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I like fish + fishing and study both as professor for integrative fisheries management (IFishMan) at Humboldt-Universität and IGB in Berlin. Editor of Fish Fish. and Z. für Fischerei. Father of two and into independent music. Read more at
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Kackeistamdampfen – das Opinion-Stück für die New York Times über das Erstarken der Rechtsextremen und die deutsche Geschichtsvergessenheit ist JETZT auch frei und ohne Paywall bei Youtube!

Great visit of former postdoc in our lab today.

This is how it all started fishing on the coast of Spain. Thats all for today.

Unordnung im Kinderzimmer? Unbedingt – zumindest wenn es um #Flussfische geht. Die sind während ihres Wachstums auf vernetzte #Auen und unterschiedliche Lebensraumtypen angewiesen. In vereinheitlichten #Flusslandschaften sollte daher wieder mehr Vielfalt entstehen:

How nice!

Fantastischer Artikel im @laborjournal , über zwei Paper die eine Erklärung liefern, warum die hochrangigsten Journale die unverlässlichsten Arbeiten publizieren:

These 2 papers provide compelling empirical evidence that competition in #science leads to sloppy work being preferentially published in hi-ranking journals: Using […]

It's been known for quite some time that more prestigious journals publish less reliable #science. Now two papers provide compelling empirical evidence as to potential underlying mechanisms: […]

Coolest ecology paper of the year in February

I usually reserve this account for my personal views; but today I want to represent my position as President of to post a message that will shortly go out to the membership of the American Society of Naturalists from the ASN Executive Council

Papers like this make me speechless; this is pathetic. There is war! People die. The impaired animal tracking is simply irrelevant in times of massive human suffering. How about writing military is the cause you can track things in the first place?

Stocked about this nomination for the Frontiers Planet Prize

AI and social media are and will escalate fake news, reinforcing biased beliefs by many. This already undermines public acceptance of science. Liberal democracies are built on fact-based discourse. Facts and discourse are getting impossible. In addition autocrates cut science. We are screwed.

Interesting study on who stays in academia

🐟 Halten Fische Winterschlaf? Wie atmen Frösche in der Winterstarre? Und was genau sind Turionen? Teste dein Wissen über die faszinierenden Überlebensstrategien von Tieren und Pflanzen im #Wasser – im #Wissenschaftsquiz mit IGB-Forscher

Our new paper describes a stakeholder process on western #cod where the stock collapsed during the workshop process.

Today we had Vivien Kudelka from the Marine Stewardship Council as guest lecture in my fisheries management class Very interesting. Thank you! #MSC #Fisheries

New paper by colleagues in Nature on global scale relevance of small scale fisheries (recreational fisheries excluded). Very nice read.

Happy to share that our paper "How quota cuts, recreational fishing, and predator conservation can shape coastal commercial fishery efforts" is finally published in CJFAS, with, Sean Pascoe, Birgit Gassler and Simon Weltersbach

New #iucn based assessment of conservation status once more shows inland fisheries is not a jey threat. It is pollution, habitat loss etc. in freshwaters. Therefore, attention should focus there.

New Podcast (in German) on catch and release angling

New synthesis on the overlooked value of old animals in conservation by and others in

In defence of peer review by and colleagues

Our top five insights with contributions or led by my IFishMan lab for 2024. First, we show that recreational fish harvest is a relevant food generator in some countries:

We need to identify development thresholds to ensure that our actions in riparian areas and along shorelines to not push freshwater ecosystems over the edge.

Happy new year to you all.

Berliner Mogenpost did a feature today on the "Anglerprofessor". Thanks for the nice words.

Robust science? No problem et al. #academichumour

Did NOT see this coming!! Analysis of 2.9M rivers globally finds that, on avg 1984-2018, streamflow increased in headwaters & declined in downstream sections (1.7 times more upstream increases found than declines; ~4 times more downstream declines than increases).

Fish with barotrauma that are fizzed to mitigate buoyancy issues should be released over habitats consistent with their preferred depth given that fizzed fish head for the bottom no matter how deep the water!

Marine recreational fisheries is poorly represented in the Common Fisheries Policy of the EU. Our new policy study offers a critique

A one our German talk of mine on sustainable recreational fisheries.

Angling creates hook shy pike, our latest paper finds.