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CPIPR highlights research on demography, population health, & reproductive health. Managed by @PRBdata
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Research on drug confiscations in Spain suggests that "granting legal status to immigrants reduces illegal drug imports"

Local Immigration Enforcement Was Supposed to Make Communities Safer—It Made Them More Violent Instead "Partnerships with ICE only increased residents’ risk for violent victimization, especially among Latinos, new research finds."

The babies born to California mothers exposed to endocrine-disrupting pesticides during the first trimester of pregnancy face an increased risk of cerebral palsy.

Maltreatment allegation calls involving Black children are 55% more likely to result in foster care placement than calls involving white children with the same potential for future maltreatment.

Women in the US don’t live as long women in other high-$ countries. Progress on many measures has stalled or reversed. New report shows research on American women’s health is underfunded & “breakthroughs to improve health and well-being for half the population in the US—women and girls—have lagged”

Tobacco farmers face an opportunity cost to join a religion that prohibits that work. How does that influence choices, and how do institutions adapt, in Sub-Saharan Africa? A new paper by

Carolina Population Center’s 2024-2025 Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series. Alexander Sahn - Racial Diversity and Exclusionary Zoning: Evidence From the Great Migration

Today's top story in shares research on the effect of rising house prices that have widened the White-Black wealth gap in recent decades. Read more from affiliate! #Econsky #UMichResearch

Check out Arline Geronimus, speaking on "weathering," headlining on CBS's Here Comes the Sun. Our affiliate coined the term to describe the health effects of living in an unjust society.

👏New #publication in the BMC from affiliate Joseph Pierre & colleagues ➡️ “The fungal microbiota modulate neonatal oxygen-induced lung”

ICYMI: et al investigate the evolving composition and experiences of the family caregiver workforce and its ramifications for public policy. In

Our next brownbag talk is Mar 5, 12pm, w/ Shelley Clark, James McGill Professor of Sociology,, who will present: "Declining Child Poverty Despite Growing Family Diversity in Rural America.” 310 Social Sciences & zoom. Join us!

Join us for the next PARC Aging Chat ( RURAL HEALTH & AGING MONDAY 3/3 | 12-1 pm | McNeil Room 403 & Virtual (Zoom info on image) Shannon Monnat ( at & Brian Clemens Thiede at

🏥New #publication from CDE affiliates Rebecca Myerson, Jennifer Dykema, & & alum Fiona Weeks & colleagues in Elsevier find a need to address systemic racial differences in intrapartum care that lead to inequities and negative experiences ➡️Read more:

A new national data set on ‘sundown towns’ expands researchers’ ability to conduct quantitative and spatial analysis on the legacy of racial violence and control beyond the U.S. South.

Redlining is associated w intergenerational implications: "grandchildren with grandparents living in redlined areas had lower average household wealth...& a notably elevated mean BMI...when compared to grandchildren whose grandparents resided in yellowlined regions"

"Black and Latino workers are overrepresented in high-strain [stress] jobs at many ages, compared with other groups."

Wondering how to navigate the social media landscape? We share some thoughts.

YOU'RE INVITED: Fertility Goals: Conceptualization, Measurement, & Impact for Science and Policy The Ohio Population Consortium is hosting 2 webinars on fertility desires, intentions, expectations, & measurement. The first, "Conceptualization and Measurement of Fertility Goals" will be on 2/27/25

From the Emergency Room to Eviction? Research finds increase in housing hardship among families that use the emergency room or are hospitalized. Read our latest research highlight (link in comments).

CSDE Seminar - Conceptualizing Age, Predicting Inequality Feb 28, 2025 12:30pm Pacific

Why does flouride in water matter? CSDE affiliate Dr. Chi weighs in

Healthcare databases, such as Medicare, are increasingly used to study motor vehicle crashes. BUT health databases only record crash-related *injuries* not all crashes. "researchers should consider augmenting administrative datasets with information from police crash reports, and vice versa"

A study comparing two surveys (Add Health and National Health Interview Survey) finds "Current measures of sexual orientation in national-level surveys may underestimate the sexual minority population and sexual orientation‒related health disparities."

