I have read the guidebooks, but they don’t quite capture the experience of being there

Oliver Eberl on Ingeborg Maus (1937-2024): "Scharfsinn und Bescheidenheit", Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik 2/2025:

50 Best Political Philosophy Blogs and Websites in 2025 (I am honored to be ranked number 2):

Peter Dews on Dieter Henrich (1927-2022) - "Commemorating Dieter Henrich: Subjectivity and Metaphysics" (Hegel Bulletin; open access):

Our next book talk will explore the ethical and political case for limiting extreme wealth, examining its impact on equality, democracy, and sustainability. Panelists: and Moderator: 🔗Register here:

As long as self-declared defenders of democracy concede "democracy" to authoritarians, employing the language of "illiberal democracy," there ain't much hope.

Please read my latest interview for The Nation which is with the intellectual historian, Peter Gordon:

Had a delightful conversation with on the New Books in Philosophy podcast. We talked about my *Experiments in Living Together: How Democracy Drives Social Progress (OUP 2024)*. Thank you, Robert!

Lecture by Axel Honneth - "The Standpoint of Moral Progress. A Defence in Kantian Spirit" (Jan Patočka Memorial Lecture 2024):

In this article, Professor Robert Talisse explores the critical role of individual reflection in democratic participation and civic engagement. An insightful discussion on the philosophical dimensions of democracy and civic responsibility. #PoliticsAndRightsReview

Obituary for Ingeborg Maus (1937-2024): Rainer Forst - "Volkssouveränität radikal gedacht":

Obituary for Ingeborg Maus (1937-2024): Peter Niesen - "Zum Tod von Ingeborg Maus – Rousseau und Kant als Kronzeugen" (Frankfurter Rundschau):

My spotlight of four books on Habermas and the Institute for Social Research published in 2024 is up on the EJPT's website. Will be of interest to anyone working on critical theory in the tradition of the Frankfurt School. Happy reading! #AcademicSky #PolTheory

If you're interested in literature by or about Jürgen Habermas, explore my "Habermas Forum", where you'll find comprehensive bibliographies of Habermas' works and scholarly discussions about him, along with links to videos, audio recordings, and access to online texts:

Obituary for Herbert Schnädelbach in "Frankfurter Allgemeine" (Christian Geyer):

Obituary for Herbert Schnädelbach (1936-2024): "Man braucht viel Vernunft, um sie zu kritisieren" (Frankfurter Rundschau):

Found a story with a correct headline

Derek Parfit (1942–2017) is the most famous philosopher most people have never heard of. David Edmonds's #Parfit presents the first #biography of the intriguing, obsessive, & eccentric genius. Now available in paperback. Enjoy a free sample: #philsky

Out now in English: Jürgen Habermas, "Also a History of Philosophy", Volume 2 - From Early Christianity, Plotinus & Augustine to Hobbes, Spinoza & Locke:

Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, Volume 27, Issue 6 (2024) now on line - a great special issue on the Political Philosophy of Hope; Guest editor: Jakob Huber

Aus der Unseld-Chronik, die jetzt online gestellt wurde und in deren Masse von Intellektuellen-Gossip man wirklich versinken kann. Guilty pleasure für die Winterzeit.

Jürgen Habermas on Siegfried Unseld: "Danke, mein Freund. Eine persönliche Erinnerung an den legendären Suhrkamp-Chef Siegfried Unseld, der jetzt 100 Jahre alt geworden wäre":

Adorno-Preis für Seyla Benhabib: In ihrer Dankesrede erinnert sie auch an die Beziehung zwischen Hannah Arendt und dem Vordenker der Kritischen Theorie. Sie fordert, den Blick für die Anderen wieder zu öffnen:

Jörg Später - "Adornos Flaschenpost: Was bleibt von der Kritischen Theorie?", Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik (Open access):

Jürgen Habermas gibt Auskunft – über die Motive seines Denkens, die Umstände, unter denen es sich entwickelte, und die Veränderungen, die es im Lauf der Jahre erfuhr. Er erzählt vom Entstehungsprozess seines Werks, von wegweisenden Lektüren und kollegialen Begegnungen. Out now!

The first review of Jürgen Habermas's forthcoming book: “Es musste etwas besser werden …”. Gespräche mit Stefan Müller-Doohm & Roman Yos (Suhrkamp, September 2024). [paywall]:

So happy to see my latest piece on Habermas's career as a freelance journalist between 1954-56 come out in New German Critique, one of the key outlets for the reception of the Frankfurt School in English! It is a nice précis of some arguments from my book, forthcoming with Columbia University Press

USA-Today interviewed me for their program 'The Excerpt'. Delighted that I could share my analysis with American viewers (and everyone else, since YouTube is global). Share it with those whom you believe should watch it, thanks!

New essay by Jürgen Habermas: "Thoughts on Reading Kierkegaard in a Pluralist Society" - Why are Kierkegaard's writings of concern for philosophers today? (open access):

New book by Jürgen Habermas out in September: "Es musste etwas besser werden …":

14 critical essays on Jürgen Habermas's "Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie" (2019) and an extensive response from Habermas: "Vernünftige Freiheit" (out now on Suhrkamp Verlag): &

today is publication day! ✊

Another day, another fact about Rawls: “Sergeant Rawls was instructed by a first lieutenant to discipline a fellow soldier. Rawls refused, believing no punishment was justified. This act of insubordination resulted in Rawls being demoted back to a private”

Er prägte zusammen mit seiner Frau das Konzept des „kulturellen Gedächtnisses“. Zum Tod des Ägyptologen und Kulturhistorikers Jan Assmann.

Jürgen Habermas on Oskar Negt (1934-2024): "Bildung als Erfahrung":

🚨Book Manuscript Workshop Announcement📢 Rainer Forst will be hosting a workshop on my book manuscript on Habermas as a public intellectual, tentatively entitled Engaged Critical Theory. Registration details below if you are in Frankfurt. If not, please DM me for a Zoom link.

Prof. Hans Schelkshorn (Vienna) has published a link to a new book on Jürgen Habermas: "Okzidentale Konstellationen zwischen Glauben und Wissen. Mit einer Replik von Habermas, ed. by Rudolf Langthaler & Hans Schelkshorn (Darmstadt: WBG Academic). Open access:

Project Syndicate, January 2024: "Liberalism's Forever Crisis" (Review Essay on Deneen, Moyn, Özmen)

New paper by Rainer Forst: "The rational critique of social unreason. On critical theory in the Frankfurt tradition", Constellations (open access):

A new paper by Paul Weithman (Notre Dame): "Stability and equilibrium in political liberalism" (forthcoming in Philosophical Studies):

Out now in English: Jürgen Habermas's "Also a History of Philosophy", volume 1: &