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Congratulations to all the new Berkeley NAE inductees, including our collaborator of ~20y and former director Dave Schaffer! Well-deserved and long overdue!!

Single-molecule live-cell RNA imaging with CRISPR–Csm -

Check out the latest news from's Jay Keasling, published in Nature Catalysis: QB3-Berkeley researchers engineer biological assembly-line enzymes to create new, sustainable products. Read the story from grad student Leah Keiser:

Check out the latest news from the Jay Keasling lab, published in @NatureCatalysis: QB3-Berkeley researchers engineer biological assembly-line enzymes to create new, sustainable products. Read the story from grad student Leah Keiser:…

This month's faculty focus interview features Bronwyn Lucas! on running a lab: "It’s about equipping the people in my lab to tackle challenges & mentoring them as they develop their own approaches." Read more on our website:

In our first story of 2025, MCB and CCB grad student Meaghan Marohn highlights UC Berkeley's Center for Theoretical Evolutionary Genomics. Check out the story:

Ahmet Yildiz is our final faculty focus interview of the fall semester! He chats with us about the @Yildiz_Lab's research, how he faces setbacks & how he went from the youngest of 7 growing up in rural Turkey to a @UCBerkeley scientist. Read the story:…

.@UCBerkeley's talented grad students & postdocs arrive on campus with a diverse set of skillsets, experiences & backgrounds. Check out this terrific story from @BerkeleyBioE grad student Jazmin Isabel Velazquez about some of our trainees! Read the story:

UCBerkeley's flagship incubator for life science startups, @bakarlabs_uc, is a finalist for the @CALifeSciences #PantheonAwards. Let's boost them across the finish line! Cast your vote for Bakar Labs in the academia, non-profit, and research category:…

An interdisciplinary group of researchers from the @M_delCarpio & @AnnalieseBeery labs is exploring the molecular mechanisms of friendship in prairie voles using fluorescent carbon nanotube sensors. Read more in this story from grad student Sophia Tomatz

We're back with our faculty focus interview series! First up: Leah Guthrie, a @BerkeleyBioE faculty member & @QB3 faculty affiliate. Read the interview to learn more about the Guthrie lab's research, what inspires the lab's work & advice for trainees.

In our latest news story, @CCBBerkeley & @Cal_Engineer postdoc Sindy Li writes about an interdisciplinary QB3-Berkeley Bioscience Meeting on the “One Health” approach and its potential as a framework for bioscience researchers.…

There are a few spots left to attend next week's QB3-Berkeley Bioscience Meeting! This one-day research conference is free so sign up before registration closes on 7/30. We hope to see you there! Friday, August 2 | 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. | Stanley Hall…

Stanley Hall's newest resident has arrived: Theia! The new @thermofisher microscope on the @UCBerkeley campus will be outfitted with the laser phase plate. Thanks to @TheMuellerLab with support from @cziscience!

Our final interview of the spring semester is with Karthik Shekhar who discussed his lab's research, advice for students, and the value of #SciComm for scientists and the public. And more! Read the interview:…

Check out our interview with Professor Matt Francis: "It continually amazes me to see how creative and innovative @UCBerkeley's students are...I have always looked at this group as a big collaboration between me and all of the trainees." Read more:…

Today is UC Berkeley's annual day of giving—Big Give! Consider supporting QB3-Berkeley's trainees, faculty and research today during #CalBigGive…

Iain Clark in our latest interview: “The greatest reward for me in science has always been the possibility of discovering or building something new. Getting to explore an idea that no one has worked on before, even if it’s small, is a great joy for me.”…

New research from the @NogalesLab and the Kathleen Collins lab: New technique for inserting genes into a "safe harbor" in the genome would complement CRISPR gene editing.…

Samantha Lewis was recently selected for this year's Prytanean Faculty Enrichment Award. Join us in congratulating @SamLewisPhD! Read more on QB3-Berkeley:…

Our latest interview is with Judith Klinman: "My advice: be a squeaky wheel for yourself. Women are often silent and taught to behave themselves, but I think that every young budding female scientist must be their own squeaky wheel." Read the interview:…

Cofounded by @QB3 faculty member Irina Conboy, Generation Lab is creating an anti-aging test kit & personalized aging intervention to help people understand their biological clocks & disease risk. Read more from @SutardjaCenter:…

What advice would you give to students interested in your field? "To observe and question everything. To read, to listen, to engage with hands-on research." -Eva Nogales Read our interview with recent @ShawPrize winner @NogalesLab:

Kudos to QB3-Berkeley faculty affiliate Phillip Messersmith (@ProfMessersmith/@MessersmithLab), recipient of a @BakarFellows Spark Award for the 2nd year in a row! Read about his project:@BerkeleyMSE @BerkeleyBioE…

New in @BioSpace: How can higher ed help academically oriented startups flourish? @QB3's @BakarLabs_UC offers a model.…