A review of research on firearms and LGBTQ+ populations finds significant gaps in the knowledge base and calls for improved data collection on gender and sexual orientation in firearms research.

YOU'RE INVITED: Fertility Goals: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Impact for Science & Policy The Ohio Population Consortium is hosting 2 webinars on fertility desires, intentions, expectations, & measurement. The first, "Conceptualization and Measurement of Fertility Goals" will be on 2/27/25

Large study--assessing 11 million births--finds that expectant mothers with Medicaid coverage who received WIC benefits (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children) were less likely to experience a premature birth and infant mortality

Wondering how to navigate the social media landscape? We share some thoughts.

The February issue is compiled and posted—2 research notes and 12 articles. Our content includes US immigrants’ self-employment, caste inequality & exposure to heat waves, flooding & sociospatial risk, smoking & epigenetic aging, nonresident parent wealth & more.

Our next brownbag talk is Feb 26, 12pm, w/ Kathleen Beegle (, Development Research Group, World Bank, who will present: "Women at Work: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in Urban Djibouti.” 310 Social Sciences & zoom. Don't miss!

🦡 Want a quick and easy way to follow everyone #UWSoc? Use this starter pack to find faculty, grad students, alumni, and emeritus faculty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Sociology.

"Despite decades of crime decline, police surveillance has continued to expand through a range of tactics oriented towards policing social disadvantage."

Wildfire exposure during pregnancy increases the likelihood of low birth weight and fetal death, but the associations vary by maternal education and timing of the exposure.

You're invited: Big Business in Health Care: Policy Challenges in the Age of Corporatized Medicine Virtual event is free and open to the public:

Groundbreaking Analysis Unveils Secrets to Predicting and Changing Human Behavior

ICYMI: Children with asthma had more missed school days and nights of troubled sleep; they told interviewers that they were more sedentary and less likely to play sports than other children.

Carolina Population Center Fellow Amanda Thompson has been named director of the UNC Center for Galapagos Studies (CGS).

Alison Norris gave a stand-out talk at PSC's Brown Bag today -- with policy-changing research on the impact of "24-hour waiting period" laws, now blocked by a temporary injunction, that restricted abortion access in Ohio. 👏

IAPHS is currently open for submissions for Abstracts, Panels, and Pre-Conference Workshops. Submit your proposal now:

Eliminating the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) would likely slow the recovery process for future disasters, says CPC Fellow Miyuki Hino.

Carolina Population Center’s 2024-2025 Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series. Justin Sola: For Whom Does the Bell Toll? Emerging Approaches to Heterogeneity

We are now accepting applications for our Annual Workshop on Formal Demography, taking place in-person at UC Berkeley on June 2-6, 2025. Deadline to apply is March 10. See more information on the workshop and how to apply here: Please share widely!

Although severe asthma is a disease that usually impacts children, a new study finds that asthma ED visits associated with thunderstorm asthma more frequently impact adults, esp. males 18-44 and females 45 and up.

Thunderstorms with lightning strikes during periods of high pollen are linked to doubling of asthma-related emergency department visits on the day of event – known as thunderstorm asthma.

CSDE Seminar: Aging and the Social Brain: The Role of Social Networks in Alzheimer’s Disease – Dr. Brea Perry When: Friday, Feb 21, 2025 (12:30-1:30PM) Register now: #Aging

The Sorry State of Women’s Health in the United States “Girls, women, families, society, and the economy all pay a price for the gaps in knowledge about women’s health,” a new report says.

Research on drug confiscations in Spain suggests that "granting legal status to immigrants reduces illegal drug imports"

"Ultra-processed warning labels may help consumers better identify UPFs, although they do not seem to influence behavioral intentions and product perceptions beyond the influence already exerted by nutrient warning labels."

Households in cities with taxes on sweetened beverages experienced increased prices and reduced their purchases of those beverages.