I haven’t lived through the collapse of a civilisation before
I study history so I have read the guidebooks, but they don’t quite capture the experience of being there
I study history so I have read the guidebooks, but they don’t quite capture the experience of being there
Or what we learned from clicking on this "what historic ruler
are you?" online survey showing up in our feed for absolutely no reason what so ever.
The accumulation of private armies loyal to their leader instead of the state is the spark that sets the bonfire alight.
Although that Tim Snyder's Tyranny book is a start.
What we are seeing in the US is the rise of tyranny at the expense of liberty, that's not the same thing
Maybe that's why the rise of someone like Trump was in some ways inevitable
An excellent series of long form Podcasts. I've heard them all except the most recent.
No one is coming to save us.
Migration is the norm in these circumstances.
I'm enjoying the stories, probably more like rumors with some substance, that Dump and Melon-head are experiencing friction.
And you just punched us in the face cause we are easy targets.
Congratulate yourselves….feel good about that. Well done.
My apologies if I sounded like a jerk
I really liked having good relations.
Stay strong and support you local government……and vote while you still can.
We are worried and honestly, starting feel like we will have to fight.
The last person ever I thought I would fight is an American.
It just sucks dog balls.
It’s such a stupid, pointless aggressive flex.
We know there are excellent people in the US….I work with them all the time.
That’s how connected our countries are…..I have a relative in Maine lol
Anyone know?
greed will chase
Voter suppression, yes, but Republicans have been doing that since Reconstruction ended in 1877, it's not news, and also, bizarrely, not illegal.
The result was entirely expected, and completely consistent with polling.
In 2024, Trump was ahead in polls. His win was expected. We all *hoped* he would lose, but you can't be surprised he won.
Reach out to your maga friends and family and keep asking them if this is what they voted for and how are they going to fix it?
Beyond that, not sure what can be said…
Instead of having an objective to stay comfortable during your protest, have as an objective to successfully oust your fa scist regime.
But we are hung up on how unprofitable stopping it is.
another life remembering what a dictatorship feels like? This is only the beginning.
They never left 2000.
But I've seen nothing about a plan.
Look at the articles being run at news outlets, and tell me if you think they are at all interested in running the message you want to see.
Not just Federal employees, those on disability, food stamps, social security..Elon has all the personal info on near everyone.
Elon's Skynet is on the horizon.
Buckle up Buttercups
We are in the middle of a coup of staggering consequences and Congress is asleep at the switch.
Republicans are putting their personal positions and party over the welfare of our beloved country. Grow a pair and stand up to the co-presidents!
The Collapse can be my grand finale.
I believe we're about to see another one soon
Apple Just Released A Terrifying Warning
I am finding the slow decay wonderful, when you disconnect and don’t focus on the literal following planes and knowing we will have multiple pandemics as we face a record breaking year for climate disaster. Mask up and avoid crowds.
Some of them are just not very deep thinkers….
I prefer to be among those who watch and try to understand.
Thus, we are 'being there' together.
It would be like the aftermath of 9/11 with people walking with the dust of the rubble on their faces with shock and disbelief.. but you can count on the old saying that everything that Donald touches dies, he’ll prove it to you
It's time for a serious secession discussion among blue states.
It diminishes my 2x in the Army to think I was very willing to die for my Country, which wasn't this one.
All good suggestions
And when a few local citizens work together in a group, their COMBINED POWER is magnified & even larger than just the sum of their individual strengths.
Don’t defeat yourself by not even trying to fight back.
The US is morphing from a country that shed blood to overthrow rulers where the HoS (king) was a dictator..
To a country that craves to be ruled by a dictator
Only when the full implications of the next few years are visible through the rubble that remains will you be able to move forward
To quote the song "B..b..b baby you ain't seen nothing yet"
Well, you didn’t ask. But still.
I need some... For a friend of course
In The Garden Of The Beasts - Erik Larson