Researchers led by QB3-Berkeley faculty affiliate Jay Keasling (@JayKeasling) of @BerkeleyLab, @JBEI, @Keasling_Lab have engineered microbes to make biological alternatives to the building blocks for the infinitely recyclable plastic PDK.…

Fresh from @UCBLettersSci: Great interview with QB3-Berkeley faculty affiliate Michael Rapé (@RapeLab) about the new Division of Molecular Therapeutics launching in @berkeleyMCB this fall. Check it out:…

Congrats to QB3-Berkeley faculty affiliate Karthik Shekhar (@ShekharLab)! 🎉 He's one of 16 recipients of a 2023 Scialog award, sponsored by @RCSA1, @AllenInstitute, Frederick Gardner Cottrell Foundation, & Walder Foundation.…

In 2013, @BenjaminLOakes faced a difficult choice between two QB3-Berkeley faculty affiliates: Should he pursue his PhD with @doudna_lab or @SavageCatsOnly? 🤔 He chose both! Read about their work at @ScribeTx to advance #CRISPR-based gene editing tools:…

Does improved water, sanitation & hygiene lead to fewer antibiotic-resistant bacteria? 🚰🦠 New in the @LancetMicrobe: QB3-Berkeley affiliate Amy Pickering (@SeqH2O) & team performed an ecological study that found exactly that.…

Congratulations to QB3-Berkeley affiliate & @UCB_Chemistry prof Karthik Shekhar (@ShekharLab), selected to receive a 2023 McKnight Scholar Award from @McKnightFdn! 🎉 Read more about his research:…

How sensitive is photosynthesis? 🌱☀️ According to new research in @Nature co-authored by QB3-Berkeley affiliate & @BerkeleyLab senior scientist Graham Fleming, the reaction can start with a single photon.…

QB3 affiliates Jamie Cate (@jhdcate) & @AlannaSchepartz at the @NSF C-GEM (@cgem_cci) work to biosynthesize molecules never before made in a cell, helping to expand the function and versatility of proteins and polypeptides.…

Congratulations to Professor Shekhar — honored with not one, but TWO different teaching awards this semester! 🏆🏆…

Attention, students & recent alumni: Sign up ASAP for the upcoming AI Hackathon, hosted by @SkyDeck_Cal, on June 17-18!…

Congrats & kudos to QB3 faculty affiliate Eva Nogales (@NogalesLab) of @BerkeleyMCB & @BerkeleyLab, honored with a 2023 @ShawPrize for her pioneering electron microscopy research that elucidated the earliest steps of gene transcription.…

QB3 faculty affiliate Amy Pickering (@SeqH20) & colleagues have co-authored a perspective in @NatureWaterJnl that argues for a deeper assessment of the “hidden” costs of #WaterTreatment technologies, including affordability, labor burden & user acceptance.…

Science has been considered a purely objective field of study. But, as QB3-Berkeley's Aaron Streets (@airstreets) of @BerkeleyBioE tells @IvanVNatividad, it is important for those who conduct that research “to represent the full diversity of human genetic variation.”…

This week in @Nature: A team led by QB3-Berkeley faculty affiliate Daniel Rokhsar has identified the earliest common ancestor of all animals—comb jellies, or ctenophores.…

Congratulations to former QB3-Berkeley Director Susan Marqusee (@MarquseeLab), who will lead the @NSF Directorate for Biological Sciences starting June 30. 🎉…

QB3 faculty affiliate @JayKeasling & team have discovered a metabolic process in bacteria that offers a sustainable alternative to chemical manufacturing processes that typically rely on fossil fuels. @BerkeleyLab @JBEI @UCB_Chemistry…

AsparaGlue, a #MedTech startup led by @QB3 faculty affiliate Phillip Messersmith (@ProfMessersmith) of @BerkeleyBioE, is one of the 1st three companies accepted to the program.…

Congrats to biochemist & QB3 faculty affiliate Donald Rio of @BerkeleyMCB, among the latest class of @theNASciences members for his distinguished and continuing achievements in original research. 👏…

Congratulations to entrepreneur & forensic genomics expert Ed Green of @UCSCBME, named the new scientific director of @QB3UCSC, our sibling @QB3 campus at @UCSC! 🎉…

Final call! QB3-Berkeley Professional in Residence event is Friday. Trainees - join 11am in Stanley 177 for a great discussion including on the transition from academia to startup roles. Plus get advice relevant to your current career plans! Reg.:…

PLS RT: @berkeleyMCB , @PMB_Berkeley, etc - Tues. 4/25, 6pm - Prof. Yansong Miao will speak to trainees as part of our International Job Search program. @MiaoYansong transitioned from @DavidGDrubin lab to faculty role at NTU in Singapore. Reg./zoom info:…

Save the Date ~ our last Spring PIR event for trainees (& spread the word) features @berkeleyMCB grad Dr. Bilge Ozaydin. Learn insights/advice reflecting Bilge's journey from early career scientist to startup leadership @pivotbio. Join us May 5, 2023: