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#CareNoMatterWhat 🏩💙👩🏻⚕️
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🚀 Impact: Removing parental involvement requirements helped adolescents aged 16-17 in Massachusetts access abortion earlier, emphasizing the importance of reducing barriers to reproductive healthcare for young people. (5/5)
Read the full study: buff.ly/3QDzE6D
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📉 Results: The ROE Act led to a ⏳ 5.46-day decrease in gestational duration at abortion among young people. (4/5)
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📊 Method: Researchers analyzed Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts data on gestational age at abortion among 16 to 17-year-olds and an older control group before and after the ROE Act took effect in December 2020. (3/5)
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📖 Objective: This study aimed to measure the effect of the ROE Act, which eliminated parental consent requirements for abortion for individuals ages 16 to 17, on abortion timing for adolescents in Massachusetts. (2/5)