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Just saw Jon Sopel saying that in The Bad Place and my reaction was much the same.
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Though the key difference is that the dictator in question was a driven, intelligent man with a phenomenal grasp of detail and a gift for powerful oratory, and not a nappy wearing dementia case with a piss fetish.
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That dictator, of course, was eventually installed in power through the machinations of a group of ultra-rich conservatives who thought he could be manipulated into running the country for their exclusive benefit.
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He was the mayor in Jericho too, so he's fairly experienced at surviving the end of the world.
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I think it gets properly good by episode 4, it's just that episode 7 is *really* good.
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I hope she made it out. I hope she realised the path she was on and made better choices before she ended up crippled or dead.
I hope America does too.
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But whenever I read stories of Trump voters, shocked and surprised that the horror they wanted inflicted on others has caught them as well, she comes back to my mind.
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This was over twenty years ago now. I don't work for that firm or even live in the same part of the country any more. I don't know what happened to her in the end.
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And here she was, barely able to conceal her relish as she described the violence she had instigated, telling a story to try to secure the acquittal of a man who, I was fairly certain, would eventually seriously injure or even kill her.
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I remember feeling unnerved as I sat in the conference room, listening to her. I'd heard her voice many times before on 999 recordings, terrified and screaming as he beat her or smashed the house up in a rage triggered, ultimately, by nothing beyond his own inadequacy.
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The second was that these men hurting each other *excited* her.
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This first was that she had engineered the fight between the two. Given that both of them were extremely stupid, violent men who lived in a near constant state of anger and grievance over perceived slights, I imagine this was not difficult.
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In that case, the girlfriend was a defence witness, so I took a statement from her. As I interviewed her, two things became clear.
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The new partner was another neckless meathead with a string of previous for violence. It's fair to say she had a type.
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One time, for a little variety, he was charged with attacking a man: the girlfriend's new partner. Whether or not he and the girlfriend had split up at the time was unclear, and given the chaotic lives they all lived, is probably entirely irrelevant anyway.
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He was very rarely convicted. Usually, she'd decided that she loved him by the following morning and never turned up to give evidence at any of his trials.
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One of them stuck with him for ages. Almost every week, he'd be in the nick or in the court cells, after neighbours had phoned the police or the operator had received a frantic call for help that suddenly cut off as the phone was grabbed from her.
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Many years ago, one of my regular clients was a serial domestic abuser. Zero impulse control. Brain thoroughly addled by speed and steroids, and a nasty piece of work even before that happened. Near as I could tell, he assaulted every girlfriend he ever had.
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It's 2027. Protracted US / Canadian discussions, conducted under the constant shadow of Trump's repeated threats to invade, finally reach their conclusion, and the Canadian government formally welcomes its 50 new provinces.
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So, I don't know if anyone drew "A collection of very badly written airport paperbacks" in the Cause Of The Global Apocalypse Sweepstake, but if you did, I suggest you spend your winnings quickly, whilst you've still got time.
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...the plain fact is that there are a very significant number of people in Evangelical congregations who will look at the demented AI lunacy that Trump posted and immediately think to themselves that it correlates with End Times stuff and therefore means their rapture is imminent.
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And also leaving aside the fact that any deity that required this as part of their masterplan is plainly a sadistic fuck that should be defied and overthrown rather than worshipped...
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Leaving aside the mental gymnastics required to believe that fantasising about the horrific, painful torturous deaths of billions of people makes you a good person....
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Within this belief system, things that move the world towards the fulfilment of the Book of Revelation are excellent and should be encouraged.
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It also features everyone else on earth getting horribly slaughtered.
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A fundamental part of this belief system is that the end of the world is not just necessary, but actually a good thing, because it's all part of God's plan. It also involves all the "good" people (a group in which the belief system's adherents rather mystifyingly include themselves) going to heaven
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All visits to a curry house are special occasions.
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Also worth noting that the offence they're being arrested for is likely to be s127 of the Communications Act, which has been in force for over 20 years. People being arrested for making threats on the internet is not a new thing.
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I'd wager that back when we had our own obese sex pest with stupid hair in charge, and he was all-in on supporting Ukraine (which was the only good decision he made in his entire premiership), there were a few columns from Timmy on how that was, in fact, the obviously right thing to do.
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The section about his academic qualifications contains the densest concentration of [citation needed]s I've ever seen.